
  • 网络data loss;data degradation
  1. 为DB2ContentManager实现热备份将带来业务连续性,若处理得当,还将最小化数据损失,甚至完全不会有损失。

    Implementing hot backup for DB2 Content Manager affords business continuity and minimizes data loss or no loss of data if handled properly .

  2. NX的集成的一套解决方案,不仅消除了兼容性和数据损失等问题,它绕学习费用和维持多重系统。

    The NX integrated solution set not only eliminates the questions of compatibility and data loss , it circumvents the costs of learning and maintaining multiple systems .

  3. 但是,LLE算法使得降维后的数据损失了原有数据的密度信息,从而导致降维效果产生扭曲,无法获得正确的低维嵌入。

    But LLE losses the density of the original data in the Low-dimensional data , make the dimensionality reduction effect distorted , and unable to obtain the correct low-dimensional embedding .

  4. 如果数据库没有被置疑,那么带REPAIR选项的DBCCCHECKDB可能是第二选择,但是这通常会导致数据损失。

    If the database isn 't suspect , then DBCC CHECKDB with a REPAIR option might be a secondary option but this will often result in loss of data .

  5. 您能够忍受什么程度的数据损失?

    What is your tolerance level for data loss ?

  6. 这个选项能够避免数据损失,但它并不总是完美无缺。

    This protects from data loss , but it 's not always perfect either .

  7. 指定数据库备份计划以避免由于系统错误而造成的数据损失。

    Specify the database backup plan to prevent data loss due to system failure .

  8. 日志的末尾&当要求没有数据损失时通常使用这个选项。

    End of logs-This is typically used when the requirement is for no data lost .

  9. 这意味着压缩过程中没有数据损失,因此图像质量不会下降。

    This means that no data is lost during compression , so the image does not degrade .

  10. 活跃日志防止在崩溃恢复(比如电源故障)期间的数据损失。

    Active logs are logs that prevent lost of data during crash recovery such as power failure .

  11. 如果你在上一步做了日志备份,那么你很可能会没有数据损失。

    If you managed to backup log in above step , then you will most probably have zero dataloss .

  12. 移动云还针对智能手机丢失或被盗造成的数据损失提供一定程度的保护。

    The mobile cloud also offers some degree of protection against data loss resulting from a lost or stolen smartphone .

  13. 视频在压缩、传输和存储的过程中会受到数据损失,引入各种失真效应。

    Videos suffer data loss during the process of compression , transmission and storage , and different kinds of distortions are introduced .

  14. 换句话说,要想确保绝对没有数据损失,需要原样保存上次在线备份以来的日志。

    In other words , to ensure absolute no data lost , these logs need to stay intact since the last online backup .

  15. 应该权衡考虑您能够承受的时间和数据损失与确保避免损失所需的代价。

    Consider carefully how much time and data you can afford to lose versus how much you pay to make sure nothing is lost .

  16. 算法更新过程采用非重启模式,实现了算法文件集的在线更新,避免了程序重启过程所带来的数据损失,提高了运算的精确度。

    The " non-restart mode " is adopted for on-line renewing of algorithm library to avoid data loss during restarting and improve algorithm accuracy .

  17. 通常,备份的时间间隔由事务量和在发生硬件故障时能够接受的数据损失量决定。

    Oftentimes , the interval for backup is determined by the amount of transactions and acceptance of data lost in the event of hardware failure .

  18. 例如,对于实现无数据损失策略的小型环境,可以对数据库进行整体的在线备份和恢复。

    For example , for a smaller shop that implements a no-data-lost policy can opt for online backup and restore of databases as a whole .

  19. 在经济生活日益依赖于通信网的今天,网络故障不仅会带来巨大的数据损失,甚至会导致灾难性后果。

    As the economy society depends on communication networks more and more , the network failures will bring about a great data loss or even disaster .

  20. 这种情况发生时,您的惟一选择就是重新启动,重新启动实际上不会节约任何能源,并且您还会面临相同的数据损失问题。

    When this happens your only choice is to reboot , which doesn 't really save any energy , and you have the same issues with data loss .

  21. 很多桌面应用程序允许用户随时保存文件,还有一些产品会自动保存正在编辑的文件以最小化因程序崩溃而造成的数据损失。

    Many desktop applications let users save documents at any time , and many products automatically save documents being edited to minimize data loss if the application crashes .

  22. 因此,在此命令发出后出现的那些要求日志完好(没有“间隙或漏洞”)的事务可确保顺利前滚,而不会有任何数据损失。

    So , any transactions after that command require logs to be intact ( with no " gaps / holes ") to ensure a smooth roll forward without any loss of data .

  23. 多目标规划中,通过引入模糊数学理论,克服了传统优化算法中决策者直接给出最优权重的困难,避免对某些目标进行简单量化带来的误差和数据损失。

    The difficulties of how to select the weights of each object and avoid the errors and losses by simplifying certain object ones in traditional methods can be solved by using Fuzzy mathematic theory .

  24. 为了避免触发判选延时导致事例数据损失,传统的触发判选系统一般采用多级触发的形式,其中第一级触发判选必须在两次对撞之间完成。

    So as to avoid the dead time which is caused by the delay of trigger processing , multilevel trigger method is usually adopted by traditional trigger systems . The first level trigger should be completed before the next collision happens .

  25. 计算机遥测系统实际上是一种复杂的随机服务系统,本文引用排队论对两种可能的计算机遥测系统的数据损失率等指标进行了定量分析,建立了数学模型与公式体系。

    It is in fact a kind of complicated stochastic service system . Quantitative analysis for the indexes , such as " proportion of data damaged ", in two kinds of possible computer telemetry system has been made and the mathematical model and its formula system have been established .

  26. 当减少训练样本数和数据有损失时本文算法也有很好的鲁棒性。

    When train samples are reduced , the algorithm still has strong robustness .

  27. 您需要定期备份您的数据以免损失。

    You are required to back up your own data periodically to protect against loss .

  28. 虽然磁盘上的数据没有损失,但是无法访问该磁盘。

    The data on the disks is not compromised , but the disks cannot be accessed .

  29. 备份技术可以处理软错误,但是由于备份是周期性的,无法做到完全的数据无损失。

    Although backup can deal with soft errors , we can not avoid data loss since backup always be done in period .

  30. 主成分分析法能够在保证原始数据信息损失最小的情况下,以少数的综合变量取代原有的多维变量,因而有效地简化数据变量。

    The principal component analysis ( PCA ) could substitute a small number comprehensive variable for original multidimensional variable and obviously simplify data structure in the pre-condition of minimizing loss of original data information .