
qīng yī
  • Qingyi;black cloth;maid;the demure middle-aged or young female character type in Chinese operas
青衣 [qīng yī]
  • (1) [black cloth]∶黑色的衣服

  • 青衣小帽

  • (2) [maid]∶汉以后卑贱者衣青衣,故称婢仆、差役等人为青衣

  • (3) [the demure middle-aged or young female character type in Chinese operas]∶指评剧角色之一。扮演庄重的中年或青年妇女,因穿青衫而得名

青衣[qīng yī]
  1. 青衣的悲剧人生&解读《青衣》的女性形象

    The tragedy destiny of Black Cloth & An Analysis of female image in the Black Cloth

  2. 青衣江畔的一颗明珠&四川省洪雅化工总厂

    A Pearl on The Riverside of Qingyijiang & Sichuan Hongya Chemical Factory

  3. *连接青衣和长沙湾的一段九号干线;

    Route 9 connecting Tsing Yi and Cheung Sha Wan ;

  4. 地理分布:本种为香港特有种,仅见于青衣岛。

    Distribution : Endemic to Hong Kong and restricted to Tsing Yi Island .

  5. 青衣北上食水配水库

    Tsing Yi North High Level Fresh Water Service Reservoir

  6. 第二条青衣南桥在兴建中,预计在一九九九年年中完成。

    The Duplicate Tsing Yi South Bridge is under construction for completion in mid-1999 .

  7. 青衣人:这要看你有没有这本事。

    Q : that depends on your ability .

  8. 与贵族相比,青衣的身份实在太低。

    The status of a housemaid is much too low compared with an aristocrat .

  9. 为应付青衣至长沙湾一带的交通需求。

    To cope with the growing traffic demand between Tsing Yi and Cheung Sha wan .

  10. 青荃桥及青衣大桥区域

    Tsing Tsuen and Tsing Yi Bridges Area

  11. 参加者于青衣海滨公园检查站考察人的活动及休憩空间。

    Participants studied the human activities and leisure space at the Tsing Yi sea front .

  12. 2006年于华润青衣油库更换消防喉管。

    Carry out pipeline replacement for fire service pipeline in CRC Tsing Yi terminal in2006 .

  13. 《青衣》这首歌,是马天宇在2008年的专辑《飞》中收录的歌曲。

    Qing Yi is a song by Ma Tianyu in the record of Fei in2008 .

  14. 青衣东南部发展研究

    South East Tsing Yi Development Study

  15. 青衣市地段第46号余段的未来用途及在前滨进行填海工程的可行性研究

    Study on the Future Use of Tsing Yi Town Lot 46 R.P. and Possible Foreshore Reclamation

  16. 2006年于华润青衣油库供应及加装缸内铝浮顶。

    Supply & install of tank aluminium internal floating roof in CRC Tsing Yi Terminal in 2006 .

  17. 接下来德.库西也垮台了。青衣北下海水配水库

    The fall of De Courcy followed next . Tsing Yi North Low Level Salt Water Service Reservoir

  18. 2005年于加德士青衣油库进行1号油缸清洗工程。

    To perform cleaning services to aboveground oil Tank No. 1 in Caltex Tsing Yi Terminal in 2005 .

  19. 荃湾新市镇包括荃湾、葵涌及青衣岛。

    Tsuen Wan new town embraces the areas of Tsuen wan , Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi island .

  20. 大港北部油田回注污水结垢性与配伍性研究青衣北上食水配水库

    The Scaling Tendency and Compatibility of Recycled Produced Water for Reservoir Flooding in the North of Dagang OilField

  21. 约生于4300年前的若水地域,位于川西,地近青衣江、宁河。

    He was born in about4300bc in Ruoshui section of Shangxi province , near Qingyi River and anling river .

  22. 其中一条为连接中环与新机场的机场快线,中途站设于九龙及青衣;

    The Airport Express service will link Central to the new airport , with stops at Kowloon and Tsing Yi ;

  23. 青衣渡口,绿柳桥头,一片叶舟,送春,踏水东流。

    Tsing Yi Ferry , Willow Bridge , a leaf boat , sending the spring , Ta Shui river flows .

  24. 香港科技学院(青衣)香港生物科技研究院〔香港中文大学〕

    Hong Kong Technical College ( Tsing Yi ) Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology [ Chinese University of Hong Kong ]

  25. 船上产生的含油废料和化学废料,先由承判商接收,然后运送到青衣岛的处理中心处理。

    Oily and chemical wastes from ships are collected by contractor and delivered to a treatment plant at Tsing Yi Island .

  26. 在风景壮丽的四川乐山,在大渡河、青衣江、岷江的合流处,端然正坐着一座高达七十多米的佛像。

    A70-meter-high giant stone Buddha sits in the beautiful Leshan Mountain at the confluence of the Dadu , Qingyi and Minjiang rivers .

  27. 本港使用的石油气从海路输入,并储存于青衣的五个石油库内,然后再输送给约77万个用户。

    LPG is imported into Hong Kong by sea and stored at five terminals on Tsing Yi before being distributed to approximately 770000 customers .

  28. 连争幼年学习中国戏曲,三岁登台演出,主攻花旦,兼学青衣,小生。

    Zheng Lian has been studying Chinese opera since her childhood and started her first opera performance on stage when she was three years old .

  29. 2006年于雪佛龙青衣油库进行8号油缸缸内打沙、修补缸式底及喷油工作。

    Carry out international grit blasting , bottom plate repairing and repainting work for aboveground oil tank no. 8 in Chevron Tsing Yi Terminal in 2006 .

  30. 青衣江及其支流沿岸,有绵延起伏的山,险峻的峡谷,清丽的河流和奇特的泉水。

    Along the Qi ? yi river and it 's branches , there are fluctuant hill , arduous gorge , clear river , and peculiar spring .