
  1. 它的澹泊、自尊、朴素而又高贵的气质。

    She lives simply , the self-respect , simple and the noble makings .

  2. 相貌文雅,态度自信,显示出其高贵的气质。

    Elegant in appearance , of proud carriage , reflecting great nobility and temperament .

  3. 他有种高贵的气质。

    There is something noble about him .

  4. 他有高贵的气质。

    He has a noble air .

  5. 艺术家们笔下的苞米、白菜、棉花、高梁、寒春之际的荒坡都有了鲜活的生命和高贵的气质。

    Chinese cabbage , corn , cotton , sorghum , Hinton in artist pen . As have a fresh life and noble temperament .

  6. GLAS-STEEL产品以睿智大气的造型,典雅高贵的气质,融合了现代经典元素,彰显尊贵、奢华。

    GLAS-STEELproducts with wisdom and atmospheric modeling , elegant and noble qualities , combines elements of modern classical , highlight the distinguished , and luxury .

  7. 他心灵的崇高赋予了他的音乐以高贵的气质,而他的力量与想象是他的音乐界除了束缚并且平民化了&是他为各个时代、各个地方和各国人民服务。

    His majesty of soul gave its own nobility to his music , while his force and his vision democratized and liberated it , making it serve all times , all places , and all peoples .

  8. 同时利用建筑设计的风格和手法,在酒店景观设计中采用了一些欧式的景观元素,使该酒店景观尊显高贵豪华的气质。

    Meanwhile , taking advantages of architecture design style and approach , we add some European landscape elements to display the nobility of the hotel .

  9. 皇家蓝蓝宝石带有一种浓郁深沉、高贵典雅的气质,英国女王伊丽莎白二世即有一枚缅甸的硕大皇家蓝宝石胸针。

    Real are blue gems with a deep , rich noble and elegant temperament , and Britain 's queen Elizabeth ii is a medal of Burma 's royal sapphire huge brooch .

  10. 老鹰有著无人能比的高贵以及骄傲的气质,只为了隐藏自己的寂寞。

    Eagle has the unmatched nobility and and haughty disposition only for hiding its own loneliness .

  11. 其款式新颖,设计独特,兼具现代浪漫的时尚风格和高贵独特的典雅气质。

    Its unique design , novel style , modern romantic style with the unique and noble elegant temperament .

  12. 随处可见的壁画使整个泳池充盈着高贵而又时尚的艺术气质,仿佛置身于艺术殿堂。

    Murals on the walls refine the artistic style of the pool , making the space an elegant and modern art palace .