
  • 网络Secure Storage;security store;safe storage
  1. 基于Linux的安全存储系统设计

    Design of secure storage system based on Linux

  2. P2P安全存储系统关键技术研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of the Key Technologies in P2P Secure Storage System

  3. 存储库为BusinessEvents资产的定义提供共享的安全存储。

    The repository provides shared , secured storage for definitions of Business Events assets .

  4. 允许您在internet上安全存储并共享付帐及购物信息。

    Enables you to safely store and share payment and shipping information for shopping on the internet .

  5. 系统数据库采用关系型数据库SqlServer数据库进行数据存储,为数据的安全存储提供了保障。

    System database uses relational database , SQL Server database , to store data , which has provided a guarantee for the security of data storage .

  6. ClearCase在一个名为VersionedObjectBase(VOB)的安全存储库中存储被版本控制地的工件。

    ClearCase stores artifacts under version control in a secure repository called a Versioned Object Base ( VOB ) .

  7. 同时也保证了信任数据的安全存储和访问,同时增强了P2P网络中交易的匿名性和安全性。

    Meanwhile , it ensures the secure storage and access of trust data and enhances the anonymity and security in the transaction of P2P network .

  8. 结论分级存储是实现PACS海量医学影像数据长期安全存储的有效方法。

    Conclusion Grading storage is the effective method for long-term storage of enormous amount of medical imaging data in PACS .

  9. 本文在提出显式授权机制的基础上,构建了一种可信安全存储系统TSS(TrustedSecureStorage),并对其进行了模拟实现。

    The research of this dissertation focuses on constructing a trusted secure storage ( briefly TSS ) system based on the EA mechanism and its simulating implementation .

  10. CredentialVault是WebSpherePortal中的一个组件,Portlet使用它来安全存储凭证信息,例如用户名/密码对。

    The Credential Vault is a component in WebSphere Portal which portlets use to safely store confidential information such as user name / password pairs .

  11. NIELSEN方程的显式然后,本文以显式授权机制为理论基础,构建了可信安全存储系统TSS。

    Explicit Expression of Nielsen Equations This part aims to describe this mechanism and its security in theory .

  12. 目的解决海量医学影像数据在医院PACS网络中的长期安全存储问题。

    Objective To find a solution to the long-term storage of enormous amount of imaging data in hospital picture archiving communication system ( PACS ) .

  13. 像许多的配置管理系统,Jazz源控制使用位于服务器上的安全存储库,并可以由使用标准协议的客户访问。

    Like many configuration management systems , Jazz source control uses a secure repository that is hosted on a server and accessed at a URL by clients who are using standard protocols .

  14. 最后建立了Vista的代码完整性验证功能模型、信任链功能模型以及全卷加密安全存储功能模型,实现了本文的研究目标。

    Finally , the functional models of code integrity validation in Vista , the trusted chain and Full Volume Encryption security storage are established . The thesis aim is achieved .

  15. 模型保存在安全存储库(VOB)之中,它提供了历史,追踪性,回馈,元数据以及许多其他的优势。

    The models are kept in a secure repository ( VOB ) which offers history , traceability , roll-back , metadata and many more advantages .

  16. 同时,使用USBKey智能存储卡作为安全存储载体,存放作为身份认证使用的数字证书和要求高度安全的印章图章,结合PKI公钥密钥机制和图像处理中的数字水印技术,保证了印章图章的安全。

    Meanwhile , the use USBKey smart cards as a safety storage carrier , stored as digital certificate and stamp seal that require high security , combined with PKI mechanism and digital watermarking technology in image processing to ensure the safety seal picture .

  17. CGD位于操作系统中的其他部分和实际磁盘之间,CGD可以作为连接到系统的其他磁盘设备,允许对安全存储数据进行透明访问。

    By sitting between the rest of the operating system and the actual disk , CGD looks and acts like any other disk drive attached to the system , allowing for transparent access to secure storage .

  18. TPM是可信计算中的一个核心模块,在TPM中管理着很多的密钥,并通过这些密钥来完成安全存储、完整性存储和报告等功能。

    Trusted Platform Module ( TPM ) is the key part of Trusted computing platform . There are many keys being managed in TPM , and TPM use these keys to achieve it 's functions , such as security storage , Integrity Measurement , Storage and Reporting .

  19. 测控系统中实现数据安全存储的实用技术

    The practical technique for data safe in measure and control system

  20. 基于秘密共享的军队指挥信息系统安全存储方案

    A Safety Storage Scheme of Military Command Information System based Secret Share

  21. 保证网格资源信息的分布式安全存储;

    To assure the secure storage of the resource information ;

  22. 企业信息集成平台电子文档安全存储管理技术

    Secure Storage Management Technology of Electronic Documents on Information-integrated Platform in Enterprises

  23. 安全存储区域网络中加密卡驱动程序开发

    Driver development of encryption card in secure storage area network

  24. 企业电子文档的安全存储和访问问题的研究

    A Study of Electron File 's Safe Memory and Visiting of An Enterprise

  25. 信息安全存储的初步研究与应用

    Preliminary Study about the Memory Security and Its Application

  26. 材料渗透系数的测定数据的非易失性安全存储;

    THE MEASUREMENT OF PERMEABILITY OF SOLIDS Non - volatile memory of data .

  27. 标准化系统中电子文档的安全存储技术研究

    Standardized System of Electronic Document Storage Technology Security Research

  28. 用秘密共享实现安全存储服务

    A Secure Stored Service Based on Secret Sharing

  29. 可以实现信息查询、安全存储、一卡一密、非法卡语音提示等功能。

    It can realize information inquiry , safe storage , and one card one password .

  30. 注意并安全存储它们。

    Note these and store them safely .