
  • 网络characterization;portrayal;character description;Portrait
  1. 本文并对此剧的创作主脑、人物描写、关目构思、艺术价值做了辨析。

    It proceeds to analyses the writing 's mainstream , character description and its artistic value .

  2. 像《史记》、《汉书》人物传记的小说化倾向,为小说的人物描写提供了参照和借鉴。

    For example , in Shi Ji and Han Shu , the novel tendency of the biography provided a reference for the character description .

  3. 这本小说中的人物描写得有些夸张。

    The characters in this novel are rather overdrawn .

  4. 不是场景,不是故事背景,也不是人物描写。读者读到提示,然后需要自己去填充缺失的故事情节。

    Not a scene , or a setting , or even a character sketch , forced -- to fill in the blanks .

  5. 人物描写图片描写或语言描绘,尤指对一个人。

    A verbal picture or description , especially of a person .

  6. 珍·奥斯汀的小说里的人物描写得很好。

    The characters in Jane Austen 's novel are well drawn .

  7. 他认为凭我的能力应该更擅长人物描写,而不是事件描述。

    He thinks my skill lies more in character drawing than incident .

  8. 《呼啸山庄》中的主要人物描写略论

    Discussion on the description of main characters in Wuthering Heights

  9. 人物描写是文学作品《探索》的一大特点。

    The figure description is 《 explore 》 a feature of the literature .

  10. 明清长篇小说中人物描写的反讽艺术

    The Sarcastic Art of the Character Portrayal in the Novels of Ming-Qing Dynasties

  11. 当涉笔于人物描写时,他的文章就流于平庸了。

    When it comes to character depicting , his prose dips into the ordinary .

  12. 作为小说家,狄更斯首先因其人物描写而被人们牢记。

    As a novelist , Dickens is remembered first of all for his character-portrayal .

  13. 不是场景,不是故事背景,也不是人物描写。

    Not a scene , or a setting , or even a character sketch .

  14. 第二章重点论述作家在人物描写与典型叙事方面的成就。

    The second chapter discusses about the writer on character portrayal and typical narrative aspects accomplishment .

  15. 人物描写非常细致,语言生动活波,具有很高的文学价值。

    The figure description is vivid and the language lively , which presents great literature value .

  16. 小说或戏剧中的人物描写。

    Characterization in fiction or drama .

  17. 夸张,大言不惭虚夸的或浮夸的话语或表述这本小说中的人物描写得有些夸张。

    Pompous or bombastic speech or expression . The characters in this novel are rather overdrawn .

  18. 本文分析了克雷夫科尔人物描写的历史背景及其社会原因。

    This paper intends to analyse the historical background and social causes of his character depicting .

  19. 安妮·泰勒是一位美国小说家,以幽默的语言和生动的人物描写著称。

    Anne Tyler is an American novelist who is famous for her humorous language and life-like characters .

  20. 在他往往十分迷人的人物描写中,最美妙的时刻是与他人相遇,这些人大部分是永远不会再碰到的旅客。

    The best moments of his often charming portrait are the encounters with people most travellers would never meet .

  21. 浅谈《金瓶梅》女性人物描写元杂剧家庭剧旦本研究

    The Study of Opera Script Focusing on Female Characters and Family Life in the Dramas in the Yuan Dynasty

  22. 80年代的先锋小说创作时期,余华在人物描写上采取的是一种人物符号化的先锋叙事策略。

    In his pioneer writings in 1980s , Yua Hua adopted a pioneer narrative policy of image symbolization to depict images .

  23. 此外,传统的人物描写手法以及语言的简单易懂,又进一步促进了革命文学的广泛流行。

    In addition , its traditional delineation of characters and its everyday language have , too , popularized " Revolutionary Literature " .

  24. 在人物描写上,善于展现细节,通过细节写出人物的神态心理。

    Third , in the portrayal On good show details , write the person 's demeanor through the details of the psychological .

  25. 写作特色方面,主要从小说的线索、结构、人物描写、事件描写等方面考察了它的独特性。

    The writing characteristic mainly inspects the novel clue , the novel structure , the description of characters and events and so on .

  26. 这一特色表现于小说的背景、重要事件和人物描写之中,加强了作品的艺术性。

    This special feature performed in the background , important affairs and portraiture of this novel , which strengthened the art of the works .

  27. 《儒林外史》塑造了一系列个性鲜明的女性形象,其艺术性集中表现在讽刺艺术、人物描写和对比手法的运用上。

    The Scholars created a series of distinctive individuality , its artistic image of women focuses on wonderful character portrayal and use of contrast methods .

  28. 汪曾祺小说的散文化表现为:人物描写的散文化;叙述的写意性、主观性;结构的随意性。

    The prosification of wangzengqi 's novels reflects in : literary sketch of figures ; free hand brushwork in narration ; subjectivity ; structure freedom .

  29. 最后,革命文学在叙事方式、故事类型、人物描写、语言及美学风格等方面,也合乎大多数读者的审美水准,促进了其流行性。

    Third , " Revolutionary Literature " fits readers ' needs by it 's narrative style , story pattern , characterization , language and aesthetic style .

  30. 文章主要从人物描写、景物描写和心理描写等方面,来探讨丰子恺散文中对空白的运用。

    This article mainly explores the use of blank in FENG Zi-kai 's prose in terms of the description of character , scenery and people 's mind .