
  • 网络freedom of person
  1. 孟子的人格自由论研究

    On the Mencius ' Theory of Personality Freedom

  2. 从价值论意义来讲,自然表现为一种追求生命本然意义和个体人格自由的价值取向。

    From the perspective of axiology ," nature " is a value preference pursuing vital inherent significance and individual personality freedom .

  3. 夹克代表的是我的个人特征的和我关于人格自由的一个符号,我告诉过你吗?

    Did I ever tell ya that this here jacket represents a symbol of my individuality , and my belief in personal freedom ?

  4. 这不仅仅是市场经济对法律保护提出的要求,也是民众人格自由发展的需要。

    It is not only the market-oriented economy required of the legal system , but the requirement of the free personality of the public .

  5. 在社会理念方面,两者坚持男女平等和人格自由,与我国相似。

    The two countries insist on sex equality and personality freedom in the aspect of social conception , which resembles that of our country .

  6. 现代的大学教授应具备:独立人格与自由思想;

    Modern university professors should be : with independent personality and free thinking ;

  7. 文人画的艺术精神体现了魏晋人格的自由精神,即表现为视艺术为艺术家生命体验与情感体验的诗性表达。

    The Wenren painting is the expression of free spirit of personality and an artist 's life and emotion .

  8. 独立之人格,自由之思想,自强之精神,自律之行为,合作之意识,宽容之胸襟。

    Independent personality , freedom of thought , Self-renewal spirit , self-discipline , cooperation , the consciousness of tolerance .

  9. 知识分子并不是以知识为其判断的惟一标准,而是以他是否具有社会责任感,是否具有独立人格和自由批判精神为根本特征。

    Intellectuals cannot be defined only by knowledge , but characterized with social responsibility , independent personality and free critical spirit .

  10. 她之所以有经久不衰的魅力,在于郝思嘉表现出来的独立的人格、自由的精神、坚强的性格和现实的人生态度、身处逆境而不甘沉沦的精神、顽强的生活能力和对爱情的执著追求;

    Her charm lies in her perverse personality of independence , her spirit of freedom , her firm characteristic and real life attitude .

  11. 本文拟从自由、人格、自由人格的涵义入手,较系统地分析了平民化的自由人格的涵义、特征和传承。

    This paper will focus on this regard , with a comparatively systemic study from the perspectives of freedom , personality and a full-grown character .

  12. 真正介入的艺术体现了艺术家人格的自由独立,批判的精神和参与社会的勇气。

    The appearance of participating art in reality shows the artists ' freedom and independence in personality , the critical spirits and the courage of participating the society .

  13. 知情同意的本义:对患者权利、尊严、人格和自由的尊重,只有在知情同意过程中获得。因此知情同意过程应该重要于知情同意书。

    The original meaning of informed consent : the respect for the patients ' rights , dignity and freedom can only be achieved during the informed process , which means the process is more important than the document .

  14. 从这个意义上说,写作指导的目的除了培养学生准确的表达生活的能力之外,更在于培养学生独立之人格,自由之思想。

    This leads to an important issue in writing instruction : apart from developing the students ' competence of accurate written expression , the aim of writing instruction should develop the students with " independent personality and freedom of thinking " .

  15. 高等教育应以人格完善与自由和谐发展为最终的培养目标。

    The full , free and harmony development of personality is the ultimate goal of higher education .

  16. 家长对子女人格特点的自由描述&中国儿童样本对大五人格结构的验证

    Parents'free descriptions on children 's characteristics : a verified research on the big five from Chinese data

  17. 培养自由能力、塑造自由精神、养成自由人格是教育自由的内在规定。

    Cultivating freedom ability , figuring freedom spirit and nurturing freedom personality are the inner provision of educational freedom .

  18. 头戴弗里季亚帽的玛丽娅娜是法兰西共和国的人格化,自由的象征。

    Marianne wearing a Phrygian cap is the national personification of the French Republic , and a symbol of Liberty .

  19. 自由主义知识分子,本义是指有着独立的人格精神和自由的批判意识,尊崇平等、自由理念的现代知识分子。

    Liberationist intellectuals , originally , refer to intellectuals who have spirit of independent personality and consciousness of free criticism , and respect equality and liberal ideas .

  20. 这时的扁舟已经不是渔父的载体,而是有独立意识、有人格魅力的自由生命。

    At this time the boat is not the Fisherman of the vector , but there is an independent consciousness , there is the charisma of life freely .

  21. 其独立平等的人格特征、自由理性的权力要求、诚信守法的行为方式构成了中产阶层最为主要的法律品格。

    The independent and equal personality characteristics , the liberal and rational claim of authority and the creditable and law abiding way of act are the main features of middle class 's legal morality .

  22. 人文精神、科学精神和学术自由精神,是大学精神最重要最深刻的内涵。大学精神对于提升人的层次、弘扬人性、铸锻人格,培育自由自觉意识和创新意识都具有重要作用。

    Spirits of humanism , science and freedom are the most important contents for university spirits , which help the upgrading of personal growth , elevating humanity , training willpowers and cultivating personality and innovation .

  23. 高校教师职业与教育经历的特殊性决定了他们的需要有着与一般人不同的特点,其中最主要的特点是重视人格独立和自由。

    The particularity of university teachers ' job and their educating experience determines their needing with different characteristics from common people , among which the main characteristic is paying attention to the independence of personality and freedom .

  24. 人格智慧与价值自由

    Wisdom of Personality and Freedom of Value

  25. 全面自由发展个性和优化人格,以实现自由性主体意识。

    Develop their individuality in all-rounded way and optimizing their personality to realize free subject consciousness .

  26. 人格独立与精神自由&论女性艺术实现自我的前提

    Personality Independence and Spirit Freedom & On the Premise of the Self-realization of the Feminine Art

  27. 学术自由权利社会化使学术自由权利主体间的侵权行为日益突出,主要表现于著作权、人格权对学术自由行为的限制。

    The right socialization of academic freedom induces tortuous behaviors between the right subjects of academic freedom .

  28. 我们必须支持我们的权利,不然就会失去我们的人格,就连自由也可能因此而丧失。

    We must support our rights or lose our character , and with it , perhaps , our liberties .

  29. 渔父文化对真朴、人格独立、精神自由的追求,对提升人生境界有重要的思想启迪意义。

    Fisherman culture , which provides enlightenment on man , longs for purity and sincerity , independent personality and free spirit .

  30. 人本主义的教育目标是培养人格健全,有自由选择能力的整体的人;

    The educational goal of humanistic education is to cultivate the whole person with complete personality and the ability of free choice .