
lǐ bài
  • week;worship;church;Sunday;day of the week;religious service
礼拜 [lǐ bài]
  • (1) [week]∶星期

  • 下礼拜

  • (2) [Sunday]∶星期日

  • 今儿过礼拜

  • (1) [religious service;worship]

  • (2) 古代礼拜节

  • 问到人们何以礼拜并说出三个理由

  • (3) 行礼叩拜

  • 不等宣诏,直至御前,朝上礼拜。--《西游记》

礼拜[lǐ bài]
  1. 他们将以聚餐和做礼拜的形式来纪念这个节日。

    They will mark the occasion with a dinner and a religious service .

  2. 路德将平信徒皆为祭司原则贯彻到人格上的平等和宗教礼拜仪式当中。

    Luther put his principle which all Christian were clergy into equality in personality and religious service .

  3. 你多久去教堂做一次礼拜?

    How often do you go to church ?

  4. 她总是在星期天去教堂做礼拜。

    She always went to chapel on Sundays .

  5. 他在当地的清真寺做礼拜。

    He worshipped at the local mosque .

  6. 我们在圣马利教堂做礼拜。

    We worship at St Mary 's.

  7. 礼拜仪式9点钟开始。

    Church is at 9 o'clock .

  8. 他们在做礼拜。

    They 're in church .

  9. 他们在做礼拜。

    They 're at church .

  10. 婚礼将于下月在布朗普顿礼拜堂举行。

    The wedding will be at the Brompton Oratory next month .

  11. 从礼拜场所偷东西是对神灵的亵渎。

    Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege .

  12. 每到星期天,这家人都会去做3次礼拜。

    On Sundays , the family went three times to chapel .

  13. 娜奥米以前每个星期天都去格兰维尔的教堂做礼拜。

    Naomi used to go to church in Granville every Sunday .

  14. 这次礼拜仪式是由吉姆·西蒙斯牧师大人主持的。

    The service was led by the Reverend Jim Simons .

  15. 我星期天做礼拜时没看见你。

    I didn 't see you in church on Sunday .

  16. 出于宗教信仰,他拒绝在礼拜天进行比赛。

    He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs .

  17. 一个年轻人鸣钟宣布周日的礼拜开始了。

    A young man sounds the bell to start the Sunday service .

  18. 礼拜仪式开始前几分钟,大部分教堂会众陆续到来。

    Most members of the congregation begin arriving a few minutes before services .

  19. 我必须去教堂做礼拜,因此我是唱着福音歌长大的。

    I had to go to church , so I grew up singing gospel

  20. 礼拜仪式从唱圣歌开始。

    The service opened with a hymn

  21. 他们常去教堂做礼拜。

    They are regular churchgoers .

  22. 回去的路上,贾维斯绕道去核实了一下教堂礼拜仪式的时间。

    On the way back , Jarvis detoured to check the time of services at the church .

  23. 感恩节礼拜仪式将在小教堂举行。

    The thanksgiving service will be held in the chapel .

  24. 今天礼拜几?

    What day is it today ?

  25. 教堂里挤满了人,所以就用电机设备把礼拜仪式向外面的人转播。

    The church was crowded , so electrical machinery was used to relay the service out to the people .

  26. 咱们延缓几个礼拜再做决定吧。

    Let 's defer the decision for a few weeks .

  27. 这次礼拜仪式各教派的基督徒都参加了。

    The service was attended by Christians of all denominations .

  28. 牧师就许多人的烦恼问题向常去做礼拜的教徒提了忠告。

    Priests advise their churchgoers about many personal troubles .

  29. 10点钟,全家人坐上汽车到教堂去做礼拜。

    At ten the household climbed into a car to go to church .

  30. 他们做礼拜时别讲话。

    Don 't talk while they are worshipping .