
yuán shēnɡ kuànɡ wù
  • primary mineral
  1. X射线衍射(XRD)结果显示,随着沉积物粒径的增大,主要来自原生矿物的石英和长石等岩石结构物质的含量增加,但这些物质中的重金属含量较低。

    The X ray diffraction ( XRD ) analysis shows that the amount of quartz and feldspar increases when the grain size of sediment increases , and the heavy metals remain in a relatively low level , which mainly comes from the primary mineral .

  2. 西湖水中Ca和Mg元素主要来源于陆地原生矿物的化学风化,尤其是碳酸盐风化;Na和K元素则主要来源于海洋物质的叠加效应。

    Ca and Mg come from the chemical weathering of minerals , especially of silicate while Na and K are controlled mainly by oceanic material .

  3. 推断爆炸前的原生矿物是含水的镁硅酸盐和镁铝硅酸盐矿物。

    It is inferred that , before explosion , the primary mantle minerals were hydrous magnesium silicate or magnesium-aluminium silicates .

  4. 原生矿物中八面体结构与层间阳离子固定间的关系对次生矿物而言,也许并不一致;

    The relationship of interlayer cation fixation and octahedral structure of secondary minerals is probably different from that of primary minerals .

  5. 依据其菊花石原生矿物组成,将我国菊花石划分为天青石型(浏阳菊花石为典型)、菱锶矿型(宣恩、来宾菊花石)和天青石-菱锶矿混合型(永丰型菊花石)菊花石三种类型。

    According to the primary composition , the chrysanthemum stones in china are divided into three types : i. e. celestite type ;

  6. K+很容易从含K+的原生矿物中被释放出来,同时K+也容易从水中析出形成次生矿物。

    K + can be easily released from the primary K-bearing minerals , it could also easily form secondary minerals and be removed from water .

  7. 同时,由于土壤中的原生矿物(长石和云母)初经风化,从而呈现出土壤逆向发育的现象。

    Meanwhile , since the original minerals ( feldspar and mica ) in soil are initially weathered , soil appears to have a phenomenon of reversible development .

  8. 因此,在某种程度上可以说,枣区土壤原生矿物化学组成特征可以作为探寻枣树适宜区域的一种标志。

    Consequently , to a certain ex-tent , the chemical composition of the soil primary m1nerals may be an indicator for searching for suitable areas for jujube growing .

  9. 以卤水、盐类矿物、原生矿物、细菌活动以及岩石分带为特征阐明了盐湖沉积中的变质和变形现象。

    The brine , salt minerals , primary minerals , bacteria activity and rock zonation were characterized in discussing the metamorphic and deformation phenomenon in the salt lake deposition .

  10. 攀枝花地区昔格达土系粉砂壤土和粉砂土,土壤中原生矿物主要为石英和长石,次生矿物主要为蒙脱石、伊利石和高岭石。

    The Xigeda soil is made up of silty loam and silt soil in Panzhihua region , Minerals of which are mainly quartz and plagioclase with clay minerals , montmorillonite , illite and kaolinite .

  11. 矿石的原生矿物主要是黄铁矿、黄铜矿、磁铁矿等,围岩蚀变较为强烈,以孔雀石化、绿帘石化、绿泥石化为主,少量的硅化和碳酸盐化。

    The original ore minerals are mainly pyrite , chalcopyrite , magnetite , etc , the alteration in the wall rocks is developed , such as peacock petrochemical , epidotization , chloritization and little silicification , carbonatization .

  12. 通过对大井头地区大量资料的深入研究,认为该地区具有金刚石成矿的地质条件,存在金刚石的原生矿物,并对原生矿及相关岩石的赋存状态提出新的认识。

    Detail study on the geological data in the area is conducted revealing that ore-forming condition of diamond exists here and the primary diamond should occur here and new idea about occurrence of the diamond and relevant rocks are put forward .

  13. 硼矿床中的原生铀矿物&晶质铀矿和铅铀方钍石

    Primary uranium minerals in boron deposits & uraninite and ALDANITE

  14. 原生硅酸盐矿物风化产物的研究进展&以云母和长石为例

    Advances in the study of weathering products of primary silicate minerals , exemplified by mica and feldspar

  15. 沥青铀矿是矿石中唯一的原生铀矿物,其共生矿物主要有石英、萤石、赤铁矿和黄铁矿。

    Pitchblende is the only primary uranium mineral , which is associated with quartz , fluorite , hematite and pyrite .

  16. 主矿体中原生矿石矿物具有明显的分带性,为典型的沉积成因铜的硫化物排列组合特征。

    The mainly orebody is typic arrangement assemblage feature of sulphide of sediment orogenic copper ore because primary mineral has obviously zonation .

  17. 基于实验的结果,我们推测地磁场可能对地球上原生磁性矿物的形成和演化产生过重要影响。

    Based on our experimental results , we could speculate that geomagnetic field could influence the alteration and evolution of the primary magnetic minerals on Earth . 2 .

  18. 其中原生自生矿物是在同生和成岩早期生成的,是受一定的沉积环境及成岩作用控制的,因此它们具有指示沉积环境的意义。

    Among them , authigenic minerals were formed in early syngenetic and diagenetic ages controlled by specific sedimentary environment and diagenetic processes , so they can indicate their sedimentary environments .

  19. 研究云母和长石等原生硅酸盐矿物的风化速率和风化产物对于深入理解土壤发生过程、营养元素循环以及全球气候变化具有重要的理论意义。

    Researches on the weathering rate and products of primary silicate minerals are of great importance in the explanation of soil-forming process , cycling process of nutrient elements and global climate change .

  20. 矿物成分简单,原生金属矿物只有辉锑矿和黄铁矿,脉石矿物有石英、方解石及少量重晶石,它们均充填在岩石的缝洞中。

    The mineral composition is simple , only with original metallic minerals antimonite and pyrite , gangue minerals quartz , calcite and a few barites , all in the fissure or hole of the rock .

  21. 在显微镜下观察到恐龙蛋化石壳由原生碳酸盐矿物和次生碳酸盐矿物两部分组成。利用图像分析法得到了两者所占的比例分别为60.5%和39.5%。

    The careful observation under microscopy has revealed that all the dinosaur eggshell fossils consist of primary calcite and secondary calcite , and the former is about 60.5 % and the latter about 39.5 % by the method of image analysis .

  22. 矿石主要原生金属矿物为辉铜矿和斑铜矿,次生金属矿物主要为孔雀石等。矿石结构构造比较简单,主要为结晶粒状及溶蚀结构和侵染状胶结构造。

    The major primary metal minerals of ore are chalcocite and bornite , and the secondary metal minerals are malachite and azurite , etc. Ore texture and structure are simply , the ores are mainly in granular crystalline and dissolution textures and infection cementation structures .

  23. 这个和所有关于地形、原生和次生矿物分布的信息有助于圈定矿化。

    This , with all available information on topography , primary and secondary mineral dispersal , helps to locate the mineralization .

  24. 而软锰矿、六方锰矿、锰铅矿、锰钾矿等锰的氧化物和锰的氢氧化物是原生锰碳酸盐矿物的氧化分解而形成的,而水锰矿可能为热液形成;

    The manganese oxides and the manganese hydroxides were formed in the process of manganese calcite decomposition and the nsutite was probably crystallized in the hydrothermal system .

  25. 微细浸染型金矿原生矿石中粘土矿物的表生淋滤转化的化学模式探讨

    Study on chemical model of exogenic leaching transformation of clay minerals in the primary ores of fine grain disseminated gold deposit