
  • 网络Los Angeles County;LA County
  1. 迈克尔h受到非法进入和偷窃的指控,关进了洛杉矶县监狱。

    Charged with illegal entry and burglary , Michael H.was taken to the Los Angeles County jail .

  2. 洛杉矶县经济发展公司(LosAngelesCountyEconomicDevelopmentCorporation,LAEDC)经济学家NancySidhu表示,加州的高科技领域表现也非常好。

    Economist Nancy Sidhu of the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation says the state 's high tech sector is also doing well .

  3. 以县为单位,像洛杉矶县和Cook县这种城市化的县,单亲妈妈家庭的数量最多。

    By county , urban counties like Los Angeles County and Cook County , had the greatest number of single mother-led homes .

  4. 其中我们一直关注的最大的是我们所说的stationfire,发生在洛杉矶县,一夜之间,火烧的范围从5000公顷扩大到20000公顷。

    The biggest one we were is what they are as the station fire . That 's in LA County . It has ballooned overnight from a 5000-acre fire to a 20000-acre fire .

  5. 还有一起不大站得住脚的诉讼,由一个名叫“反走神驾驶联盟”(CoalitionAgainstDistractedDriving)的团体在洛杉矶县加州高等法院提起,被告方是包括苹果、三星、微软(Microsoft)、谷歌在内的多家企业。

    Then there is the long-shot case filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court by a group called Coalition Against Distracted Driving against companies including Apple , Samsung , Microsoft and Google .

  6. 此地群集的洛杉矶县、橘县(Orange)、凡图拉县(Ventura)、里弗赛德县(Riverside)以及圣伯纳迪诺县(SanBernardino)五县之间,存在着不少于183座独立市。

    A clutch of five counties there - Los Angeles , Orange , Ventura , Riverside and San Bernardino - have , between them , no fewer than 183 independent cities .

  7. 这个活动于下午5点在洛杉矶县艺术博物馆(LosAngelesCountyMuseumofArt)举行,学院主席谢丽尔•布恩•艾萨克斯(CherylBooneIsaacs)发表了讲话。鼓励艺术自由是该机构的工作之一。

    The 5 p.m. presentation , held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art , began with remarks by Cheryl Boone Isaacs , president of the academy , an institution dedicated in part to celebrating artistic freedom .

  8. 洛杉矾是洛杉矶县的行政中心。

    Los Angeles is the capital of Los Angeles county .

  9. 在洛杉矶县中有一些略小的城市。

    There are many smaller cities in the county .

  10. 四面楚歌的洛杉矶县警长李·贝卡宣布辞职。

    Embattled Los Angeles county sheriff Lee Baca has announced he is retiring .

  11. 洛杉矶县官员正在加大力度打击针对亚裔美国人的仇恨犯罪。

    Los Angeles County officials are efforts to fight hate crimes against Asian Americans .

  12. 洛杉矶县历史上最大的山火被界定为纵火。

    The largest wildfire in the history of Los Angeles County is being classified as arson .

  13. 8名洛杉矶县现任及前任警长将面临联邦腐败指控。

    Eighteen current or former Los Angeles country sheriff 's deputies are facing federal corruption charges .

  14. 洛杉矶县的公开房产记录显示,上述空壳公司是这所公寓的所有者。

    The same shell company appears as owner in the public property records of Los Angeles County .

  15. 在洛杉矶县,每次死刑案例会传唤大约800名潜在陪审团成员。

    In Los Angeles County , 800 potential jurors may be summoned for a death penalty case .

  16. 圣塔阿尼塔峡谷,登上威尔逊,圣加百利山,洛杉矶县,加利福尼亚,2005年。

    Santa Anita Canyon , Mount Wilson , San Gabriel Mountains , Los Angeles County , California , 2005 .

  17. 在很大程度上,弗农市代表着洛杉矶县仅存的全部制造业。

    To a large extent , Vernon represents all that is left of manufacturing industry in Los Angeles County .

  18. 该市有大约1800家企业,雇佣了超过5万名居住在洛杉矶县其他区域的员工。

    It has about 1800 businesses that employ more than 50000 workers who live elsewhere in Los Angeles County .

  19. 嗯,现在通过电话与我们连线的是洛杉矶县监狱的康拉德·莫瑞。

    Well , joining us now by phone right now from the Los Angeles county jail is Conrad Murray .

  20. 美国人口最多的县,洛杉矶县是反潮流的(美国人口统计数据)

    Los Angeles County , the most populous county in the country , is bucking the trend ( American Demographics )

  21. 我失败的人,以帮助正在转入现在洛杉矶县验尸官办公室的尸体解剖。

    The person I failed to help is being transferred right now to the LA County Coroners office for his Autopsy .

  22. 目前,洛杉矶县自然历史博物馆正为游客把展览从室内搬到户外。

    Now the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County is working to bring the indoors to the outdoors for its visitors .

  23. 洛杉矶县验尸官员办公室于星期五宣布,流行乐坛的明星迈克尔。杰克逊之死是一起由处方药物引起的被杀事件。

    Pop star Michael Jackson 's death was a homicide caused by prescription medications , the Los Angeles County coroner 's office announced on Friday .

  24. 郭彦将带来详细报道:当地警方表示,这起事故发生在洛杉矶县卡拉巴萨市,没有幸存者。

    Guo Yan has details : Local police say there were no survivors in the crash in Calabasas , a city in Los Angeles County .

  25. 洛杉矶县消防检查员里克·弗洛里斯表示,这只鲨鱼试图重获自由时遇到了这群长距离游泳者。

    Los Angeles county fire inspector Rick Flores says the shark was trying to get free when it crossed path with a group of long-distance swimmers .

  26. 洛杉矶县副执法官奥拉-西耶拉说,已收到发生第三次雪崩的消息,据说有三人失踪。

    A third avalanche also was reported and as many as three people were believed to be missing , said Los Angeles County sheriff 's Deputy Aura Sierra .

  27. 美国洛杉矶县自然历史博物馆恐龙研究院负责人刘易斯·齐亚比说,这块皮肤上也没有长羽毛的恐龙所拥有的典型的羽囊。

    And the skin also doesn 't have the follicles that are typical of feathered dinosaurs , said Luis Chiappe , director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County .

  28. 从空中俯瞰可以发现,随着洛杉矶县的住宅街区突然被大片仓库和工厂所取代,弗农市5.2平方英里(13.5平方公里)的土地周围呈现着整齐的界线。

    An aerial view shows neat boundaries around its 5.2 square miles ( 13.5 square kilometres ) , as the residential neighbourhoods of Los Angeles County suddenly give way to huge blocks of warehouses and factories .

  29. 洛杉矶县经济开发局的经济学家艾多拉多.马丁内兹说,一些企业现在面临双重困境。一方面,银行不愿意放贷;另一方面,顾客不愿意花钱。

    Economist Eduardo Martinez of the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation says some businesses are feeling the squeeze at both ends , with banks reluctant to lend and few customers willing to spend any money .

  30. 周一在洛杉矶县高级法院提交的文件显示,朱莉已经要求在2014年为他们主持婚礼的欧德柯克把审理案件的时间延长到六个月之后的2019年12月31日。

    Documents filed at Los Angeles County Superior Court on Monday show that Jolie has asked that Ouderkirk , who also officiated the couple 's wedding in 2014 , be retained until December 31st 2019 , extending his time on the case by six months .