
ān zhuānɡ chénɡ xù
  • install program
  1. 在上表1中的MachineA上,启动IBMCognos10安装程序并只选择Gateway组件,如图17中所示。

    On Machine A from Table 1 above , start the IBM Cognos 10 install program and select only the Gateway component as shown below in Figure 17 .

  2. 安装程序调用GUI概要文件创建工具(PCT)来创建初始概要文件。

    The install program then launches a GUI profile creation tool ( PCT ) that creates the initial profile .

  3. 请在核实有足够的内存后再安装程序。

    Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program .

  4. Environment页面指定安装程序的运行方式。

    The Environment page specifies the way the installation program is to run .

  5. n选项告诉安装程序不要配置网络接口。

    The-n option tells the installation not to configure the network interface .

  6. 在安装程序启动之后,就可以通过网络安装EnterpriseLinux。

    Once the installer starts , you can install Enterprise Linux from network .

  7. 浅谈GIS组合电器的安装程序和工艺

    Discussion on fixing process and technics of GIS combined electrical equipment

  8. 安装程序尝试转到windows目录失败。

    Setup failed while attempting to switch to the windows directory .

  9. 应答文件告诉安装程序如何安装和配置windows。

    An answer file tells setup how to install and configure windows .

  10. Windows无法从本地系统启动安装程序。

    Windows could not start Setup from the local system .

  11. 安装程序不能写至windows重新启动文件。

    Setup cannot write to the windows restart file .

  12. 请在运行安装程序前将windows终端服务器切换到安装模式。

    Please switch the Windows terminal server to install mode before running setup .

  13. 使用以下命令启动安装程序,安装RESTAPI

    Start the installer to install the REST API using the following command

  14. 首先下载针对Windows的安装程序。

    Begin by downloading the installer for Windows .

  15. 用InstallShield制作PB应用的安装程序

    Use Install Shield to Make Installing Program for PB Application

  16. 如果您试图在不能访问internet的计算机上安装程序,则安装将会失败。

    If you try to install the program on a computer that doesn 't have Internet access , the installation could fail .

  17. 一个用于Windows应用程序的安装程序

    Setup program for Windows Applications

  18. 最后,安装程序安装软件并(可选地)在Start菜单和桌面中添加快捷方式。

    Finally , the Setup application installs the software and ( optionally ) adds shortcuts to your Start menu and desktop .

  19. 点击Install并按照随后的安装程序操作。

    Click Install and follow the installation procedure .

  20. 如果这个路径不存在,DB2安装程序会在安装期间创建它。

    If the path doesn 't exist , DB2 installer creates it during installation .

  21. Domino安装程序会在桌面上放一个LotusDominoServer快捷方式。

    The Domino installation program places a Lotus Domino Server shortcut on your desktop .

  22. 它是一个独立的可安装程序,与Sun所提供的工具相比,它是一种具有更好的可管理性的工具。

    It is a separate installable program , which is a much better manageability tool than what Sun offers .

  23. 执行make命令来构建程序;然后执行makeinstall命令安装程序并设置工具。

    Execute a make command to build the program ; then execute a make install command to install the program and set up the tool .

  24. 实际上,我发现拥有在不必要的情况下不需要root权限的安装程序非常方便。

    I actually find it quite comforting to have an installer that doesn 't demand root privileges when they 're not needed .

  25. 用SetupToolkit创建产品安装程序

    Using Setup Toolkit to Create Product 's Installation Program

  26. 如果问题与exchange有关,则效果应该显示在exchange安装程序安装的服务列出的其中一个exchange进程中。

    If the problem is related to exchange , the effect should appear in one of the exchange processes listed in services installed by exchange setup .

  27. 继续进行前执行测试B。尝试运行'%1'时,安装程序失败。请确认可执行文件存在。

    TEST 7B CONTINUED FROM THE PREVIOUS PAGE . Setup failed while trying to run ' % 1 ' . Make sure that the executable exists .

  28. 如果使用Windows安装程序安装了Ruby,需要选择1。

    If you installed Ruby using the Windows installer , you will need to pick option # 1 .

  29. 它同其它可能出现在您的测试机上的Eclipse的安装程序能够愉快的共存。

    It happily coexists with other installations of Eclipse that may be present on your test machine .

  30. SBS安装程序不支持要求的安装操作。

    The requested install action is not supported by the SBS setup program .