
  • 网络Redundant Power supply;power redundancy
  1. 除了连接冗余电源外,还可以连接支持容错环状拓扑的特殊电源,即可中断其中任何一个交换机。

    In addition to the connection of redundant power supplies , special power supplies support fault-tolerant ring topologies , meaning that a disruption can be restricted to a maximum of one switch .

  2. 甚至在单个物理服务器上,您都有冗余电源、错误纠正RAM、冗余磁盘和丰富的故障前诊断指示器监控。

    Even on a single physical server , you can have redundant power supplies , error-correcting RAM , redundant disks , and copious monitoring of pre-fault indicators .

  3. adic客户得花额外的资金购买像冗余电源这样的特性。

    Adic customers pay extra for features like redundant power .

  4. 采用冗余电源方案进一步提高对负载供电的可靠性。

    The using of redundant power supply further enhances the reliability .

  5. 配备冗余电源的以太网供电集线器设计与实现

    Design and Application of Industrial Ethernet Hub Equipped with Redundant Power Supply

  6. 多重转换:冗余电源系统电流限制的一种新方法

    Multiswap : A New Approach to Current Limiting for Redundant Power Systems

  7. 给出不同类型的本安现场总线结构,总结现有本安现场总线系统冗余电源的结构;

    The paper summarized the redundant power structure of the available intrinsic safe site bus system .

  8. 几种实用的低电压冗余电源方案设计

    Low Voltage Redundant Power Schemes

  9. 例如,它们可以与多个硬盘、双网连接和冗余电源一同工作。

    They might come with multiple hard drives , dual network connections and redundant power supplies , for example .

  10. 该服务器还省略了一些大型互联网公司不需要的功能,如冗余电源和高级管理软件。

    The servers also omit features that HP says often aren 't required by large Internet companies , such as redundant power supplies and advanced management software .

  11. 具有冗余电源选项,如果出现故障,您的服务器没有受到影响,将继续保持在一个单一的生产电源,直到你可以更换故障单元。

    With a redundant power supply option , if one fails , your server is not affected and will continue to remain in production on a single power source , until you can replace the failed unit .

  12. 冗余的电源需求的角度,从一个-让我们面对它,电源供应器失败。

    Redundancy from a power requirement perspective – Let 's face it , power supplies fail .

  13. 级联型逆变器具有开关冗余和隔离直流电源冗余。

    There are switch redundance and dc source redundance in cascaded inverter .

  14. 有些服务器不过是没有独立磁盘冗余阵列(RedundantArrayofIndependentDisks,RAID)、冗余电源或其他安全保障措施的工作站。

    Some servers are nothing more than workstations without Redundant Array of Independent Disks ( RAID ) drives , redundant power supplies , or other safeguards .