
  • 网络rough;rough stone;Rough Diamond;Cobblestone
  1. 该公司与GemDiamonds(劳伦斯格拉夫在其中拥有14%股份)订立了一份销售协议,藉此获得高克拉的钻石原石。

    It secures high-carat stones through a sales agreement with Gem Diamonds , in which Mr Graff owns a 14 per cent stake .

  2. 马丁·雷帕波特(MartinRapaport)说,公开拍卖原石应该是一个明智的决定。他的雷柏帕特集团(RapaportGroup)在钻石定价领域是一个重要信息源。

    Martin Rapaport , whose Rapaport Group is an important source of information on diamond pricing , said the decision to auction an uncut stone would prove to be a savvy one .

  3. 原石嘴山三矿水文地质条件与涌水量分析

    Analysis to water consumption and hydrogeological condition in former Shizuishan No. 3 Mine

  4. 超过90%的缅甸玉原石都是出口到中国。

    Over ninety percent of Myanmar 's rough jade stones are exported to China .

  5. 石灰石及其它石灰质纪念碑用或建筑用石;雪花石膏,原石或略加修整。

    Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone ; alabaster , crude or trimmed .

  6. 一种原石的人造物品(剥蚀的燧石);可能是原始工具。

    A crude stone artifact ( as a chipped flint ); possibly the earliest tools .

  7. 这并非苏富比首次拍卖钻石原石。

    This is not the first time Sotheby 's has put a rough stone up for sale .

  8. 世界上最大的钻石原石即将以一种极不寻常的方式出售。

    The world 's largest uncut diamond is about to be sold in a most uncommon way .

  9. 上边石块是含有金的石英原石。下边的标本是经过酸和蜡处理过的标本。

    The specimen below is the result of sawing and multiple treatments with HF acid and waxing .

  10. 翡翠原石可赌性的探讨

    Gambling on raw Jadeite

  11. 该拍卖行称其在2000年曾上拍一颗12.49克拉的紫粉钻原石,但没能成交。

    In 2000 , it put a purple-pink rough 12.49-carat diamond up for auction , but it failed to sell , according to Sotheby 's.

  12. 发现原石四年后,卡利南一号和二号在温莎堡的一场仪式上被进献给爱德华七世。

    Four years after the discovery , the Cullinan I and Cullinan II were presented to King Edward VII in a ceremony at Windsor Castle .

  13. 客人可以将自带原石来本店定做,我们将按照您挑选好的款式,由本店代为定做成显示您个性的首饰成品。

    If customer brought here with your own Jade stone raw material and selected type , we can process it to be your own personalized jewelry .

  14. 原石表面的结构多与内部翡翠的结构相同,略微有所差别,结构从内到外表现出比较一致的连续性,矿物颗粒大小由内至外逐渐变小。

    The outer mineral texture of jadeite materials is nearly same to inner 's and the granularity of mineral becomes smaller from from inside to outside .

  15. 通过对翡翠原石的研究,发现次生色在翡翠原石中的分布带有一定的规律性,典型的分布结构为:由外至里依次为表皮层、黄色、红色、原生色。

    The distribution of secondary color in jadeite materials has one stated rule in which yellow is outer , the original color is inner , and red is between them .

  16. 安山岩:有规格板、原皮柱、原石皮灯笼、喷砂板、建筑石材等。

    Andesite : Has the gauge frame , original Pi Zhu , the original pyrrosia lingua lantern , the sand blasting board , the building stone material and so on .

  17. 据多年鉴定水晶的实践经验,阐述了日常对水晶的原石、普通饰品、贵重饰品及优化处理品的鉴定步骤与方法。

    Identification steps and method for quartz raw materials , common ornaments , precious ornaments and treated ones are discussed in the article on the base of many years ' experiences .

  18. 通常,这样的宝石会推荐给钻石产业内少数几位经验老道的交易商,他们会花几周时间进行研究,判断原石经过切割可以得出多少颗钻石。

    Normally such stones are offered to a handful of sophisticated dealers in the diamond industry , who study the diamond for weeks to determine how many cut stones the rough will yield .

  19. 这个项目始于2010年,当时香港珠宝公司周大福获得了南非库利南矿山出品的一块极为罕有、未经琢磨的钻石原石,重达507克拉。

    The project started in 2010 when Chow Tai Fook , a Hong Kong jewelry company , acquired an extremely rare , unpolished 507-carat diamond found in the Cullinan mine in South Africa .

  20. 卢卡拉在5月曾通过私下交易的方式,以6300万美元的价格出售了一颗813克拉的原石,创下每克拉约7.75万美元的纪录,愈发突显大型宝石的魅力。

    Underscoring the appeal of large stones , Lucara sold a rough diamond weighing 813 carats privately in May for $ 63 million , or a record of about $ 77500 a carat .

  21. 从粗糙的原石幻化成绚丽的宝石,每一颗宝石都由工匠们手工精心打磨;每一面的光芒,都是他们在思考千万遍之后智慧的闪耀。

    From the rough stone to the beautiful gemstone , every one of them contains the hard work of a craftsman and the brilliance of every facet shows the wisdom of a cutting designer .

  22. 酒店的旧宴会厅,就是从1969年至1973年展开越南和平谈判的那个,如今以原石造型和天花板装饰画精心修复了,成为一个广阔的,明亮的早餐室、茶室和大堂。

    The old ballroom of the hotel , where the Vietnam peace talks took place from 1969-73 , has become a sweeping , light-filled breakfast room , tearoom and lobby , with the original stone mouldings and ceiling paintings beautifully restored .

  23. 主要得到以下认识:1、本文研究的30颗山东蒙阴金刚石原石均具有较完好的晶体形态,大多数为单形,且以阶梯状八面体居多,部分为连生,偶见聚形。

    Mainly supported by the following understandings : 1 In this paper , the 30 original stones of Mengyin diamond crystal has a relatively good shape , most of them are single-shape and ladder octahedron , part of them are even borned , poly-shaped occasionally .

  24. 他身材瘦小,留着长长的花白胡子,穿着一身朴素的黑色西装,坐在办公室里屋,桌上铺着黑布,色调反衬着阳光。屋子里有一袋袋未经切割打磨的原石,每一块都是高尔夫球大小。

    A slight man with a long gray beard , wearing a plain black suit , he sat in a back room - a black cloth thrown over his desk , the shades drawn against the sunlight - and assessed bag after bag of uncut , unpolished stones , each one the size of a golf ball .