
yuán liào
  • raw material;ingredient;stock;stuff;staple;crude material
原料 [yuán liào]
  • [raw material] 没有经过加工制造的材料

原料[yuán liào]
  1. 这些树是制造优质纸张的原料。

    These trees provide the raw material for high-quality paper .

  2. 树皮可以做造纸的原料。

    Bark may be used as raw material for paper-making .

  3. 这个国家大多数原料均依赖进口。

    The country has to import most of its raw materials .

  4. 从水上、铁路和公路运来原料和工人。

    Raw materials and labour come by ship , rail or road .

  5. 所有的原料都可以方便地从你当地的商店买到。

    All ingredients are readily available from your local store .

  6. 我们不能保证提供充足的原料。

    We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials .

  7. 为补偿原料成本的增加而提高了价格。

    Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials .

  8. 我们在工厂的原料供应方面遇到过问题。

    We have had problems with the supply of raw materials to the factory .

  9. 她那广受欢迎的防烫布垫也可以自己购买原料套装自己制作。

    Her popular pot holder is also available in do-it-yourself kits .

  10. 在搅拌做蛋奶酥的各种原料之前先要把盘子准备好。

    Prepare the souffle dish before making up the souffle mixture .

  11. 由于原料短缺,员工们已将近一个月无事可做。

    Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages .

  12. 同时还在这些大石灰岩洞里开采水泥原料。

    The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement .

  13. 在碗里将各种原料混成调料。

    Mix the ingredients for the dressing in a bowl .

  14. 农民的绝大部分机器和原料都来自进口。

    Farmers import most of their machinery and materials .

  15. 约瑟夫确保自己从不会被骗买一些次等原料。

    Joseph made sure that he was never palmed off with inferior stuff .

  16. 现在我们来细想一下为身体提供能量的原料。

    We will now consider the raw materials from which the body derives energy .

  17. 记下可减免课税的开支,比如买的原料和设备。

    Keep track of tax-deductible expenses , such as the supplies and equipment you buy .

  18. 混入其余的原料。

    Mix in the remaining ingredients .

  19. 把各种原料慢慢搅拌在一起。

    Mix the ingredients together slowly .

  20. 把所有原料搅拌均匀。

    Mix all the ingredients well

  21. 所有其他原料,包括水在内,都需要根据重量依次降序排列。

    All the other ingredients , including water , have to be listed in descending order by weight .

  22. 德国啤酒传统上只用4种原料——啤酒花、麦芽、酵母和水。

    German beer has traditionally been made from just four ingredients — hops , malt , yeast and water .

  23. 该干酪用天然原料制成,而且其脂肪含量比普通干酪低30%。

    It 's made from natural ingredients , but with the added bonus of containing 30 per cent less fat than ordinary cheese .

  24. 面粉和糖是烤面包最重要的原料。

    Flour and sugar are the most important ingredients in baking bread .

  25. 这家工厂经常原料不足。

    The factory is in frequent scarcity of raw materials .

  26. 由于缺少原料,生产已陷入停顿。

    Production has come to a halt owing to the lack of raw materials .

  27. 我们必须削减原料使用量。

    We must cut down on the amount of material we use .

  28. 只有农业发展了,工业才有足够的原料和市场。

    Only when agriculture is fully developed can industry have sufficient materials and markets .

  29. 这种原料较缺。

    This kind of material is rather scarce .

  30. 农业迅速发展,从而为轻工业提供了充足的原料。

    Agriculture has developed rapidly , thus providing light industry with ample raw materials .