
  • 网络redundancy function
  1. 基于MVB通信的VCU软冗余功能研究与开发

    Research and Development of VCU Soft Redundancy Function Based on MVB Communication

  2. 第二层网络是控制层网络,使用光纤以双环网的形式连接各控制站PLC,控制层网络具有很强的冗余功能。

    The second layer is control layer network . In the second layer , the fiber was used to connect PLC by double-loop network mode , so that this network layer has strong redundancy function .

  3. 它是一个独立于具体DCS的通信子系统,具有双网冗余功能,可以进行动态的信道切换。

    It is a DCS-independent communication sub-system with dual-network-redundancy and dynamic channel switching capacity .

  4. 介绍了在西门子S7-300系列PLC系统中实现上位监控PC机双机冗余功能的操作方案,以及双机冗余系统的构成、工作原理、调试中应注意的问题。

    Redundancy function of upper monitor PCs in Simens S7-300 serials PLC system , and the structure of double redundancy , its principles and attention problems in debugging were introduced .

  5. 网络地址转换(NAT)技术可以隐藏内部主机、节约IP地址、减少ISP帐号花费以及提供完善的负载平衡和网络冗余功能,主要讨论NAT技术的模式、原理、特点及其在防火墙中的应用。

    Network address translation ( NAT ) is an effective way to link internet and inside network . It can save IP address and cost of IPS . It can offer load balancing and network redundance .

  6. 在电阻应变计的位置布局中,利用了空间对称结构形式,从而实现了信号的加强、补偿以及多通道冗余功能。

    The reinforcement and compensation and multiple channel redundancy of signals are realized by using space symmetric structure of resistance strain gauges .

  7. 组织常常借助于创建在其他环境中本身难以访问的冗余功能,而不是费力地访问难以访问的嵌入式功能。

    Rather than bother to access hard-to-access embedded functions , organizations often resort to creating redundant functions that are themselves inaccessible in other contexts .

  8. 企业和业务单元体系结构治理组织要协同工作,以确定何种情况下应用程序必须使用这些企业组件,而不是构建冗余功能。

    Corporate and business unit architecture governance organizations work together , to enforce when applications must use these enterprise components , instead of building redundant functions .

  9. 这将为异构贷款处理系统提供单一访问点,现在可以采用虚拟化的方式对这些异构系统进行合并,并逐步退役,以减少维护冗余功能的成本。

    This would provide a single point of access for the disparate loan processing systems that can now be virtually merged and gradually sunset to reduce costs of maintaining redundant functionality .

  10. 运用故障转移群集的冗余功能,可以实现医院信息系统数据的安全及高可用性,从而确保24小时不间断运行。

    Taking use of the redundancy function of fail over cluster , it can realize the security and high availability of hospital information system data , so as to ensure uninterrupted running for24 hours .

  11. 软件设计部分包括开发平台介绍、通讯主程序、中断程序的设计、通讯冗余功能软件设计。

    Thirdly , in the part of the software design , it includes the introduction of the development platform for the software , the design of the main program of communication , the design of interrupting program , and the design of the redundancy for the communication .

  12. NET系统基础上,通过剪裁定制,去除冗余的功能,搭建嵌入式智能机器人平台。

    NET is established by customizing the system and cutting out the redundant functions .

  13. 具有冗余控制功能的锅炉监控系统

    The Monitoring System for the Boiler with a Redundant Controlling Function

  14. 对于路由冗余备份功能的优化具有一定的实用价值。

    It benefits the optimization of route redundancy backup function .

  15. 冗余及其功能探析

    On Redundancy and Its Positive Functions

  16. 冗余的功能和过于严格的交互手段干扰了设计师的思路,打断了设计师的设计过程。

    The abundance of existing functions and the strictness of the interaction tend to interfere with the users ' mind and disturb their creative processes .

  17. 本文中的系统具备实时显示、历史查询、系统暂停以及准确的信息循环冗余校验功能。

    The system in this text has the functions of realtime manifestation , history search , system pause and accurate information schools of Cyclic Redundancy Check .

  18. 此外,存储设施的程序应提供循环冗余校验功能或其他一些错误检查机制来随机验证数据对象的完整性。

    The storage facility procedures should provide for random verification of the integrity of data objects using CRCs ( Cyclic Redundancy Checks ) or some other error checking mechanism .

  19. 为了实现网络冗余的功能将网络驱动程序分为网卡数据传输模块、切换模块以及故障检测模块。

    Network driver is divided into three sections including data transmission of network card , switch of network card and error checking in order to achieve the function of network redundancy .

  20. EVS的基于服务的可重用性降低了与为多个应用程序构建冗余出口管制功能相关的开发和维护成本。

    EVS 's service-based reusability decreases the cost associated with the development and maintenance of building redundant export control functions for multiple applications .

  21. 第二章主要探讨冗余的语用功能。

    Chapter Two mainly deals with pragmatic functions of redundancy .

  22. 双机冗余的多功能控制器开发研究

    Research on Multi - function Controller with Redundancy Microcomputer

  23. 谈语言的冗余现象及功能

    On Language Redundancy and its Function

  24. 由于算法自动删除冗余节点的功能,突出了优化能力。

    Because of its function to automatically delete redundant nodes , the optimization ability of this algorithm is prominent .

  25. 在构件开发过程中加入冗余、容错功能是保证系统可靠性的方法之一。

    Adding redundancy , fault tolerance function in the component development process is one way to ensure system reliability .

  26. 然而,通过与冗余的后端功能相集成,封闭的遗留系统(自定义应用程序和打包的应用程序)仍是一个挑战。

    However , integrating with redundant back-end functionality , locked-in legacy systems ( custom and packaged applications ) remains a challenge .

  27. 通过验证结果和分析,证明了建立模型的安全性,以及设计方法的正确性。最后在实验室环境下,构造了一个模拟测试系统。针对ATO冗余系统的基本功能进行实验室模拟测试。

    It is proved that the safety of the model and the correctness of the design by the result of formal verification . Finally , in the laboratory environment , a simulation and test system is build to test the basis function of ATO redundant system .

  28. 着重介绍了控制系统应用软件开发,实现系统三冗余控制和特殊功能控制。

    The application software development for this control system was detailedly described and system can execute the three redundant control and special control .

  29. 而单一的导航系统难以满足现代战争的要求,因此,目前世界各国广泛采用多设备组合、冗余设计、多功能的组合导航系统。

    As a result , the combined navigation system that has the redundancy design and multiple functions is widely used in different nations .

  30. 级联倍压器电荷泵电路可以产生超过17V的编程电路;循环冗余校验电路可以正确完成循环冗余校验和循环冗余校验码产生功能。

    Voltage doubler charge pump circuit can generate the programming voltage over 17 V. the cycling redundancy check circuit can do the cycling redundancy check and the generation of cycling redundancy check code correctly .