
  • 网络Security;data security;Data confidentiality
  1. 然后将查看如何通过Web身份验证、服务器安全性和数据安全性来确保Web服务器的安全。

    Then we look at securing a Web server through Web authentication , server security , and data security .

  2. 基于PHP实现数据安全性的方法及比较

    Comparison of approaches to data security implementation based on PHP

  3. DNA数据安全性问题的研究

    Research about the Security Questions of DNA Data

  4. 基于ERP系统的数据安全性的研究

    Study on the Data Safety Based on ERP System

  5. 大型企业CIMS中数据安全性的研究与应用

    The Study and Application of CIMS Data Security in Large Corporation

  6. 增强IPSECVPN数据安全性的混合加密算法研究

    Research on Mixed Encryption Algorithm for Enhancing IPSec VPN Data Security

  7. 数据安全性是设计与实施CIMS中的一个重大关键技术。

    Data security is a key technology in designing and implementing CIMS .

  8. 本文针对要求数据安全性较高且机构分散特点明显的水电企业,提出了基于J2EE技术的水电企业分布式管理信息系统(DistributedManagementInformationSystem,DMIS)。

    This article presents Distributed Management Information System ( DMIS ) based on J2EE technology for hydropower enterprises which have decentralized branches and asks for high data safety .

  9. 介绍了用Java来设计入侵检测系统中的网络通信模块,提高检测网络数据安全性的能力。

    The article has recommended designing and invading the network communication module in the detection system with Java , to improve the ability to measure data security of the network .

  10. 什么是OLTP数据安全性?

    What do we mean by OLTP data security ?

  11. 提出了一种基于WEB的电子设计环境结构,阐述了基于WEB的设计过程管理和数据安全性管理的思想。

    This paper presents the ramifications of the Internet on electronics design , and develops a structure for web-based electronic design environment . Followed that , web-based design process management and data security management are also described .

  12. 但是,数据安全性的概念常常被局限于SaaS应用程序本身的上下文内。

    But often , the concept of security of data is considered only within the context of the SaaS application itself .

  13. 采用B/S模式,简化了客户软件开发,然而对数据安全性提出了更高要求,同时较难实现复杂数据交互窗口功能。

    While the adoption of the B / S mode simplifies the developing of client software , however it raises the requirement for data security , and the function of complex windows for data exchanging is difficult to fulfill .

  14. 新特性增强了OLTP数据安全性、OLTP性能、数据仓库性能和管理。

    New features enhance OLTP data security , OLTP performance , data warehouse performance , and administration .

  15. 数据安全性是设计和实施CIMS中的一个重要关键技术,其保护措施是否有效是评价系统质量高低的主要性能指标之一。

    Data security is a key technology in designing and implementing CIMS . The validity of its protect measures is one of the performance targets that evaluate system quality .

  16. 本文详细描述了CWM的工作原理和运行机制,并分析了CWM的运行效率和数据安全性。

    This dissertation presents the working principle and running mechanism , and analyse the data security and operational efficiency of CWM .

  17. 未来的非易失存储器(NVM)探索非易失存储器数据安全性研究

    Cutting Edge products & Research Results in NVM Technologies The Data Security Analysis of the Nonvolatile Memorizer

  18. 其中,在监控中心部分主要说明了局域网通信、串行通信和GPRS远程通信的技术实现,并讨论了数据安全性问题,提出了基于DES和RSA的混合加密系统。

    This paper describes implement of LAN communications , serial communications and GPRS in the monitor center , and designed a hybrid encryption system base on DES and RSA for data security .

  19. 研究结果表明:基于AES和ECC的混和加密算法比传统的DES算法具有更高的安全性和执行性能,可有效的增强VPN的数据安全性。

    The results show that the mixed encryption algorithm based on AES and ECC has higher security and performance than the conventional algorithm DES , and can enhance the VPN data security .

  20. 但是,P2P的广泛使用也带来了带宽过量消耗、网络病毒传播迅速、通信数据安全性降低等网络服务和网络安全问题。

    However , the widespread use of the P2P technologies has also brought a lot of serious problems about network services and network security , such as excessive bandwidth consumption , rapid virus spread , low security of communication data and so on .

  21. 与原有的OA系统相比,本系统避免的查询假死现象的出现,且在数据安全性与通信安全性方面有显著改进。有效的提高了企业内部信息共享、信息传递、信息管理的效率。

    Compared with original OA system , the system avoids the query to feign death phenomenon , and the data security and communication security has significantly improved , and this system can enhance the enterprise internal information sharing , information transmission , information management efficiency .

  22. 最后,对产品结构与配置管理中的文档管理、权限管理、产品结构管理和产品结构多视图管理进行了详细设计,保证了企业数据安全性的要求,实现了各部门动态生成BOM视图的功能。

    Finally , document management , rights management , product structure management and product structure multi-view management in product structure and configuration management were designed in details ensuring the security requirements of the company data , which made it come true that various BOM views were generated dynamically .

  23. NET2.0缓存技术优化页面性能,采用数据库及时更新的缓存机制,确保了远程维护页面的数据安全性和性能优化,通过远程维护分级权限管理,有效地提高了远程维护的安全性。

    NET 2.0.Using cache technique to optimize paging performance , the cache mechanism of updating in database is adopted to ensure the security and optimizing in remote maintenance . The management of power of remote maintenance ensure the secure quality of remote maintenance effectively .

  24. SEMS的设计充分利用了现代电子邮件安全协议和安全电子邮件系统的优点,克服了它们存在的缺点和不足,进一步提高了电子邮件的数据安全性和内容安全性。

    During the process of SEMS 's design , we make full use of the advantages of both the existing E-mail security protocols and the safe E-mail systems , and try to conquer their disadvantages and deficiencies , which enhances the security of data and contexts in E-mails .

  25. 一种基于在线招投标系统保护数据安全性的方法

    A Method for Protecting Data Security Based on the Online Bidding

  26. IC卡预付费产品系统数据安全性的研究

    An investigation on data security of IC card prepayment product systems

  27. C/S模式管理信息系统数据安全性控制的研究

    Research of Data Safty Control in MIS under C / S Mode

  28. 客户/服务器结构的数据安全性研究

    A Study of Data Security in C / S Architecture

  29. 多用户信息系统中数据安全性控制及其实现

    Control and Implementation of Data Security in Multi - user Information System

  30. 基于总线架构的多核系统编程模型及数据安全性研究

    Research on Programming Model and Data Security Based on Bus-based Multi-core System