
  • 网络OEM;OEMS;original equipment manufacture;Original Equipment Manufacturer
  1. 了解TOTAL润滑油产品特质和应用,扩大产品销售,尤其在原始设备制造商一块。

    To determine TOTAL lubricant products ' characters , features and applications to expend product 's selling especially OEM uses .

  2. 另外,由于汽车供应商在多个品牌、汽车和产品周期上进行扩张,通过投资于它们获得该行业的敞口,有助于分散原始设备制造商(OEM)或品牌集中度风险。

    Additionally , since auto suppliers expand across multiple brands , vehicles and product cycles gaining exposure to the sector through them can help diversify OEM or brand concentration risk .

  3. 另外,我们富有献身精神的金属加工小组与工业原始设备制造商(OEM)团队合作,以确保我们的产品被完全认可。

    In addition , our dedicated metals teams work with industry OEMs to ensure that our products are fully endorsed .

  4. OEM是英文OriginalEquipmentManufacturer的简写形式,直译为原始设备制造商,俗称贴牌、贴牌加工、贴牌生产、定牌生产、定牌加工等。

    OEM is the English short form of Original Equipment Manufacturer , literally translated as original equipment manufacturers , commonly known as " OEM ", " the licensing process " and so on .

  5. 原始设备制造商(OEM),努力使成分的变化,以他们的生产机器是在批判地放大的重要性。

    For original equipment manufacturers ( OEMs ), the endeavor to make component changes to their production machines is critically magnified in importance .

  6. 当时,和纯外销的原始设备制造商(OEM)相比,宏基显得效率不高,运作缺乏灵活性。

    At that time , Acer appeared to be inefficient and inflexible in comparison with the purely export-oriented original equipment manufacturers ( OEM ) .

  7. 研制新系统的目的是为了升级现有的房间式或者做为全房间式原始设备制造商(OEM)的整合式解决方案。

    The system was created for use as an upgrade to an existing room or as an integrated full-room original equipment manufacturer ( OEM ) solution .

  8. 伊顿的能力允许NVH技术团队找到更加积极主动的解决方案,使原始设备制造商更现成的解决方案。

    Eaton 's capabilities allow the NVH technology team to find more proactive solutions to give OEMs a more off-the-shelf solution .

  9. 我们相信,利用OEM技术和解决方案中心设计和开发的总体打包解决方案,可以确保原始设备制造商个有效的程序,为客户提供有生产力和有效率的解决方案。

    We believe that using the OEM TASC to design and develop total packaged systems ensures OEMs an efficient process to deliver productive and effective solutions to customers .

  10. 微软在一份监管申报文件中承认了此举将引发的紧张:“我们的Surface平板电脑将对我们的OEM(原始设备制造商)合作伙伴的产品构成竞争关系,这有可能影响它们对采用我们平台的承诺。”

    Microsoft acknowledged the tensions this would create in a regulatory filing : " Our Surface devices will compete with products made by our OEM [ original equipment manufacturer ] partners , which may affect their commitment to our platform . "

  11. 对于以生产劳动密集型的低端产品为主导,处于国际垂直分工体系的最低端的原始设备制造商(OEM)而言更是严峻。

    Leading to the production of labor-intensive low-end product , vertical international division system of the low end of the original equipment manufacturer ( OEM ) companies are even more severe .

  12. 随着全球化市场形成和竞争越来越激烈,要求专业化分工越来越细,OEM(原始设备制造商)工厂也越来越多。

    With the form of global market and more and more fierce competition , requesting much thinner specialization , there are more OEM ( original equipment manufacturer ) factories than before .

  13. 上述交易达成前,两家公司刚达成一项协议:从今年四月起,三菱将作为原始设备制造商,向标致提供一款以欧蓝德为基础的新型SUV。

    The deal follows an agreement between the two whereby MMC will supply Peugeot with a new SUV based on the Outlander as an original equipment manufacturer , from this April .

  14. 这OEM(原始设备制造商)采购策略,根据蔡博士,使科斯韦利用外部资源和产品研究与发展(R&D)的专业优势。

    This OEM ( original equipment manufacturer ) sourcing strategy , according to Chuah , has enabled Cosway to take advantage of external resources and expertise for product research and development ( R & D ) .

  15. 他写道:如果大量的新型德系豪华CUV(混合型多用途车)在市场上得以热销,那么欧洲OEM(原始设备制造商)厂商的市场份额可能会面临一些上行风险。

    If the numerous new German Lux CUVs are well received in the market , he writes , there may be some upside risk in the market share of European OEMs .

  16. 据分析研究公司IHS称,主要的原始设备制造商今年的半导体支出总额可能增加到2652亿美元,较去年的2544亿美元增长4.2%。

    The total market for semiconductor spending by major original equipment manufacturers could rise to $ 265.2 billion this year , up 4.2 % from $ 254.4 billion last year according to analytics provider IHS .

  17. 原始设备制造商正加大赌注,拓展至设计领域。

    Original equipment manufacturers are raising the stakes and branching out into design .

  18. 原始设备制造商:原始设备制造商(例如:计算机硬件制造商)。

    OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturer ( i.e. maker of computer hardware ) .

  19. 我们与广大创新原始设备制造商的合作表明,我们正行进在正确的轨道上。

    Our work with innovative OEMs shows we are on the right track .

  20. 可获得批发价和原始设备制造商版本。

    Quantity pricing and OEM versions are available .

  21. 计算机系统的真正用户而非原始设备制造商。

    The actual user of a computer system , not an original equipment manufacturer .

  22. 我们已成为原始设备制造商、科研院所的重要合作伙伴及首选供应商。

    We have become the important cooperation company , head elected supplier of original equipments manufactory and Academe .

  23. 英特尔开始着手使用推拉结合,双管齐下的手法来争取原始设备制造商的支持。

    Intel initiated a two-pronged push and pull campaign to enlist the support of original equipment manufacturers ( OEMs ) .

  24. 这项计划获得了小型或者第三等级的原始设备制造商的追捧,因为这个计划可以帮助他们在质量竞争中提升档次。

    Smaller , third-tier OEMs were eager to embrace the program because it helped level the quality playing field among them .

  25. 为了保持竞争力,原始设备制造商必须适应不断变化的产业需求,利用合作关系以吸引一切可用资源。

    To remain competitive , OEMs must adapt to ever-changing industry needs and leverage partnerships to pull in resources wherever possible .

  26. 在大部分季度,团队先以原始设备制造商的销量指引为基础,并根据国家的不同,按国别进行交叉检验。

    In most quarters , the team starts with OEM guidance and , depending on the country , does some by-country cross-checking .

  27. 拟或谷歌是想把它在数码方面的优势扩展到汽车领域,成为汽车业的一个供应商、合作伙伴,甚至是原始设备制造商?

    Or does Google plan to extend its digital mastery into the automotive industry as a supplier , partner , or original equipment manufacturer ?

  28. 但中国原始设备制造商不仅仅在从海外购买豪华车型,他们也在国内创设自己的豪华车品牌。

    But the Chinese original equipment manufacturers are not just buying in their premium models from overseas , they are also creating luxury at home .

  29. 这一认证帮助为快速增长的中国市场制造机械和系统的原始设备制造商们统一安全控制系统符合当地的产品许可要求。

    This certification helps OEMs who are building machines and systems for the fast-growing , Chinese market to incorporate safety control systems that meet local product licensing requirements .

  30. 德国、瑞士、意大利、法国的公司受益于接近大型机械制造业,以及汽车原始设备制造商。

    Companies in Germany , Switzerland , Italy , and France benefit from the close proximity to the large machine building industry as well as the automotive OEMs .