
  • 网络Sumerian Mythology
  1. 沙鲁尔杖是苏美尔神话中一把会说话的权杖,它的主人是尼努尔塔。

    Sharur was the mace of the Sumerian god Ninurta and possessed the ability to speak .

  2. 苏美尔神话、赫梯神话、迦南神话对其都有巨大的影响。

    Sumerian myth , Hittites myth , a myth of their letters have a great impact .

  3. 前者的创世神话以苏美尔和巴比伦神话为代表。后者的创世神话主要存在于希伯来人的经典著作《圣经·创世纪》中。

    The former takes Sumerian and Babylonian myth as representatives ; while the latter mainly exists in the Hebrew classical masterpiece Bible .