
  • 网络water cannon;Water Gun
  1. 防暴警察用催泪弹和高压水枪将抗议者驱散。

    Riot police used teargas and water cannons to disperse the protestors .

  2. 防暴警察已经使用高压水枪和催泪瓦斯。

    The riot police had been using water cannons and tear gas .

  3. 警察把高压水枪对准了闹事者。

    Police turned water cannon on the rioters .

  4. 政府和伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)应制定周密的应对规则,应当考虑催泪瓦斯和高压水枪等非致命武器,但不应使用塑胶子弹,后者在北爱尔兰曾留下令人不快的记忆。

    It is for the government and the metropolitan police to determine the precise rules of engagement . Non-lethal tools such as tear-gas and water-cannon should be considered rather than plastic bullets , which have an unhappy history in Northern Ireland .

  5. 卡迪夫大学警务调查及培训组织(UPSI)的马丁•因尼斯(MartinInnes)认为,警方面对的暴动人群“不固定地点,不停流动,呈卫星状”,高压水枪不会其多大作用。

    Martin Innes , of the Universities Police Science Institute at Cardiff University , says that water cannon would not be much use against the kind of " fluid , highly mobile satellite groups " that the police have faced .

  6. 日本公共广播机构日本广播协会(nhk)播出了海上保安厅巡视船用高压水枪对付台湾渔船的画面,并称,台湾方面的巡逻船也对日方喷水回击。

    NHK , the Japanese state broadcaster , broadcast footage of Japanese coast guards using water cannon against Taiwanese fishing boats and said Taiwanese patrol boats had responded by spraying water toward the Japanese vessels .

  7. 警方已获得使用橡胶子弹的授权,还有,尽管我们在Cobra会议上同意目前还没有必要,但我们已制定了应急计划,可以在提前24小时通知后使用高压水枪。

    The police are already authorised to use baton rounds , and we agreed at Cobra that while they are not currently needed , we now have in place contingency plans for water cannon to be available at 24 hours ' notice , he said .

  8. 后来,警方试图用高压水枪驱散抗议者。

    Police later tried to disperse the protesters with water cannon .

  9. 缓冲式高压水枪的研究及应用

    Study and application of damping high pressure squirt gun BUFFER CAPACITY

  10. 高压水枪脆性断裂分析及使用

    Analysis of Brittle Crack on High Pressure Water Gun and Its Use

  11. 用中高压水枪即可洗去。

    It removes easily with med-high pressure water wash .

  12. 防暴警察使用催泪弹、胡椒粉喷雾和高压水枪来对付人群。

    Riot police used tear gas , pepper spray and water cannons against the crowds .

  13. 一些装有高压水枪的卡车被开到了莫斯科,用于驱散抗议者,到目前为止,这些卡车还没有派上用场。

    The water cannon trucks , brought this week to Moscow to disperse demonstrators , remained inactive .

  14. 肯尼亚警方用催泪弹和高压水枪来对付奈洛比地区的反政府分子。

    Kenyan police used teargas and water cannons against several hundred anti-government protesters in Nairobi , Kenya .

  15. 车辆清洗使用抹布,严禁使用高压水枪和自来水冲洗。

    Cleansing vehicles used dishcloth , and forbids the use of high-pressure water gun and water processing .

  16. 日本用高压水枪和直升机将海水浇到反应堆中,试图降低其温度。

    They 're using high-pressure water cannons and helicopters dropping seawater to try to cool down the reactor .

  17. 土耳其安全部队使用催泪瓦斯和高压水枪驱散在边境的叙利亚难民。

    Turkey 's security forces fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse Syrian refugees at the border .

  18. 暴力的警察用高压水枪驱逐人群,警察追赶分散的示威者至杰森路。

    Riot policed backed by water canons dispersed the crowd , and police chased scattered demonstrators down to Jason Street .

  19. 土耳其警方用高压水枪驱散一周内首次大规模聚集在伊斯坦布尔塔克西姆广场的示威者。

    In Turkey , police used water cannons to disperse the first mass gathering in Istanbul 's Taksim Square in nearly a week .

  20. 目击者表示,土耳其警方先是警告克孜拉伊广场的示威者,之后用催泪瓦斯和高压水枪驱赶他们。

    Witnesses say the Turkish police first warned the protesters in Kizilay Square and later used tear gas and water cannon to disperse them .

  21. 他保证采取严厉措施遏制暴力的进一步发展,并表示“什么都可以使用”,包括高压水枪和橡胶子弹。

    He promised tough measures to stop further violence and said " nothing should be off the table ," including water cannons and plastic bullets .

  22. 沉井下沉控制中的刃脚内模沙土,抽沙泵抽沙下沉,高压水枪破压、空压机吹压下沉等。

    In open caisson sinking-control the sand in edge foot inner-mold , sand-pumping sinking , and pressure hydraulic monitor breaking and pressure-blowing sinking by air pressure blower etc.

  23. 恢复内部冷却系统,仍是稳定核电站、告别直升机洒水和高压水枪喷水等临时紧急措施的最佳希望所在。

    Restoring the internal cooling systems remains the best hope for stabilising the plant and moving beyond the ad hoc emergency measures of helicopter water drops and spraying with water cannons .

  24. 粉刷过的旧墙面重涂时请用高压水枪冲洗或用铲刀铲除以清除松浮物质和松脱的漆膜。

    Has whitewashed the old wall surface spreads again when please use the high-pressured water gun flushing or eliminates the pine with the shovel eradication to float the varnish film which the material and loosens .

  25. 几个星期后的一个周六,他把斯图特埃米尔家那些脏毯子扔上卡车,拉到洗车处,用高压水枪冲洗。

    A few weeks later on the Saturday he threw all Stoutamire 's dirty horse blankets into the back of his pickup and took them down to the Quik Stop Car Wash to turn the high-pressure spray on them .

  26. 如今警方已获准使用高压水枪和防暴子弹,但警方似乎并没怎么打算使用,反而开始越来越多地使用装甲车来驱散人群。

    Both water cannon and baton rounds have now been made available to the police , but they have shown little appetite for employing either . They have , however , started to make greater use of armoured vehicles to break up crowds .

  27. 警方已获得使用橡胶子弹的授权,还有,尽管我们在“眼镜蛇”会议上同意目前还没有必要,但我们已制定了应急计划,可以在提前24小时通知后使用高压水枪。

    Nothing is off the table . The police are already authorised to use baton rounds . And we agreed at the Cobra that while they are not currently needed , we now have in place contingency plans for water cannon to be available at 24 hours notice .

  28. 目的研究骨髓腔分别用高压脉冲水枪冲洗、髓腔刷洗(骨髓腔清创,简称冲刷)处理及不做处理后,骨水泥与骨界面及其结合情况,进行界面力学测定,对结果作比较。

    Objective To study the interface between bone and bonecement bonds after washing out or not , the marrow cavity with high pressure and pulsing squirt gun and brush ( marrow cavity debridement ), to measure the power of interface and compare the results .