
  • 网络Interrupt response time
  1. 针对现有的实时系统内核中,由于关中断而带来的中断响应时间较长的问题,提出了利用中断延时队列来提高系统中断响应的方法。

    The author proposed a method using the interrupt-delay-queue to reduce the interrupt response time .

  2. 实时性能测试部分,对Linux2.4内核、Linux2.6内核和改进系统在中断响应时间、上下文切换时间这两个实时陛关键指标上进行了对比测试。

    In the part of real-time capability testing , Linux 2.4 kernel , Linux 2.6 kernel and the improved system are compared on interrupt response time and context-switching time which are two key criterions of real-time testing .

  3. 针对操作系统的实时性,以NUCLEUSPLUS嵌入式实时操作系统为研究对象,分析其内核的实时机制及上下文切换时间、中断响应时间这两个重要的实时性指标。

    This paper researches Nucleus Plus embedded operation system aiming at its real-time performance . It analysis its kernel of real-time mechanism and the two important criteria : contexts switch timing and interrupt answer timing .

  4. 指出了微机型仪表设计中容易忽视的单片机中断响应时间对测量精度的影响。

    The influence of interrupting time of SCM upon measuring accuracy is pointed out , which is often ignored in designing instruments with SCM .

  5. 该方法消除了操作系统内核级操作对中断响应时间的影响,从而使得中断响应时间仅由处理器硬件决定,和以往的技术相比,具有较高的研究价值。

    This method eliminated the influence on the interrupt response time when operating systems have to keep out the probability that interrupt modify the key data simultaneously with the kernel services . Compared with previous technology , this method is much valuable .

  6. MPC8250采取了基于硬件的中断现场保护机制,系统中断响应时间与所采用操作系统相关性较小。

    The hardware context switch mechanism was adopted by MPC8250.It makes interrupt responding time of MPC8250 has less relativity with operation system .

  7. 首先,文章通过研究KVM的中断虚拟化和时钟虚拟化机制,分析KVM将对客户操作系统的时钟中断响应时间产生怎样的影响。

    Fir - st , we analyze how KVM influences the timer interrupt response times of the guest RTOS by studying the mechanisms of both interrupt virtualization and time virtualization of KVM .

  8. 把一些中断例如APIC和网卡中断的中断处理程序直接注册在中断描述符表中,这样可以得到确定的中断响应时间。

    For some of the interrupts such as the APIC timer interrupt and NIC interrupt , interrupt handling procedures are directly set in the interrupt descriptor table , in order to provide deterministic interrupt response time .

  9. 该算法根据中断服务例程是否需要获取内核锁来对中断进行分派,解决了由于自旋等待时间的不确定性而造成中断响应时间波动过大的问题。

    It dispatches on whether the interrupt service routine needs the Kernel Lock . The algorithm solves the problem that the interrupt response time fluctuates fiercely which is caused by the uncertainty of the time waiting for the Kernel Lock .