
  • 网络Data transmission standards;s dts
  1. 第二章对数字电视的四种数据传输标准协议、PSI/SI表做了介绍。

    Chapter 2 gives a recommendation of data broadcasting protocol and the PSI / SI specification .

  2. 介绍了一种基于FPGA的高速数传系统,它是空间数据传输标准AOS(高级在轨系统)的仿真和验证系统。

    This paper presents a high-speed data transmission system based on FPGA , which system is to evaluate the AOS ( Advanced Orbiting Systems ) data transmission technic .

  3. 第一章介绍了宽带接入技术、HFC/CATV网络及其数据传输标准以及嵌入式系统(我们系统方案使用),然后引出了本文的主要工作。

    The paper is organized as follow : Chapter 1 gives a brief survey on broadband access techniques , HFC / CATV network , protocols and standards for data transmission technology over HFC network and overview of embedded technologies we used .

  4. S-57作为IHO数字化海道测量数据传输标准,旨在规范各国海道测量部门用于传输的数字海道数据。

    As transfer standard for digital hydrographic data , S-57 is a norm of various countries seaway measure department use for digital seaway datum that transmits .

  5. 实现阶段运用开源的ESB环境,引入了医疗数据传输标准HL7和安全协议WS-Security,增加了医疗数据通信的互操作性,保证了通信安全。

    In the implementation phase , we use the open source ESB environment to introduce medical data exchange standard ( HL7 ) and security protocol ( WS-Security ), which improve the interoperability of medical data communication and guarantee the communication security .

  6. 据此探讨如何建立符合中国国情的医学数据传输标准、如何实现电子病历和建立医学数据中心,以及HL7对中医药行业发展的意义。

    This article discussed how to establish the transport exchange standard of medical data in accordance with Chinese actual situations , how to implement electronic medical record system and establish medical data center , and its significance to the development of traditional Chinese medicine .

  7. 系统数据传输标准协议的研究与电路设计

    Research and Circuits Design on System Data Transfer Standard Protocol

  8. ARINC429规范是航空电子设备数字数据传输标准。

    ARINC Specification 429 is a digital data transfer standard of aeronautical electronic devices .

  9. 随着工业界对XML技术的支持,XML以及由XML衍生出的系列技术构成了一套完整的采用XML技术进行数据传输的标准。

    With the support of the industry vendors , XML and the series of technologies based on XML constructed a set of standards on exchanging data .

  10. DICOMRT是放射治疗领域的数据传输通用标准。

    DICOM RT is the established data transfer standard in the field of radiotherapy .

  11. 主要阐述了RS-485作为串行呼梯中数据传输的标准接口如何可靠地在电梯呼梯系统中的应用,以及呼梯信号在通信线缆中传输的可靠技术。

    This text mainly explains that RS-485 is used in serially calling elevator system as standard interface of data transmission , and the reliable technology that the signal of calling elevator is transmitted in the communication cable .

  12. DICOM标准是PACS网络中各系统互连的基础,也是用于统一各种数字化影像设备的图像格式和数据传输的标准。

    Digital image and communication on medicine ( DICOM ) is not only the base of the interconnection of system in PACS , but also a standard in order to unify all kinds of image formats and data transmission .

  13. 本文简要介绍了CCSDS和EOSDIS的技术背景,详细阐述了CCSDS制定的关于信道编码和数据传输的标准;并且结合研制的EOS-AM遥感卫星数据接收机,分析了解调和编解码的关键技术。

    This paper briefly introduces the technical backgrounds of the CCSDS and the EOSDIS , particularly expatiates the standard of channel coding and transmission , and comprehensively analyzes the key technology of demodulation and coding through developing the EOS-AM remote sensing satellite data receiver . [ WT5HZ ]

  14. ARINC429数字信息传输规范是机载设备之间常用数据信息传输标准之一,目前在我国航空工业部门应用十分广泛。

    ARINC 429 digital information transmission specification is one of the data information transmission standards among the airborne equipments , which at present is used extensively in aviation industrial departments of our country .

  15. 着手对HFC网络安全技术的研究,对适用我国HFC网络数据传输系统安全标准制订的探索,有着非常重要的学术价值和现实意义。

    So it is academically and practically significant to embark on studying security technologies of HFC network and discussing the establishment of our national security standard using in data transmission system of HFC network .

  16. 就目前的形势来看,DICOM-RT标准是行业内公认的最为可靠的放射治疗数据存储和传输标准,绝大多数国际设备生产厂商的放射治疗设备都兼容DICOM-RT标准。

    So far , the DICOM-RT standard is recognized as the most reliable radiotherapy data storage and transmission standard . Majority of radiotherapy equipments produced by international equipment manufacturers are compatible with the DICOM-RT standard .

  17. 自90年代以来,并行计算得以空前的飞速发展,并行系统的体系结构趋于成熟,数据传输网络的标准化和传输速率的大幅提升,为研制并行系统创造了有利条件。

    Since 1990s , parallel computing has developed unprecedented rapidly , structure of parallel computer system has matured , data transmission network has become standardization and transmission rate has lifted , which all have created advantaged conditions for the development of parallel system .

  18. NTCIP(NationalTransportationCommunicationsforITSProtocol)是美国针对智能交通系统(ITS)中电子设备之间的数据传输而制定的标准通讯协议。

    NTCIP ( National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol ) is the standard communication protocol stetted by United States for the Intelligent Transport System ( ITS ) of the data transmission between electronic devices .

  19. PACS必需解决的技术问题之一是统一各种数字化影像设备的图像数据格式和数据传输标准。

    One of the technology problems that PACS has to solve is to unify all kinds of image formats from different image equipments and data communication standards .

  20. 应用FTP或HTTP标准数据传输协议,采用标准IDL接口实现了远程文件格式转换服务,解决了CAD系统之间的文件格式不兼容问题。

    Standard data transport protocols of FTP or HTTP are adopted . The tele-file format transform is implemented by using standard IDL interface encapsulation . The un-compatibility of file format of different CAD systems is resolved .

  21. 我们介绍了协议分析的基本原理,深入分析了网络数据传输所依赖的标准协议:提供基本的通信服务的TCP/IP协议,应用层的HTTP、FTP协议。

    We introduced the basic theories of protocol analyzing , deeply elucidated a sets of standard protocol , those protocol were relianted by the network data transmission : TCP / IP protocol & provided the essential service for communications , The application layer protocol : HTTP and FTP .

  22. 这种方法有一致的优点:所有的数据传输有统一的标准。

    This method has the advantage of consistency : all the data transmitted follows the same standard .

  23. 通过实验计算分析提出了实验数据传输层的数据标准化理论和方法,分析了用于保障数据传输安全性的数据加密算法。

    The data standardization theory and the method of Experiment Data Transport Layer have been presented by a real experiment . The encryption algorithm for data transfer security has also been analyzed .

  24. 随着移动通信的发展,高速的数据传输成为各大标准追求的目标,而提高传输速率无疑是从提高频谱效率和扩大带宽两个角度进行。

    Along with the development of mobile communication , high data-rate transmission becomes the target that several standard organizations pursuit . And improving efficiency and expanding the spectrum can helps to reach such a goal .

  25. 数据交换模块采用XML作为数据传输标准,利用WEBService机制,实现了对数据的透明访问,使得众多异构系统间的数据库得以互联互通。

    The data exchange module uses XML as a data transmission standard , the use of the Web Service mechanism , transparent access to data , the database can be interoperability between the many heterogeneous systems .

  26. 分析了与CORS定位业务密切相关的数据采集、存储和远程数据传输等多种协议标准。

    Several protocol standards closely related to the CORS positioning services , being used in data collection , storage , remote transmission and other occasions , is analyzed .