
  • 网络defense mechanism;Self-defense Mechanism
  1. RNA沉默是植物抵御病毒侵染的一种防卫机制,其本质是转录后的基因沉默(PTGS),一般由dsRNA引发。

    RNA silencing is a defense mechanism for plant to resist virus infection , the nature is post-transcriptional gene silencing ( PTGS ), generally caused by dsRNA .

  2. 该菌的侵染循环涉及复杂的细胞分化过程,以应对宿主的防卫机制。

    Its infection process involves a complex cell differentiation in response to host defense mechanism .

  3. 借助积极、且符合世界贸易组织(wto)规则的贸易防卫机制,巴西不会容许本国产业受到不公平竞争的损害。

    Through active trade defence mechanisms , supported by WTO rules , it will not allow its industry to be jeopardised by unfair competition .

  4. 病毒诱导基因沉默是利用RNA介导病毒防卫机制的一项技术,构建含有目的基因片段的人工改造病毒载体,通过农杆菌侵染导致植物内源目的基因沉默。

    Virus-introduced gene silencing is a technique that exploits the RNA-mediated antiviral mechanism . The modified virus vector carrying the fragment of a target gene were constructed and then inserted to silence the target gene within host plants by Agrobacterium-meditated transformation .

  5. 昆虫免疫是寄主昆虫抵御寄生物侵袭的一种防卫机制。

    Insect immunity is a defense mechanisms against attack by parasitoids .

  6. 自我防卫机制的某些研究趋向

    Some Advances in the Study of the Ego-defense Mechanism

  7. 但是,其防卫机制并不清楚。

    However , the mechanisms are poorly understood .

  8. 从课间休息的孩子,到处理悲剧的成年人,每个人时不时都会用到防卫机制。

    Everyone uses defense mechanisms from time to time , from kids at recess to adults dealing with tragedy .

  9. 好奇心:放下自己的防卫机制,对他人保持敞开,在任何环境下保持一颗敞开的心。

    Curiosity : Diminishing your defensiveness , and remaining open to differences ; being willing to learn more about self and other in every circumstance .

  10. 当防卫机制不起作用时,就会造成一种病症,其名称在如今的心理学领域已经不常用到,但在弗洛伊德的时代,这是个非常流行的名称:,这就是癔症。

    Sometimes things go awry and what happens is a phrase that 's not currently used in psychology but was popular during Freud 's time : hysteria .

  11. 不幸的是,有时候,八目鳗类鱼会成为自己防卫机制的受害者。但通常情况下,它会把自己拧成几节,然后从粘液中逃脱。

    The hagfish , unfortunately , sometimes falls prey to its own defense mechanism , but normally it twists itself into knots to escape the gelatinous goop .

  12. 前两种防卫机制的作用是暂时的,只有最后创伤周形成时,树皮伤口才能得到充分有效的保护。

    The former two mechanisms gave only temporary protection to the tapping cut and the cut could not be protected completely and efficiently until the wound periderm was finally formed .

  13. 心理学基础中教授的内容包括动机和挫折、心理防卫机制、认知过程、情感过程、心理的生物学基础。

    In the part of psychological basis we would introduce motive and frustration , defense mechanism , the cognitive process , emotional process and the biological basis of the mind .

  14. 只不过我们有着完善的自我防御系统,能够迅速识别这些变异的细胞,并且在他们还没有真正成为癌细胞的时候就被身体的防卫机制摧毁。

    That sounds alarming , but fortunately our natural defence mechanisms will usually stop the mutation in its tracks by destroying the mutant cell before it can grow into a full-blown tumour .

  15. 本研究为进一步探讨小麦与叶锈菌互作的早期识别机制及小麦抗叶锈菌侵染的早期防卫机制奠定了基础。

    This research can provide a basis to further study of the early identification mechanism of the interaction of wheat and Puccinia triticina and the early defense mechanism of wheat to Puccinia triticina .

  16. 为了抵抗病原菌的侵染,植物进化出一套可以抑制病原菌扩展的防卫机制,使之能识别特定的病原菌,并作出及时、有效的防卫反应。

    To avoid the invasion of pathogen , plant has evolved an immune mechanism to limit the pathogen growth , by which the plant recognizes the pathogen and makes effective immune reaction in time .

  17. 这导致大脑接收的信息产生矛盾,人体的心理防卫机制便一触即发,因为最能使信息产生矛盾的东西就是由药物带来的幻觉。

    This causes the brain to receive conflicting information . This triggers a psychological defense mechanism , because the most likely cause of a conflict between the senses are hallucinations brought about by poison .

  18. 南风教育符合儿童的身心发展特点和时代发展的趋势,而最重要的是南风教育在改变儿童不良态度的过程中,不会激起儿童的自我防卫机制。

    Souther education accords with developmental trait of children 's body and mind and developmental trend of times . And foremost souther education does not arouse children 's ego defense mechanism during changing ill attitude of children .

  19. 纽约组织心理学家、高管导师本•达特纳表示,人们从诱惑领域中选择一个职业的目的或许是把它作为一种防卫机制,用来保护自己免受内在缺陷的伤害。

    It could be that he chose a profession in an area of temptation as a defense mechanism in an attempt to protect himself from an inner flaw , says Ben Dattner , an organizational psychologist and executive coach based in New York .

  20. 学生们或许都会利用一种已知的防卫机制,在专业领域来说,叫做“贬值诱惑”,或者换句话说,就是把事物想得不如本来那么吸引人。

    The students were probably exerting a type of defense mechanism that 's known , in science-speak , as " devaluing temptation " -- or , in other words , thinking that something isn 't nearly as appealing as it might actually be .

  21. 割口树皮依次出现3种防卫机制:⑴乳管预先形成的物理和化学防卫物质(橡胶粒子和包括几丁质酶在内的防卫蛋白质)在树皮伤口表面和乳管伤口末端的积累;

    Three defense mechanisms appeared successively after tapping around the tapping cut : accumulation of the preformed physical and chemical defense materials , rubber particles and defense proteins including chitinase , in the cut surface and at the end of the cut of the laticifers ;

  22. 因此,对大学生进行挫折教育应该以认知教育与耐挫力训练同步进行,避免不良应对,在了解其挫折心理形成原因的同时,利用心理防卫机制对学生进行心理调整和教育。

    So this kind of education must go hand in hand with cognitive education and resistant training against setback so as to avoid improper response , furthermore , adjust their psychology with the system of psychological defense when we perceive the cause of the setback .

  23. 植物在应对外界生物与非生物胁迫过程中获得了一系列复杂的植物防卫反应机制。

    Plants have evolved excellent defense mechanisms to protect themselves from biotic and abiotic stresses .

  24. 运用统计图解方法研究,发现中国农户家庭偏好中存在防卫性机制。

    Our graphical statistics reveals that a behavioural mechanism under the precautionary motive exists in China 's farm household preferences .

  25. 最近的研究发现,水杨酸全面抑制生长素相关基因的表达,且水杨酸对生长素信号通路的抑制是水杨酸介导的抗病防卫反应机制的一部分,说明生长素在植物防卫过程中也起着重要作用。

    Most recent study shows that SA causes global repression of auxin-related genes , and this inhibitory effect on auxin signaling is a part of the SA-mediated disease-resistance mechanism . This indicates that auxin also plays key role in plant defense .

  26. 之后,胁迫表达基因、抗病基因的表达也随之发生变化,随着病程的加深和寄主自身防卫反应机制的激活,其表达量也逐渐上升。

    Afterward , the coercion expresses the gene , the disease-resistant gene expression also to change along with it . The host defense response mechanism was activated with the course of the disease , the expression quantity of the defense response gene also gradually rises in the same time .