
fánɡ bào jǐnɡ chá
  • riot police;baton gun;riot gun
  1. 手持盾牌的防暴警察堵住了示威者的路。

    Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators ' way .

  2. 防暴警察随时待命,但还没有出现冲突场面。

    Riot police are on hand but have not been confrontational .

  3. 大约1,000名学生在首都与防暴警察发生了冲突。

    About a thousand students fought with riot police in the capital

  4. 正在全城部署防暴警察以防止发生骚乱。

    Riot police are being deployed throughout the city to prevent any trouble

  5. 防暴警察和数辆消防车都到了。

    Police with riot gear and several fire engines are in attendance .

  6. 一队队防暴警察紧张待命。

    Ranks of police in riot gear stood nervously by

  7. 大约10分钟之后,防暴警察就到了。

    After about 10 minutes the riot police arrived .

  8. 防暴警察驱散了示威的学生。

    Riot police broke up a demonstration by students .

  9. 防暴警察向人群中投掷了催泪瓦斯罐和烟幕弹。

    Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd .

  10. 防暴警察遭到一阵密集的石块和汽油弹的袭击。

    The riot police were met with a hail of stones and petrol bombs .

  11. 他们向防暴警察挑衅大骂,防暴警察同样回骂他们。

    They hurled defiant taunts at the riot police , who responded in kind .

  12. 巡逻车在街上守候,防暴警察也在一旁待命。

    There were patrol cars on the streets and riot police standing by in reserve .

  13. 有许多带警棍的防暴警察

    There were many riot policemen with batons .

  14. 直升机盘旋在圣乔万尼广场(PiazzaSanGiovanni)上空,防暴警察发射催泪瓦斯,与数百名抗议者爆发的冲突持续至夜晚。这些抗议者大多是年轻人,许多人戴着头盔。

    Helicopters hovered over Piazza San Giovanni as riot police fired tear gas and fought running battles into the night with hundreds of protesters , mostly young , many wearing helmets .

  15. 约4000名防暴警察被部署在街道上。

    More than 4000 riot police were deployed in the streets .

  16. 防暴警察发射催泪弹和照明弹驱散人群

    The police fired tear gas canisters and flares to disperse the crowds

  17. 防暴警察用催泪弹和高压水枪将抗议者驱散。

    Riot police used teargas and water cannons to disperse the protestors .

  18. 这项立法的目的是把退休年龄从60岁提高到62岁。电视画面显示,在巴黎郊区,防暴警察跟头戴面具的学生发生冲突。

    Television footage showed riot police battling masked students in suburban Paris .

  19. 好斗的学生向防暴警察投掷火焰弹,警察则用催泪瓦斯予以还击。

    Militant students hurled firebombs and riot police retaliated with tear gas .

  20. 防暴警察已经使用高压水枪和催泪瓦斯。

    The riot police had been using water cannons and tear gas .

  21. 好几组防暴警察正在市中心巡逻。

    Group of riot police are patrolling the centre of the town .

  22. 防暴警察开始对他们采取镇压行动。

    The riot police started to crack down on them .

  23. 防暴警察迅速列队准备行动。

    The riot police quickly fell into rank for action .

  24. 防暴警察携带催泪弹散布在激动的人群当中。

    Riot police with tear gas dispersed some parts of the crowd .

  25. 周三,越南政府动用了防暴警察,多家工厂也被关闭。

    Riot police were deployed and factories closed on Wednesday .

  26. 防暴警察出动,驱散拥挤在小镇上的人群。

    Riot police broke up crowds of revellers who flocked to the town .

  27. 但因防暴警察动用了催泪弹和水枪而未果。

    But riot police armed with tear gas and water cannon stopped them .

  28. 防暴警察反恐怖行动中特种武器装备及其运用

    Special Type Weapon Equipments and Their Uses of Riot Police during Anti-terrorism Action

  29. 以色列边境防暴警察(三)&以色列反恐怖特种部队

    Riot Police on Israel Frontier ( 3 ) & Antiterroristic Special Troops of Israel

  30. 防暴警察站在马路对面。

    Riot police were ranged across the street .