
  1. 随着原始社会生产力的发展,物质生活逐渐有所改善,对精神生活也有所要求。

    Along with the development of productive forces primitive society , Material life has improved gradually , Also requested on the spiritual life .

  2. 原始社会生产力低下,个人防卫外来灾害或者侵害的能力不足,氏族应运而生,氏族的产生有效弥补了个人防卫外来灾害能力的不足。

    Primitive society , low productivity , personal defense against foreign disasters or lack of capacity , the clan came into being , the clan as an effective defense to make up for a personal lack of foreign disasters .

  3. 原始社会中的壁画艺术是原始社会生产力、生产关系与早期审美意识和原始宗教的综合反映。

    The Prehistoric rock painting comprehensively reflects the productive forces and relations of production and religion in the primitive society .