
  • 网络Qingchuan county
  1. 在5月12日地震之后,青川县几乎所有房屋都被列为不安全级别,居民已搬到城边的帐篷区居住。

    Almost all of Qingchuan 's houses had been declared unsafe after the earthquake on May 12 , and residents had moved into tents on the fringes of town .

  2. 青川县社会林业实践及发展对策

    The Practice and Development Countermeasure of Social Forestry in Qingchuan County

  3. 四川青川县大熊猫种群分析

    Population of giant panda in Qingchuan county , sichuan

  4. 错落中的营造&青川县黄坪乡中心小学建筑设计

    Strew at Random & Design for the Center Primary School in Huangping Village

  5. 青川县部分地震灾区群体性预防接种工作评估

    Evaluation of Mass Vaccination Work after Earthquake in Part Area of Qingchuan County , Sichuan Province

  6. 青川县中小学校灾后重建支挡结构的设计

    The Design of Rebuilded Retaining Structure in Primary and High School in Qingchuan County after Earthquake

  7. 青川县中小学校舍灾后重建现场施工的重点和难点

    The Keystone and Difficulty of in the Rebuilding Construction Site of Qingchuan County 's Primary School

  8. 四川省青川县红光集镇泥石流灾害特征及减灾对策

    Features and Preventive Countermeasures of debris flow hazards for Hongguang town of Qingchuan county , sichuan Province

  9. 《浙江省援建青川县灾后重建房屋建筑施工图设计结构专业技术指导意见》的要点

    Technical Guidance for Stucture Field in Architectural Work Drawing for Post Earthquake Reconstruction of Qingchuan County Aided by Zhejiang Province

  10. 青川县马鹿乡老鹰岩1滑坡是基岩山区发育的土质滑坡,滑坡具有三级滑面。

    Malu of Qingchuan eagle rock 1 # landslide is the earthiness landslide , which develops in the bedrock mountain area , with three-level slip plane .

  11. 四川省青川县中医院竹园分院设计方案三易其稿,该工程打破了传统大型医院的设计模式,致力于建构小型精品医院。

    Qingchuan Hospital Chuk Yuen Branch changed the design draft three times to build a small boutique hospital through breaking the traditional pattern of large hospitals .

  12. 青川县北部昨日下午发生5.4级余震,四川省会成都市有明显震感。余震之后没有马上出现关于伤亡人数报道。

    A 5.4 magnitude aftershock in northern Qingchuan county yesterday afternoon could be felt in Chengdu , the provincial capital , although no casualties were immediately reported .

  13. 数千居民也已经逃离青川县,那里已经发现了山顶的大裂缝,新华社报道。

    Thousands of residents have also been evacuated from an area in Qingchuan county where large cracks have appeared in the top of a mountain , Xinhua said .

  14. 研究的方法是走访青川县36个乡镇进行实地调查研究,对目前的灾后重建体制、机制进行全面、深入的探讨,了解现状。

    The method is to visit 36 towns to investigate and study in Qingchuan . I took aim at the the existing system of reconstruction to analysis the situation .

  15. 文章介绍了5.12震后援建的四川省广元市青川县骑马乡里坪村小学,记录了从一个穿斗式小破庙到一栋两层半小学校的整个过程。

    This article introduces the whole rebuilding process of a two and a half storey school after the5.12 earthquake in LIPING village of QIMA town in GUANGYUAN city of SICHUAN province .

  16. 就当前青川县油橄榄发展现状进行了调查,探讨了立地条件和经营管理对油橄榄生长发育的影响。

    Based on the investigation of olive development situation in Qingchuan county of Sichuan province , the effects of site conditions and management on the growth and development of olive are analyzed .

  17. 5.12汶川特大地震触发了大量的土质滑坡,其中,青川县地震灾区距离震中远,但受灾程度却很严重。

    Lots of the soil landslides were triggered by the " 5.12 " Wenchuan Earthquake , especially , Qingchuan earthquake disaster region far away from the epicenter , but its disaster-affected degree was very serious .