
  1. 蓝礼说他还有个十四岁的妹妹,漂亮得跟曙光一样…

    Renly says he has this sister , a maid of fourteen , lovely as a dawn ...

  2. 去年12月,他在香港参加“亚洲最具影响力设计大奖”(DesignforAsiaAwards)颁奖礼时说,诚品书店是一种文化现象,它的真谛在于人、地域和文化。

    Eslite is a cultural phenomenon , ' he said in Hong Kong at the Design for Asia Awards last December . ' It 's all about the people , the place , the culture . '

  3. 去年12月,他在香港参加亚洲最具影响力设计大奖(DesignforAsiaAwards)颁奖礼时说,诚品书店是一种文化现象,它的真谛在于人、地域和文化。

    ' Eslite is a cultural phenomenon , ' he said in Hong Kong at the Design for Asia Awards last December . ' It 's all about the people , the place , the culture . '

  4. 我该想想怎么来花你的钱了。小指头对蓝礼公爵说。

    I wonder how I ought spend your money , Littlefinger called down to Lord Renly .

  5. 蓝礼公爵说。派席尔总师看着小指头问:国库付得出这笔款子?

    Grand Maester Pycelle looked to Littlefinger and asked , Will the treasury bear the expense ?

  6. “扫院子的去叫了,”警察把手举到帽沿上敬了个礼,说。

    " A porter has gone for one ," said the policeman , with his fingers raised to his cap .

  7. 或者是否就像埃尔巴兹在国际时尚组织颁奖礼上说的,“时尚界的每个人都需要多一点时间。”

    Whether , as Mr. Elbaz said at FGI , " everyone in fashion just needs a little more time . "

  8. 能招待他们作为宾客是我们的荣幸。年轻的唐纳尔爵士努力严肃而依礼地说。

    We should be honored to have them to guest , Ser Donnel said with the grave courtesy of the young .

  9. 通过辨析三种代表性观点,指出封建法典说是侧重于规定其政治意义,宗教神学说是侧重于规定其理论渊源,礼典说是侧重于剖判其内容体系。

    Through differentiating 3 kinds of representative viewpoint point out feudal code to say that stress in stipulation its political meaning , religious theology say is stress in stipulation its theoretical origin , courtesy ceremony say is stress in cut to sentence its content system .

  10. 如今,克尼格社团制限制办公室亲吻礼,并说一定要禁止这种礼仪。

    Now the Knigge Society has ruled on the issue of office kissing and says it must go .

  11. 保罗劝诫哥林多人,不是说他们不配参与圣餐礼,而是说他们的态度配不上圣餐。

    Paul rebuked the Corinthians , not for partaking of the communion in an unworthy state but for partaking of it in an unworthy manner .

  12. 礼为奇说,当一个司机试图通过该问题区域时真是千钧一发。但是他尽了自己全力拦下了这辆汽车。

    He said there was a breath-stopping moment when a driver tried to go over the problematic area but he did his best to stop the vehicle .

  13. 敦礼禧评论说,理想的通行证体系是由各国独立确定一种制度是否对等,从而使经理可直接从那些国家获得通行证。

    Mr Gallagher says the ideal passport system would entail individual countries determining which regimes they deem equivalent , allowing managers to receive passports from those countries directly .

  14. 墨西哥演员盖尔·加西亚·伯纳尔因最佳动画长片奖而出席颁奖礼,他说:“我反对任何形式意图使我们分离的壁垒。”

    Mexican actor Gael Garc í a Bernal , who presented the award for Best Animated Feature Film , said : ' I 'm against any form of wall that wants to separate us . '

  15. 据USAtoday报道,颁奖礼导演LouisJ.Horvitz说学院奖正按原计划进行。

    The Academy Awards ceremony is going forward as planned , show director Louis J.Horvitz said , according to USA Today .

  16. 在记录其一生的纪录片首映礼上,霍金说:“我认为大脑就像是电脑中的程序,从理论上来说,大脑是可以复制到电脑上,从而在死后继续存在的。”

    Speaking at the premiere of a documentary film about his life , the theoretical physicist said : " I think the brain is like a program in the mind , which is like a computer , so it 's theoretically possible to copy the brain on to a computer and so provide a form of life after death .