
sū xǐng
  • wake up;revive;come to;regain consciousness;resuscitation;come round
苏醒 [sū xǐng]
  • (1) [resuscitation ]∶从昏迷中清醒过来

  • 他昏迷了一个多小时才苏醒过来

  • (2) [wake up]∶唤醒;使觉醒

  • 蛇被温热苏醒了

苏醒[sū xǐng]
  1. 他们拼命地努力让他苏醒过来。

    They made frantic attempts to revive him .

  2. 他们努力使他苏醒,但失败了。

    Their efforts to revive him were futile .

  3. 她再也没有苏醒过来,第二天便去世了。

    She did not regain consciousness and died the next day .

  4. 他昏迷了一个多小时,在医院才苏醒过来。

    He was out for more than an hour and came round in the hospital .

  5. 紧靠我们右面,古老的德国避暑胜地正在苏醒。

    Immediately to our right the old German summer resort was awakening .

  6. 他苏醒过来,抬起头,看见了巴尼。

    When he came to and raised his head he saw Barney .

  7. 她和邻居想尽一切办法都没能让他苏醒过来。

    She and a neighbour tried in vain to revive him

  8. 虽然对朱莉娅施行了人工呼吸,但她没能苏醒过来。

    Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived .

  9. 当我从救护车中苏醒过来时才知道发生了什么事。

    The first I knew about it was when I woke up in the ambulance .

  10. 他苏醒过来之后不记得自己为什么会在警察局的隔离室里。

    He couldn 't remember why he was in the cell at the police station after he came to .

  11. 他们在她床边守了3天3夜,等待她苏醒过来。

    For three days and nights they watched by her bed waiting for her to come round .

  12. 过了一会儿,她突然苏醒过来。

    In a few moments she suddenly came to .

  13. 针刺疗法经常可使昏迷中的人苏醒过来。

    Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to .

  14. 杰斯林昏过去了,这桶水会使他苏醒过来。

    Jacelin has fainted , this bucket of water should fetch him to .

  15. 他昏死过去,但不久就苏醒了。

    He got faint , but soon came round .

  16. 他昏迷了一个多小时才苏醒过来。

    He remained unconscious for more than an hour before he came to .

  17. 她听到那消息便昏倒了,但他们最终使她苏醒了。

    She fainted when she heard the news but they finally brought to her .

  18. 嗅盐的气味使她苏醒过来。

    The smelling salts brought her around .

  19. 他从昏晕中苏醒过来。

    He recovered from a faint .

  20. 这个公共汽车司机再也没有苏醒,死在了东素里医院。

    The bus driver never regained consciousness and died at East Surrey Hospital .

  21. 费塞昏过去了,这桶水可以使他苏醒过来

    Facer has fainted ; this bucket of water should fetch him round .

  22. 病人从昏迷中苏醒过来。

    The patient rallied from the coma .

  23. 这个医生使这个昏睡的苏醒了。

    The doctors revived the comatose man .

  24. 麻醉苏醒时即出现MG的4例患者中,均使用了非去极化肌松剂;

    Cases who occur MG as soon as pull up narcotic tube , all adopted nondepolarizing muscular relaxants .

  25. 然后我猛地回过神来,因为单纯的自我意识突然苏醒了,告诉我就算是那位X先生也无法为他朋友的狗代言。

    I came to by the simple assertion of a self-consciousness that even Mr & could not have claimed for his friend 's dog .

  26. EGA组苏醒时间明显短于GA组(P<0.01)。

    The awakening time was shorter in EGA group than in GA group .

  27. R组苏醒期MAP和HR与其余两组相比明显增高(P<0.05)。

    MAP and HR in group R were significantly higher than other two groups during recovery from anesthesia ( P < 0.05 ) . The occurrence of fidget ?

  28. Ramsay镇静深度评分有利于判断病人苏醒程度。

    Ramsay score is valuable to estimate the level of emergence .

  29. P组苏醒期躁动和兴奋多语的发生率分别为34%及31%,PR组未发生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    Group P had restlessness and hyperphasia during reanimation stage , accounting for 34 % and 31 % respectively , while group PR had nothing occurred ( P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 两组分别监测气管插管、切皮、术毕、气管拔管时的HR、MAP,术毕苏醒时间,苏醒期躁动情况和麻醉维持期全麻用药量;

    And group B were performed with simple general anesthesia . The HR and MAP were measured during endotracheal intubation , at skin incision , end of operation and decannulation period .