
lù tiān
  • in the open;open;open-air;outdoors;outdoor in the air open
露天 [lù tiān]
  • (1) [open; outdoor in the air open]

  • (2) 指户外

  • 露天电影

  • (3) 上面没有遮盖物的

  • 露天剧场

露天[lù tiān]
  1. 今晚电影在露天演。

    The film will be shown in the open air tonight .

  2. 这个曲子不适合在露天演奏。

    This piece is not suitable to be played in the open air .

  3. 下个星期六我们家要搞一场露天烧烤。

    We 're having a braai at our place next Saturday .

  4. 旧房子的门厅是露天的。

    The hall of the old house was open to the sky .

  5. 他们举办露天音乐会来庆祝这个特别的时刻。

    They marked the occasion with an open-air concert .

  6. 天气暖和了,可以在露天吃饭了。

    It 's warm enough to eat outside .

  7. 购物中心是露天的。

    The shopping centre is not roofed over .

  8. 窗户外对着的是露天平台。

    The window looked out onto the terrace .

  9. 我们露天宿营。

    We camped out under the stars .

  10. 我们打算露天烧烤,但因为下雨,计划泡汤了。

    We were going to have a barbecue but the rain put the mockers on that idea .

  11. 有一家诱人的带露天阳台的饭馆。

    There is an inviting restaurant with an outdoor terrace .

  12. 他在大雨瓢泼的露天场地演出时受了寒。

    He caught a chill while performing at a rain-soaked open-air venue .

  13. 卡迈勒是埃及露天集市里的一个小贩。

    Kamal was a vendor in Egypt 's open-air bazaar .

  14. 露天游乐场的飞车就是想把人吓丢了魂儿。

    Fairground rides are intended to frighten the life out of you .

  15. 几乎每个街区都有露天咖啡馆。

    There were outdoor cafes on almost every block .

  16. 在曲折蜿蜒的鹅卵石街道的两边,一把把阳伞为露天咖啡馆遮阴挡阳。

    Umbrellas shade outdoor cafes along winding cobblestone streets .

  17. 露天花园容易被冷风吹透。

    An exposed garden may be chilled by cold winds

  18. 这座城市以其露天餐馆而闻名。

    The city is famed for its outdoor restaurants .

  19. 西中央区2区,科芬园露天广场

    The Piazza , Covent Gdn , WC2 .

  20. 他将出席在巴黎市中心特地为他举办的一场露天音乐会。

    He will attend an outdoor concert in his honour in the centre of Paris

  21. 他坐在自己位于法国南部的阳光别墅的露天平台上。

    He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France .

  22. 我被马拉喀什露天市场的浪漫情调和异域风情深深地吸引了。

    I was beguiled by the romance and exotic atmosphere of the souks in Marrakech .

  23. 露天小市场的三面都有小餐馆,我们在其中一家餐馆闲呆了很长时间。

    We spent many hours idling in one of the cafes that line three sides of the tiny piazza

  24. 在公园大道上露天展出费尔南多·博特罗的雕塑,这在纽约还是破天荒的事。

    It is a first for New York . An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero 's sculpture on Park Avenue .

  25. 在炎热的国家里可以睡在露天。

    In hot countries it 's possible to sleep outdoors .

  26. 夜晚引得双双对对和单身的男女去听露天音乐会。

    Evenings bring couples and singles for open air concert .

  27. 露天剧场不拢音。

    The acoustics of the open-air theatre are not good .

  28. 露天开采的矿山作业已于1962年停止。

    Mining operations by open-cut methods ceased in1962 .

  29. 在庆典中,他们举行了大型的露天多媒体活动,其中有音乐、录像、诗朗诵、舞蹈和即兴表演。

    As part of the celebrations they staged a big , open-air multimedia event , with music , videos , poetry readings , dance and improvisations .

  30. 配有距离最近的座位的大型露天剧场(价差)。

    Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover ( price difference ) .