
  • 网络European architecture;European building
  1. 在移民者到达后的五个世纪,随之而来的欧洲建筑风格也被逐渐地改造和重新定义。

    Over the five centuries after European arrival , transplanted European building traditions were gradually reshaped and redefined .

  2. 欧洲建筑商联合会拥有逾35万家建筑公司会员。

    The European Builders Confederation has a membership of over 350,000 building companies .

  3. 这栋大楼是欧洲建筑风格的范例。

    This building is a good example of European architecture .

  4. 细看欧洲建筑装饰&建筑浮雕

    Insight into the architectural decoration in Europe & Embossment on erections

  5. 欧洲建筑产业、设备市场及技术动态

    European Construction Industry , Equipment Market and Technical Trends

  6. 拜读欧洲建筑的静美与热烈

    The Gentle Beauty and Ardent Impression of European Buildings

  7. 富有盛名的布科维那油画修道院是对欧洲建筑有着重要的贡献。

    The famous painted monasteries of Bukovina make an important contribution to European architecture .

  8. 教堂的建筑艺术集中代表了16世纪的欧洲建筑风格。

    The architecture of the cathedral best represents the architectural style of the16th century Europe .

  9. 学习与借鉴&欧洲建筑考察散记

    Learn and Benefit from Europe Architecture Investigation

  10. 天津是个很好的购物城市,也是一座19世纪欧洲建筑博物馆。

    Tianjin is a good shopping city as well as a museum of 19th European century architecture .

  11. 欧洲建筑设备委员会

    Committee for European Construction Equipment

  12. 欧洲建筑装饰

    Architectural Decoration in Europe

  13. 欧洲建筑经济学委员会

    Construction Economics European Committee

  14. 随后介绍了两家欧洲建筑事务所对理性的建筑文化足迹的探索实践。

    Then , practice of two European architecture firms that Is on the rational exploring cultural track is Introduced .

  15. 从外表看,这座建筑物雄伟壮观,集中体现了欧洲建筑艺术风格。

    On the exterior , this building is grand and magnificent , reflecting the typical styles of European architecture arts .

  16. 三一重工应该如何把自己融入欧洲建筑行业,并且在竞争对手发起反击之前,迅速完成任务?

    How should Sany integrate itself into the European construction industry and do it quickly before competitors could launch counterattacks ?

  17. 由此而来的设计混合了19世纪欧洲建筑-正如蓝色海岸-和超后现代建筑与东方的细节设计。

    But the resulting designs are a mixture of19th century European architecture – like the Coted'Azure – and hyper postmodern buildings with orientalist detailing .

  18. 欧洲建筑业前景也仍然参差不齐,北欧已恢复增长,但遭受危机打击的南欧继续呈现弱势。

    The outlook also remained mixed in European construction , with renewed growth in northern Europe offset by continued weakness in the crisis-hit south .

  19. 虽然价格由于精确核定而降低,但同时通过欧洲建筑立法,质量标准提高了。

    Prices are being driven down by specifiers while , at the same time , quality standards are going up through EC ( European Construction ) legislation .

  20. 巴黎圣母院是一座典型的哥特式教堂,之所以闻名于世,主要因为它是欧洲建筑史上一个划时代的标志。

    Notre Dame de Paris is typical of a Gothic church , the reason is world renowned , mainly because it is a European architectural history landmark sign .

  21. 可以说马迭尔的新艺术风格建筑装饰并非简单形式的移动,而是一种整体文化的移植,是一种欧洲建筑装饰文化的传承。

    We can say its Art Nouveau style is not a simple form of addition , but is the whole culture transplantation and an inheritance of European architectural decoration .

  22. 罗马大斗兽场在18世纪以前不断毁弃的苦难历程及其在18世纪中期以后的保护历程是意大利乃至整个欧洲建筑遗产状况的真实写照。

    The distress process of Rome Colosseum that ruins to leave continuously by 18 centuries and its conservation after middle of 18 centuries are true portrayal that what happened to architectural heritage in Italy and the Europe .

  23. 通过对欧洲建筑与城市的考察,联想了国内城市建设的不足,阐述了建筑与艺术、街道与广场、景观与绿化、传统与现代等方面对我们的借鉴作用。

    By inspecting the building and city in Europe , the author associates inadequate in our city construction and sets forth something used for reference in some aspects , such as architecture and art . road and square , landscape and greenization , tradition and modern times .

  24. 同时介绍了欧洲古建筑采用FRP进行修复加固等FRP加固砌体结构工程应用情况。

    The application of such strengthening procedure to ancient masonry structures buildings with bonding FRP sheets was introduced too .

  25. 中央电视台(CCTV)最近访问了这个学院,并采访了校长甄忠义。甄忠义说,校园设计仅仅是汲取了欧洲哥特式建筑的风格;

    State broadcaster CCTV paid a recent visit to the campus and spoke to the principal , Zhen Zhongyi , who said that the campus 's design was based merely on European Gothic architecture ;

  26. 我下榻于靠近神社的金谷酒店(KanayaHotel),一处古老的欧洲风格建筑。在空调发明之前,许多外国人和外交官都在夏天逃离湿热的东京,来此地避暑。

    I stayed close to the shrine and retired at night to the Kanaya Hotel , an old European-style place where expats and diplomats took holidays from steamy Tokyo in the days before air-conditioning .

  27. 未来十年,随着全球供应链将重点转向发展中国家,我们有可能看到欧洲的建筑溢价逐渐减少,ECHarris成本及商业负责人马修·莱利(MatthewRiley)表示。

    Over the next decade it is likely that we will see the premium to build in Europe erode as global supply chains shift their priorities to the developing nations , said Matthew Riley , head of cost and commercial at EC Harris .

  28. 工业建筑的文化表现&欧洲工业建筑一瞥

    Cultural Manifestation of Industrial Building : Glance at European Industrial Building

  29. 在今年9月之前一直是欧洲最高建筑。

    It was the tallest building in Europe until September thisyear .

  30. 中国传统建筑木雕的美学意蕴中国与欧洲传统建筑雕塑语言特征比较

    Comparison of Sculpture Language Characteristics of Traditional Architecture between China and Europe