
  • 网络Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists;Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
  1. 对于这次最新的调整,《原子科学家公报》解释称,他们为全球领袖未能在清除核武器方面取得进展而感到惋惜。

    In explaining its latest move , the BAS bemoaned the ability of global leaders to move ahead on ridding the world of nuclear weapons .

  2. 据《原子科学家公报》报道,现在全球有一万九千五百个核武器,并警告说“激进分子仍有可能获得并且使用高浓缩铀和钚来发动核袭击造成严重破坏”。

    There are about 19500 nuclear weapons in the world today , according to the BAS , which cautioned that " it is still possible for radical groups to acquire and use highly enriched uranium and plutonium to wreak havoc in nuclear attacks . "