
  • 网络Central Office
  1. 介绍计算中心机房建成Novel网应用于计算机公共课上机的实践探索。

    This paper introduces the practice that the Computer Centre has been set up Novell Network using in Computer Common Course .

  2. UPS在福建省地震局网络中心机房中的运用

    Application of UPS on the computer room of network center of Seismological Bureau of Fujian province

  3. KVM技术在数据中心机房的应用

    Application of KVM Technology in Data Center Equipment Room

  4. 高校计算机基础教学软件平台已逐步由Dos向Windows过渡,安全有效地运行Windows'98已成为中心机房计算机维护的重要任务。

    The computer elementary teaching software bed for institutions of higher learning is in the period of transition between DOS and WINDOWS . It is an important task for the computer maintenance of trunk computer center to operate Windows '98 soundly and efficiently .

  5. KVM-over-IP技术及其在图书馆中心机房远程监控管理的应用

    KVM-over-IP Technology and Its Application on Remote Control and Administering in Central Computer Room in Libraries

  6. 本文分析了我局现有UPS的特点,并着重介绍了UPS在我局网络中心机房中的运用,阐述了我们对UPS进行选择比较的主要指标,对今后UPS的使用和维护提出了相关建议。

    The paper analyzed the characteristic of the existing UPS and introduced the application of UPS on the computer room of network center of our bureau and illuminated the major index for selecting UPS , presented some advice to use and maintain UPS .

  7. 基于KVM-over-IP的图书馆中心机房服务器远程监控管理系统的构建

    Construction of the Remote Monitoring and Management System Based on KVM-over-IP for Servers in the Central Computer-Room in Libraries

  8. 就离中心机房较远的乡镇广电站如何运用1550nm光纤传输技术方案进行探讨,从经济效益角度和技术方案的可行性方面进行论述。

    The paper discusses how to apply 1 550 nm fiber optical transmission technology at the broadcasting and television station in the rural area far from the central machine house , analyzes the technical and economical feasibility of the scheme .

  9. 兴安盟有线台中心机房维护管理经验

    Maintenance and Management Experience of Center Computer House in Xiang'an CATV Station

  10. 辽宁联通省网管中心机房标识化研究

    Research on the Sign System of Equipment Room Through NMC LiaoNing Unicom

  11. 计算中心机房环境综合监控系统设计

    Design for Environment Comprehensive Monitoring System in Computer Center Room

  12. 医院信息中心机房建设工程架构探讨

    Discussion on construction of computer room in hospital information center

  13. 中心机房中央集中监控系统的设计

    Design of Central Monitoring System for Central Computer Laboratories

  14. 集团在整个中心机房上的总投入只有600多万。

    Group Centre in the engine room on the total investment to600 million .

  15. 华中电网公司信息中心机房综合监控系统应用研究

    Application Research of Integrated Monitoring System for Information Center of Central China Grid Company

  16. 浅谈医院计算机中心机房的安全建设

    Brief Analysis on Safety Construction of the Engine Room in the Hospital Computer Center

  17. 广电网络中心机房电磁兼容考虑

    Electromagnetic Compatible Design of Broadcasting Network Centre

  18. 中心机房软件环境的优化

    Software Environment Optimization for Trunk Computer Center

  19. 建设标准化、专业化的计算机中心机房是医院实现信息化、数字化的重要基础。

    The construction of standardized and specialized computer room is the base of hospital digitization and informatization .

  20. 血液净化中心机房的设计体会

    Design of blood purifying room

  21. 目前数据中心机房的空调设计、空调设备的选用还没有达到成熟。

    At present the data center room air conditioning design , air-conditioning equipment has not yet reached maturity .

  22. 天峨县某银行中心机房雷电防护设计分析

    The Analysis of Design of Lightning Protection System about Network Center Machine Room in a Bank in Tian'e County

  23. 公司中心机房的维护与管理,如域服务器、邮件服务器、网络等;

    Maintenance and management of the company central engine room , such as domain servers , mail servers , networks , etc ;

  24. 服务器部署于科技信息中心机房,作为整定计算软件专用及应用数据库服务器。

    The master computer as setting calculation and application software dedicated database server is located in the Technology Information Center computer room .

  25. 利用数据中心机房完善的设施和条件,有效推动学校服务器资源整合和管理服务水平的提高。

    We use data center 's facilities and room conditions to promote school server resources'integration and improved the level of management and service .

  26. 通过对洪钢计算机中心机房雷击事故分析,采取了计算机机房的防雷和接地措施,确保了网络的安全。

    Through the analysis of the accident of lightning stroke occurred in computer centre , some lightningproof and earthing measures to ensure network safety are put forward .

  27. 本文结合四川大学工程设计中心机房的改造,首先描述计算机硬件资源管理系统的开发背景、现状和发展趋势;

    First , the background , situation and the trend of the Management system of computer hardware resource are analyzed combined with the alteration of the computer room in Engineering Design Center of Sichuan University ;

  28. 根据广西医科大学信息中心机房的具体情况,计算机系统的防雷设计主要采用分流、接地、屏蔽、等电位和过电压保护5种方法。

    Considering the actual situation of the computer room in Information Center of Guangxi Medical University , the lightning design for the computer network system are composed of split flow , earthing , screening , equipotential and over voltage protection , etc.

  29. 监控系统的使用,保证了设备的正常运行,提高了工作效率,在中心机房对信号覆盖设备管理、为设备配置门限、信息综合查询、报表生成等业务模式的实现起到了关键性的作用。

    The use of monitoring systems to ensure the normal operation of equipment , improve efficiency , coverage in the center room on the Device Manager , the threshold for the device configuration information integrated query , report generation business model has played a key role in implementation .

  30. 现代教育技术中心CAI机房管理与维护措施

    Management and Maintenance of CAI Laboratory of Modern Educational Technology Center