
  • 网络the right to security;the right to safety
  1. 如果将安全保障义务定位于合同法中的附随义务或约定义务,则会有对人的安全权过于轻视之嫌,由于合同义务向侵权法领域的扩张毕竟是有限的。

    If the security obligations in the Contract Law located in the accompanying obligation or contractual obligation , we will have the right to security of persons suspected of too lightly , because of contractual obligations to expand the area of tort law , after all , is limited .

  2. 电子商务中消费者安全权保护问题研究

    Research on Consumers ' Safety Right Protection in Electronic Commerce

  3. 人们对失踪的登山者的安全权为担忧。

    Great fears are felt for the safety of the missing climbers .

  4. 这些问题中首当其冲的就是网络给消费者安全权的实现带来的挑战。

    Firstly , network brings the realization of consumer 's safety challenge .

  5. 论食品安全权是我国公民的基本权利

    On the Right to Food Safety is the Citizens'Basic Rights In China

  6. 我国旅游消费者安全权实现的困境与出路

    Plight and Way Out of Realization of Safety Rights of Tourist Consumers

  7. 最后,对安全权的实现进行了适当的限制。

    Finally , we point out that the right to safe should be limited .

  8. 职业安全权的法律保护

    The Legal Protection of the Employment Security Right

  9. 消费者安全权是消费者最基本的首要权利。

    Consumers ' safety right is the primary right , and also the most basic right .

  10. 此外,本文还对如何促进银行公平交易、加强信息安全权保护提出了建议。

    In addition , this article discusses how to promote fair trade and strengthen the financial information protection .

  11. 本文内容主要分为三章:第一部分主要阐释安全权的概念。

    This paper mainly divided into three chapters : The first chapter mainly interprets the concept of the right to safe .

  12. 其中,安全权保护是消费者最为看重的内容。

    Among all the rights that consumers have , consumers regard the protection of safety right as the most important content .

  13. 包括知情权、先验货后付款的权利、反悔权、消费信息安全权四个方面。

    Including the rights to know , the first rights before payment , inspection , the rights of information security of consumers .

  14. 劳动安全权指的是在劳动中对于劳动者的劳动安全和健康的保护,和使其免遭职业伤害的权利。

    Labor safety authority refers to labor safety and health protection of workers and protect them from occupational injuries in labor rights .

  15. 另外还包括秘密关押和其他侵犯生存权、自由权和个人安全权等行为。

    They also include freedom from secret imprisonment and from other violations of the right to life , liberty and personal security .

  16. 切实保护消费者安全权,增强消费者的信心,就成为促进电子商务健康成长和良性发展的一个重要问题。

    Protecting safety right and enhancing consumers ' confidence has become an important issue to promote healthy growth and positive development of E-commerce .

  17. 食物权主要包含了食物获得权与食物安全权两项基本权能。

    The main food of the right to food includes the right of access to food safety and the right to two basic competence .

  18. 食品安全权是一个复合型概念,因此,需要首先明确食品、食品安全的定义与性质。

    Food security right is a mixed mode concept , which needs to define what is the food and the nature of food security , firstly .

  19. 生命安全权比生命权更为积极和入时,也与我国政府主张的生存权更为接近;

    Right of life and security is more active and popular than right of life , is closer to the right of existence held by Chinese government .

  20. 在实体法律构建上,将主要从对餐饮消费者安全权的法律保障、格式条款的规制和餐饮消费者赔偿标准的制定三个方面加以研究。

    In the entity laws building , the legal guarantee of catering consumers ' safety right , the regulations on overlord provisions and the standard to compensate are focused .

  21. 然而,现实生活中这些权利正在受到侵害,行人的生命安全权得不到应有的保障,城市步行空间的环境质量也在下降。

    However , these rights are being violated in real life , the safety right of pedestrians to get due protection , urban walking space environment quality on the decline .

  22. 生育权的内容主要有生育请求权、决定权、调节权、知情权、安全权和隐私权。

    The content of bearing right includes mainly bearing claim right , decision right , adjustment right , right to learn the truth , safety right and right of privacy .

  23. 逐类分析消费者的安全权、隐私权、知情权、公平交易权、索赔权是怎样被侵害的。

    By analysis of the safety of the consumer , the right of privacy , right to know , the fair trading right , the infringement right to explain the reason .

  24. 研究结果:耕地产权体系包含耕地的生产收益权、生存保障权、农地发展权、粮食安全权和生态安全权,各权利价值在不同的社会经济条件下有不同体现;

    The results show that the tenure system of cultivated land includes production profitability right , livelihood guarantee right , farmland development right , food security right and ecological security right .

  25. 这些冲突损害了旅游消费者的法律平等地位权、产品的选择权、知情权、安全权、按约旅行权、公平交易权等。

    These conflicts undermine the rights of travel consumers , such as legal equal status , product selection , personal security , fair trade , right to know and so on .

  26. 近些年,随着各类消费安全事件的频繁发生、消费者维权意识的提高,消费者安全权保护问题引发了国际、国内的强烈关注。

    In recent years , with the various consumption security incidents occurring frequently and consumers ' consciousness of right protection raising , consumers ' safety right protection triggered the international and domestic strong concern .

  27. 现代民法要求将公民的环境权、国有资产所有权和监督保护权、消费者安全权等作为独立的新型的民事权利加以保护。

    Modern civil law requests to establish the environmental rights , state-owned property possessive , supervisory and protecting rights , and safe rights of consumer as new civil rights independently for private law protection .

  28. 主要对新的交易环境下消费者在知情权、公平交易权、安全权以及纠纷解决机制方面遇到的问题和隐患进行了分析和说明。第三部分:学习借鉴部分。

    This part mainly analyzes and explains the problems and hidden troubles of right to know , fair dealing , security rights and dispute settlement mechanism under the new transaction environment . Part ⅲ: Learning part .

  29. 网络交易在给消费者带来方便和实惠的同时,也同样带来了一些棘手的问题,诸如对消费者知情权、安全权、求偿权等等权利的侵害。

    Network transactions bring convenience and benefits to consumers , while also bringing a number of thorny issues , such as the consumers right to information , security , claims , and so rights are infringed upon .

  30. 由于网上交易环境的虚拟化,交易服务的自动化,高技术性,交易市场的开放性等,使网上交易中的消费者面临着安全权,知情权,隐私权,求偿权等权利的侵害。

    As virtual online trading environment , trading services , automation , high technology , market openness , so that consumers face in online transactions with security the right to information , privacy , claims and other rights violations .