
  • 网络Eli Lilly;Lilly;Eli Lilly and Company;LLY
  1. 但该公司表示,它的广告屏数量已经突破临界点,而且在过去两个月中,该公司一直在为麦当劳(McDonald's)和礼来公司(EliLilly)进行广告宣传。

    But the company says it has reached a critical mass in terms of number of screens and in the last two months has been running advertising campaigns for McDonald 's and Eli Lilly .

  2. 二十世纪七十年代,人们发现氟西汀可以作为一种选择性血清再摄取抑制剂。但是,整整十年,美国食品药品管理局都没有批准施用此药物。二十世纪七十年代,美国礼来公司(EliLilly)发现氟西汀,并获得了它的专利。

    Fluoxetine 's potential as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor was actually discovered in the 1970s , but the FDA didn 't give the drug the go-ahead for an entire decade.Fluoxetine was discovered and patented by Eli Lilly and Company in the 1970s ;

  3. Fuleihan医生报告接受礼来公司的咨询费和讲座费,诺华和默克的讲座费以及诺华和赛诺菲-安万特的资助经费。

    Fuleihan reports receiving consulting and lecture fees from Eli Lilly , lecture fees from Novartis and Merck , and grants from Novartis and Sanofi-Aventis .

  4. 但是,礼来公司什么也没有做。

    Gueriguian said . Instead , the company did nothing .

  5. 目前礼来公司在欧洲已获准以每日一粒的用法进行销售。

    It 's already approved in Europe where Lilly is launching it now .

  6. 他的目标是在礼来公司和全球性试验研究者中间培养开放性的合作。

    The goal is to foster open collaboration between Lilly and global laboratory researchers .

  7. 当然,这个数据可能因为礼来公司在精神病药物方面的重大投资而扭曲。

    Lilly 's major investment in psychotropic medications may skew this sample relative to other pharmaceutical companies .

  8. 举个例子,美国制药巨贾礼来公司已经面临着业界最大的“专利悬崖”。

    For example , Lilly is already facing the biggest " patent cliff " in the industry .

  9. 夫妻俩同是北京大学的毕业生,1995年到美国攻读硕士学位,现在同一单位&美国礼来公司任职。

    The two Peking University graduates moved to the United States to pursue a master 's degree in1995 .

  10. 礼来公司的一份备案录文档上说,我们将不主动提及糖尿病问题。

    " We will NOT proactively address the diabetes concerns ," the document , an internal Lilly memorandum , said .

  11. 目的:以美国礼来公司的头孢克罗胶囊(希刻劳)为参比制剂,比较国产头孢克罗分散片的人体生物利用度和生物等效性。

    OBJECTIVE : The bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of the domestic cefactor tablets was compared with those of cefaclor capsule made in USA.

  12. 总部位于美国印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯的礼来公司通过药品和信息,解决世界上一些最迫切的医疗需求。

    Headquartered in Indianapolis , Ind. , Lilly provides answers-through medicines and information-for some of the world 's most urgent medical needs .

  13. 今年,礼来公司进入临床试验的药物一半是生物技术药物。公司计划自2011年起,每年有一个生物技术药物上市。

    The company said half of its new drugs entering trials this year will be biologics and it plans to bring a new biotech product to market every year starting in2011 .

  14. 直觉会计软件和美国礼来制药两家公司都会定期举行“失败聚会”。

    Intuit , in software , and Eli Lilly , in pharmaceuticals , have both taken to holding " failure parties " .