
  1. 水务企业招商资产评估方法比较

    Comparison of Asset Evaluation Method on Solicit Business in Water Enterprises

  2. 让政府招商、企业招商项目与中外投资者无缝对接。

    Let the government investment , business investment projects and domestic and foreign investors connection completely .

  3. 论文以金融服务企业招商银行为案例,通过研究招商银行的组织,对服务企业网络组织建设作进一步的实证性的研究。

    The Paper makes financial services companies China Merchants Bank as a case for further empirical research to the construction of the network organization .

  4. 当前,要坚决禁止各级政府代替企业招商引资,层层分解并考核招商引资指标。

    Current , must be resolutely banned at all levels of government to replace the enterprise investment , layer decomposition and evaluation of capital attraction index .

  5. 洋务企业招商募集过程的股市风潮,促使人们反思企业创立活动中的种种弊端,要求学习西方国家的企业制度,政府立法规范公司企业的创立活动。

    Disadvantages in inviting investment of enterprises established during the Westernization Movement urged people to learn from the Western enterprise systems and the Government to make law to regulate the establishment of enterprises .

  6. 如地方政府直接替代企业进行招商引资活动,既履行着裁判员的义务,又承担着运动员的角色。

    For example , the local governments , instead of the enterprises , invite outside investment directly .

  7. 企业收到招商银行的商务卡后,需开卡后方能使用,保障卡片在寄送过程中的安全。

    To ensure the card postal safety , the CMB Commercial Cards cannot be used until it has been received and opened by the enterprise .

  8. 鼓励企业自主招商,按企业自主招商引资数额,对年度利用外资先进企业的主要责任人给予奖励。

    Enterprises are encouraged to promote foreign investment independently , and the principal responsible persons of advanced enterprises in promoting foreign investment in the year shall gain award according to investment amount independently promoted .

  9. 参展企业向组委会招商招展部申请。

    Participating enterprises apply to the Investment Promotion Department of the Organizing Committee .

  10. 滨海开发区招商办公系统的应用使得滨海开发区单位的招商办公业务更加便捷,流程思路更加清晰;及时的回馈企业和单位招商项目信息,确保招商项目快速实施。

    Coastal zone investment office system makes the investment zone of Binhai office business units more convenient and thinking process more clear , timely feedback enterprise and unit of information , to ensure projects for investment promotion project implemented quickly .

  11. 南昌市企业对台招商并购的方式主要有:政府主导全额支付并购、先改制后并购、部分并购、合作合资后回购、股权转让、证券市场并购。

    The main ways of Nanchang enterprises to attract Taiwanese investment include : full payment through the government-led mergers and acquisitions , mergers and acquisitions , after the first restructuring , sectional mergers and acquisitions , buyback after joint ventures , stock transfer , stock market mergers and acquisitions .

  12. 企业不能天天到国际招商,到美国、加拿大宣传,传媒在帮助企业招商方面可起什么作用?

    Enterprises cannot make business talks overseas , or in the United States and Canada , everyday . So , what kinds of roles can the mass media play in assisting enterprise bidding ?