
  1. 由于人井F1的出水管暴露在人井外,且已锈蚀腐烂,完全失去了排水功能。故F1下游排水渠需重新铺设。

    AS the outlet pipe of well F1 is exposed , it has completed rotten , and lost the drainage function , so we have to rebuilt the downstream offtake .

  2. 人井流体与产层配伍性的技术

    In & well fluid and its compatibility to the producing zone

  3. 为了切实的保护好电信的通信管道和通信线路,一套完整而且功能强大的通讯管网管理系统就应运而生了&通信人井监控报警系统。

    In order to protect them , it is necessary to build a set of powerful and complete Manage System for telecom pipe net .

  4. 有些矿井利用大气压力差引起空气自然流动,有些矿井则必须用扇风机把空气压人井内。基坑内承压降水井封井的防水与封堵

    In some cases the difference in atmospheric pressure causes the air to circulate naturally ; in others a fan must be used to pump air into the mine . Waterproof and Shutoff for Closing of Pressured Dewatering Well Located in Foundation Pit

  5. 大家应该还记得有几个人下井帮助救援工作。

    Remember several men went down there to help with the rescue .

  6. 从前有兄妹两人在井边玩耍,不小心掉进了井里。

    A little brother and little sister were playing by a well , and while they were playing there they both fell in .

  7. 1993年她捐了两次,在信中她解释说是因为她看到当年比平时有更多的人受苦井陷入困境。

    In 1993 , she gave twice , explaining in a letter that she had seen " more suffering and more destitution " than usual .

  8. 北京人爱运动井积极参加体育运动。

    People in Beijing love orts and take an active part in orts .

  9. 过了一段时间,这个人掏自家的井时找到了自家的斧头。

    After a period of time , he found his axe when was digging his well .

  10. 这些人是无水的井,是狂风催逼的雾气,有墨黑的幽暗为他们存留。

    These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm . Blackest darkness is reserved for them .

  11. 本文通过阐述人挖大口径井降水方案在三亚世界贸易中心深基坑降水工程的成功运用,说明该降水方案的可行性,为三亚地区基坑降水工程的方案选择又提供了一种新途径。

    The artificial large-diameter well drainage scheme was very successfully applied in Sanya World Trade Centre deep foundation pit in the paper . The success of the project not only have proved that the methods is feasible but also have provided a new way for Sanya area foundation pit drainage .

  12. 该矿发生事故时井下共有矿工436人,有375人陆续升井。

    A total of436 miners were working underground when the accident occurred , 375 successively lifted the shaft .