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lǐ shù
  • courtesy;etiquette
礼数 [lǐ shù]
  • [courtesy;etiquette] [口]∶礼节;礼貌的等级

  • 污了礼数,怕人笑话。--曹雪芹《红楼梦》

礼数[lǐ shù]
  1. 他惯于出于基督徒的礼数借钱给别人。

    He was wont to lend money for Christian courtesy .

  2. 礼数有加,尊敬之至。

    With courtesy and with respect enough ;

  3. 他直截了当且礼数周全,但是态度冷淡。

    He is direct and courteous but distant .

  4. “请原谅我礼数不周,”她平静地说。“我忘了自我介绍了。”

    ' Forgive my manners , ' she said calmly . ' I neglected to introduce myself . '

  5. 不过你的意见和你的不请自来一样不合礼数

    However , your opinion is as inappropriate as this intrusion .

  6. 一定要请人来,这是礼数。

    You have to have something , people expect it .

  7. 看来还得好好教教你礼数

    We still need to work on your manners .

  8. 她说这是老礼数。

    She said that was an old tradition .

  9. 他以罕见的周全礼数向她道别。

    He bid her an unusually ceremonious farewell .

  10. 然而,传统的礼数迫使我继续忍受这种煎熬。

    Oldworld politeness , however , obliged me to go on with the ordeal .

  11. 她在大选前接收采访时说:我会遵守礼数。

    I will bend to protocol , she said in an interview before the election .

  12. 这是一个有关办公室政治礼数的复杂问题,回答起来需要极高程度的世故。

    This is a complicated question of office political etiquette that requires great sophistication to answer .

  13. 他们指望我们不懂礼数

    What they expect , Matthew , is that we won 't know how to behave ,

  14. 小女时常忘记应有的礼数,艾德·史塔克道。他挂着一抹淡淡的微笑,舒缓了他的口气。

    My daughter often forgets her courtesies , Eddard Stark said with a faint smile that softened his words .

  15. 他不能穿,勃克·穆利根对着镜中自己的脸说,礼数终归是礼数。

    He can 't wear them , Buck Mulligan told his face in the mirror , etiquette is etiquette .

  16. 麦考夫哈瑞舍弟礼数不周请允许我代他道歉我想是他太忙了吧

    Mycroft.Harry.May I just apologise for the state of my little brother . A full-time occupation , I imagine .

  17. 他说:「在朋友的遗体之前唱歌,这样合乎礼数吗!

    He said , Singing in front of your friend 's corpse , it appears to break the convenance !

  18. 懂得些许礼数的开发人员大都因为这类行为而撤出或离开项目。

    Developers with even a bit of decency have pushed back or even left projects over this sort of behavior .

  19. 第三章主要讲了礼数在中国传统吉祥图案上的体现,主要体现在内容和形式上。

    The third chapter basically told-in the traditional Chinese auspicious patterns , which mainly embodied on in the content and the form .

  20. 尤其是在一个儒家思想盛行的社会,礼数、制度备受推崇和重视的社会。

    Specially I mean imagine ( in ) a Confucian society where law order is so much appreciated , so much emphasize .

  21. 相对不太出名的是埃及中世纪的遗产,埃及基督教、斯兰教的礼数,这里古老的教堂,禅林和清真寺都是埃及的风光。

    Less well-known is egypt 's medieval heritage , courtesy of Coptic Christianity and islam-ancient churches , monasteries and mosques punctuate the Egyptian landscape .

  22. “占”希望所有参与人员遵守卫生条例,并且在使用周边卫生设施过程中礼数周到。

    OWS encourages all participants to respect health and sanitary regulations , and will direct all participants to respectfully utilize appropriate off-site sanitary facilities .

  23. 任何单方面强调礼数的优先性,或礼意的重要性的观点,都是片面的。

    It is a one-sided point of view to hold the quantitative priority of rite or to keep the importance of the idea of rite .

  24. 结果,我们的孩子长大了,双手干净,礼数周全,但是理财观念却是半点没有。

    As a result , our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners , but without any idea how to manage their money .

  25. 乍看上去,这个道貌岸然、礼数周到的男子像是个普通的骑士,但在这英俊的外表下藏着一颗黑暗的心。

    At first glance , this clean-cut , well-mannered man appears to be an average knight , but a dark heart dwells within that handsome exterior .

  26. “我保证不会数她的口齿。”佛罗伦咧嘴笑着。“噢,别怕,我会用她应得的礼数对待她。”

    " I promise not to count her teeth . " Florent grinned . " Oh , never fear , I 'll treat her with all the courtesy she is due . "

  27. 康耶丝来自美国德州亚瑟港,待人素来彬彬有礼。在得知这一批评后,她大吃一惊,因为她自认为已极尽可能地对新团队礼数周到。

    Conyers , a perfectly polite woman from Port Arthur , Tex. , was taken aback by the critique because she thought she had worked tirelessly to be polite to her new team .

  28. 只有行礼者的礼数与其名位相符、与其表现的礼意相符,才能恰当地揭示礼的形式与礼的内容之间的关系。

    Courtesy of the persons who saluted must agree with their fame and position , and agree with the gift purpose that displays , could announce the relation of form and content of gift appropriately .

  29. 礼数作为一种制度规定,它到底是代表礼中的次要方面,还是关涉礼的本质,人们对此一直有两种意见。

    As a kind of system regulation , if the courtesy representative secondary respect of ceremony finally , or it concern the essence of the rite , people have had two kinds of suggestions on this all the time .

  30. 其实,践礼的主体作为礼仪规则的表现者,他与礼的数度之间是相互相成的,礼数是否得当,直接关系到礼的完成。

    In fact , the subject of trampling rite as etiquette regular behavior person , Becoming each other several times of he and gift . Whether the courtesy is apt , it concerns the completion of the rite directly .