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  • 网络Of Gods and Men;Gods And Men;Des hommes et des dieux;God
  1. 明天:你与人与神是对的吗?

    Tomorrow : Are You Right with Man and with God ?

  2. 它是人与神的伟大契约的标志。

    It is the sign of a great covenant between Man and God .

  3. 前一篇你与人与神是对的吗?

    Are You Right with Man and with God ?

  4. 这剑就是在人与神的花园(天堂?)之间的神的审判。

    The sword is God 's judgment between man and God 's garden .

  5. 刚硬的人与神的心意。

    Hard man and the Heart of God .

  6. 各自在理解人与神的关系上也是有差异的。

    Their understanding of the relationship between man and God is different , too .

  7. 相信僧侣可以沟通人与神的一种信仰。

    A belief that priests can act as mediators between human beings and God .

  8. 《补天》:人与神的碰撞

    Mending Heaven clashes between Man and God

  9. 简论但丁《神曲》中人与神的对立交融

    On the Opposition and Blend of Human Being and God in The Divine Comedy by Dante

  10. 《人与神》

    Des Hommes Et Des Dieux

  11. 你所做的没有任何事比帮助人与神建立永恒的关系更重要的了。

    Nothing else you do will ever matter as much as helping people establish an eternal relationship with God .

  12. 那些不信神的人与神是永远隔离的,但这并不是神所想要的。

    Those who do not believe in God are separated from Him forever but not because God desires that .

  13. 这样的社会阴阳调和,人与神和平相处,互不干扰。

    At that time , the society was harmonious in Yin and Yang ; human and god coexisted peacefully without any bothering .

  14. 第二,道教的鬼神祭祀和法术成为人与神交通的工具。

    Daoist rituals and magical arts are applied as the means for humans to associate themselves with spirits and gods or goddesses .

  15. 在希腊罗马文化中,人与神之间的区别仅仅在于后者是不死的和强大的,皇帝的所作所为容易突破这条含糊的界限,把皇帝的地位从人上升到人神之间。

    The emperor tended to go beyond the ambiguous distinction , and promoted himself to a position between Human and the Divine .

  16. 我希望每位来到这里的朋友经常感受到信、望、爱,生活充满动力,与人与神建立美好的关系。

    We wish each of you who join us always experience Faith , Hope and Love , and fruitful relationship with God and people .

  17. 至春秋时,中国古代人与神的地位终于翻转,并对中国古史传说发生重大影响,当然这种翻转有诸多不彻底之处。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period , this relation has been overturned , and exerts great influence on China ancient legends though the overturning is not complete .

  18. 进入2008年的第二个月,神容让我与导师们,透过一个稳定的聚会框架,采用多元的牧养方法,叫人与神相遇。

    As it comes to secondary month of2008 , God let me with mentors to make people encounter with God through the stable gathering frame and various caring way .

  19. 它包含着相互联系的三个方面:人与神的关系,人与人的关系,人与自然的关系。

    It contents three aspects connect mutually : the relation of people with God , the relation of people with people , and the relation of people with nature .

  20. 他把精神困境总结为苦难意识,他认为人类的苦难来源于罪以及人与神的隔绝。

    He summed up the existence of suffering of consciousness , and he considers the suffering of mankind is from sin . As a result , sin separated man from God .

  21. 其中人与神的关系是宗教伦理的基础,而人与人的关系及人与自然的关系则是宗教伦理在日常生活中的体现。

    The relation of people with God is the basis of religious ethic ; the relation of people with people and people with nature are the manifestations of religious ethic in daily life .

  22. 不同的绘画有不同的主题。不同的宗教画中主题的范畴和解释表现了人与神关系的特定态度。

    There are different subjects in different kinds of paintings . The range and interpretation of subjects in different forms of devotional painting express a particular attitude to the relationship between man and his deity .

  23. 宗教道德是调整人与神之间关系的行为规范,社会主义道德则是调整社会主义社会中的人与人之间关系的行为规范,属于世俗道德;

    Religious morality is a set of norms that regulates the relation between god and man , while socialist morality is a set of norms that regulates the relation between man and man in the socialist society .

  24. 本文认为,世界与人生实然的虚无,人类最根本的问题也就是虚无与信仰、人与神的关系问题,而集中解决它的,就是宗教信仰。

    This paper thinks that world and life are nihility , the problem of the most basic mankind is also nihility and faith . the relation problem between person and god , and concentration solve it , which is religious belief .

  25. 任何社会的制度都是在处理人与神关系基础上而形成的规则系统,宗教信仰不仅内化为制度的核心信念,而且左右着该社会制度演进方向。

    Any social institution is a series of regulations based on the treatment of relations between human beings and the God . The religious belief not only is internalized into the nuclear belief of a institution , but also affects the evolution directions of the social institution .

  26. 它追求构图的饱满完整、丰富匀称、和谐统一,追求造型的完整;内丘神码画文一体,人与神和谐相处,都体现了和谐的审美观。

    It is the pursuit of a complete composition of the full , rich symmetry , harmony and unity , the pursuit of a complete form ; draw the text within the code one hill of God , harmony between man and God , reflects a harmonious aesthetic .

  27. 当人与他的神一起挑战崇山峻岭,不可能的事就会消失。

    Impossibilities vanish when a man and his God confront a mountain .

  28. 有些人喜欢与神争论。

    Some people like to argue about God .

  29. 在人与相应神之间的联系的力量叫做神的意志。

    The power of the link between a character and a specific god is called divine faction .

  30. 当人的意旨与神的意旨冲突时,应当顺从谁的意旨?

    When there is a conflict between a man 's will and God 's will , whom we should obey ?