
  • 网络Original energy;Primal Energy;primitive energetics
  1. 我们许多原始能量以违反和平的方式呈现,而和平必然包括所有这些,甚至超越这些。

    Peace necessarily includes , even as it transcends , all of our primal energy , much of which has been expressed in ways that contradict peace .

  2. 爆炸后的原始能量转化为微小的次原子微粒。

    The raw energy of the explosion transforms into tiny subatomic particles .

  3. 这位歌手如期地赴约,带着一种很少在电影中展露出来的一种原始能量,他表演了新、旧主打歌曲。

    The singer duly obliged , performing hits old and new with a raw energy he rarely displayed on celluloid .

  4. 辨识结果表明,由原始图像和能量最大小波包节点的灰度共生矩阵二次统计量所构成的特征向量矩阵具有最高的烟气辨识正确率。

    The result indicated that the feature vector matrix constituted of secondary statistic of the original image and the energy-dominant wavelet packet nodes have the highest fire smoke identification accuracy .

  5. 将日收益率的时间序列信号分解在不同频带上,比较各频率成分占原始信号的能量比。

    The stock daily return time series signal was decomposed on different frequency bands to study the correlativity , and the energy proportions of different frequency components to the original signal were compared .

  6. 在对振动信号进行短时分析的基础上,计算原始信号及其短时能量函数的高阶累积量。

    Higher-order cumulants of original and its short-time energy function were calculated based on analysis of vibration with short-time processing .

  7. 如果原始组织结构的能量较高,则循环变形过程中将会向低能结构转化,并发生循环软化;

    If the energy of original microstructure is higher , it will transfer to the lower energy state during cyclic straining and cyclic softening will occur .

  8. 目的:用电脑计算在每个物体中每点处点源释放出的原始光子和平均能量损失,以获得光子线在水模体中的剂量分布情况。

    Object : Using computer to calculate average energy lost by photons at every points in each body , in order to determine the dose distribution of photon radiation in the water phantom .

  9. 二维灰度图像在小波分解以后被分解为低频区域和高频区域,低频区域在很小的空间内集中了原始图像的大部分能量,而高频区域却在很大的空间内散布着原始图像的小部分能量。

    The two-dimentional grey level image is divided into the low-frequency area and high-frequency area after the wavelet transform , and low-frequency area concentrates the most of energy of the image in the small area , and high-frequency area spreads little energy of the image in the wide area .

  10. 小波变换中阀值的选取具有重要的意义,在选用不同的软阀值进行小波系数滤波的过程中,全局阀值在既能够保证原始信号属性的同时,又不丢失原始信号的能量。

    Threshold selected in the wavelet transform has important significance in the selection of different soft threshold wavelet coefficient filtering process , the global threshold , both to ensure the properties of the original signal , and without losing the energy of the original signal .

  11. 高频的暂态信号被采样后即作为形成特征量的原始数据,原始数据经过离散小波变换可得到高频系数即能反映原始信号高频能量的细节系数。

    Transient high-frequency signals are sampled after the formation of features as the original data . After the wavelet transform available to high-frequency discrete wavelet transform coefficient that reflects the original signal high-frequency details of the energy coefficient .