
  • 网络Ahl al-Kitab
  1. 偶像崇拜者在增加,有经人在完全遗忘经典的道路上越走越远。

    Idol worshipers are increasing and the People of the Book are getting further from their scriptures to the extent of totally forgetting them .

  2. 基于上述经文,我们可以推导出结论,允许你与有经人朋友分享食物。

    Based on the above verse , we can deduce that you are allowed to share food with the People of the Book and take them as friends .

  3. 事实上,穆圣喜欢在非禁止事务上与有经人达成统一是为了自己的事业,想要吸引他们并争取他们的融入。

    The Prophet , in fact , liked to be in line with the People of the Book in non-prohibited matters in pursuit of attracting their hearts and winning them over to his cause .

  4. 毫无疑问,早期的独立有利于年经人更好地理解周围的人和事。

    It goes without saying that earlier independence helps young people to better understand the people around them and the world as a whole .