
qǐ yè mínɡ chēnɡ
  • Enterprise Name;business name;name of an enterprise;corporate name
  1. 通过链接获取所有的Web服务,(通过服务名称或企业名称进行查找)您需要重复第四步。

    To obtain all the Web services referenced by the links ,( to find by service name or business name ) you need to repeat step four .

  2. 如何认定市场假冒与仿冒行为反向假冒企业名称法律研究

    The Harm of Behaviour of Counterfeiting Reversely Business Name and Legal Measures

  3. 他的企业名称全部带着字母X,表示回报数倍于投资。

    His companies all carried an X , to signify multiple returns .

  4. 商标与企业名称权利冲突若干问题研究

    Research on Several Issues of Conflicts of Trademark and Enterprise Name

  5. 商标权与企业名称权的法律冲突以及解决方案

    Conflicts and Settlement of Law between Trademark Authority and Trade Name Authority

  6. 中国专利数据库中外国企业名称规范浅议

    The Study on Overseas Enterprise 's Name in Chinese Patent

  7. 论加强企业名称权的行政保护

    Enhance the Administration Protection of the Business Enterprise Name Power

  8. 外商投资企业名称登记表;

    The registration form of the name of the foreign investment corporation ;

  9. (一)合营企业名称及法定地址;

    The name and legal address of the joint venture ;

  10. 超越权限核准的企业名称应当予以纠正。

    Enterprise names registered beyond power limit shall be rectified .

  11. 试析商标权和企业名称权的冲突

    The Analysis of the Conflict of Trademark Right and Name Right of Enterprises

  12. 商标与企业名称均属知识产权的范畴。

    Trademark and business enterprise name all belong to an intelligent property right .

  13. 其中字号是企业名称中最具个性化的部分。

    Name of the enterprise name is the most personal part of it .

  14. 特申请企业名称登记,请予批准。

    Hereby submit for your approval the business name registration of the enterprise .

  15. 商号权与企业名称权定位的探讨

    A study on firm right and enterprise name right

  16. 商标与企业名称冲突基本问题探讨

    The Survey on The Principal Problems of The Conflicts between Trade Mark and Name

  17. 《企业名称登记管理规定》

    Regulations Governing the Registration of Enterprise Names .

  18. 商标专用权与企业名称权冲突之法律分析

    The Analysis of the Exclusive Right of Trademarks and the Name Right of Enterprises

  19. 核实其名称,企业名称及牌照号码,地址和电话号码。

    Verify their name , business name and license number , address and telephone number .

  20. 企业名称及商号若干问题分析

    Analysis of Names of Enterprises and Firms

  21. 企业名称:填写企业办理工商登记的名称。

    Name of enterprise : same as the name registered for industrial and commercial administration .

  22. 不错,尽一切可能使您的企业名称将高挂!

    Yes , Do whatever possible to get your business name to be up there !

  23. 分析了企业名称、品牌名称、标志三者的概念,区别和形成设计同一化的原因。

    The concept of enterprise name , brand name , and logo was analyzed and distinguished .

  24. 今年7月,该公司正式更改了企业名称,并表示会收购更多娱乐业资产。

    in July , it officially changed its name and said it would buy more entertainment assets .

  25. 参展企业名称须按商务部或其授权的外经贸部门正式批准的名称填报。

    The name of enterprise should be approved by the Commerce Department or relevant foreign trade departments .

  26. 关于商号最为确切的定义为企业名称、商事名称,而不仅仅指字号。

    Most accurate definition is business name , trading name , but dials the number not merely .

  27. 世界500强在华企业名称对中国企业名称命名规则的偏离及其原因分析

    Linguistic Deviation and Its Motivations of the Corporate Naming of Overseas Companies in China Invested by Fortune 500

  28. 赞助企业名称出现在支持媒体及网站媒体的会议相关报道中;

    The support business name appears in the support media and in the website media conference related report ;

  29. 外商投资企业名称由国家工商行政管理局核定。

    Names of enterprises with foreign investment shall be approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce .

  30. 在中国法定机构注册特定专利,标号及企业名称;

    Assisting companies in the registration of patents , trademarks and trade names with the relevant Chinese authorities ;