
  • 网络Qingxian;Qing County
  1. 从青县模式谈北方农村养老问题

    From " Qingxian County Model " to the Problem of Rural Old-age Care in North China

  2. “自从盘古开天地,三皇五帝到如今”一个美丽的传说赋予了青县浓厚的传奇色彩和文化气息。

    " Since the dawn of heaven and earth , Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the present ," a beautiful legend gives the legend of Qingxian strong color and culture .

  3. 河北青县巨龙包装实业有限公司始建于一九九四年八月,经过多年的艰苦创业,从一个小厂迅速发展成为华北地区规模较大的柔性集装袋和塑料包装瓶专业生产厂家。

    Qingxian Julong packing industry Co. , Ltd. , which was established in1994 , is a professional company specialized in the manufacture of container bag , plastic-woven bag and other packing products .

  4. 以达到改善人居环境,促进青县城乡经济、社会与环境可持续发展的目的。

    An optimized spatial design for landscape ecological system in Qingxian County was propsed , in order to improve the environment for human settlement and promote sustainable development between the economy 、 the society and the environment .

  5. 青县人,秉承光辉灿烂的中华文化,从远古走来,以盘古开天的大无畏精神,开辟着现代的时空,建设着和谐的家园。

    Qingxian people , uphold the splendid Chinese culture came from the ancient times to the dawn of days of the dauntless spirit , open up a modern time and space , the building of a harmonious home .