
  • 网络Wu Tianming;blog
  1. 吴天明的女儿吴妍妍表示,在父亲死后,《百鸟朝凤》这部电影因为缺乏推广资金而导致一再被搁置上映。

    According to Wu Yanyan , daughter of Wu Tianming , the lack of promotion funds led to the shelving of the film after her father died .

  2. 近日,导演吴天明的遗作《百鸟朝凤》的电影制作人、出资人竟然在直播视频中下跪,乞求各大影院的院线经理能为这部电影增加排片量。

    A producer and promoter for Wu Tianming 's posthumous film " Song of the Phoenix " has kneeled down in an online video , begging theater owners for more showtime for the film .

  3. 该部电影的导演吴天明是中国电影行业的第四代电影制作人。《百鸟朝凤》是他去世之前的最后一部作品,不过他再也没有机会亲眼看到这部电影的发行。

    Wu Tianming , a leading man in the Chinese film industry 's fourth generation of filmmakers , had finished his last film entitled " Song of the Phoenix " before his death but never had a chance to see it released .