
rén ɡōnɡ zhì nénɡ yǔ yán
  • Artificial Intelligence Language;A-I language
  1. 拉塞尔认为,当机器人承担起更加复杂的任务时,就有必要将我们的道德规范翻译成人工智能语言。

    Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks , it 's necessary to translate our morals into AI language .

  2. 系统用TurboProlog人工智能语言实现。

    The system is implemented in Turbo PROLOG artificial intelligence language .

  3. 目前,PROLOG已成为一种通用的人工智能语言。

    At Present , PROLOG has become a general AI Language .

  4. 这款耳机使用IBM公司的人工智能语言软件Watson,能在三至五秒的时间里翻译出语句。

    The device translates sentences in three to five seconds using IBM 's artificial intelligence language software , Watson .

  5. TurboProlog语言,是一种特别适用于开发专家系统的人工智能语言。

    Turbo Prolog is a artificial intelligent language that is specially suitable to explore ex - pert systems .

  6. 该系统采用PROLOG人工智能语言设计,使用窗口和菜单技术,用纯中文提示和输出。

    The system adopts PROLOG language and windows and menu technique , uses Chinese presentative and output .

  7. IBM-PC机在人工智能语言TurboProlog管理下,构成了提取触觉传感器物体形状信息和对有限几种物体形状进行识别的专家系统。

    The expert system implemented by IBM-PC microcomputer in Turbo-Prolog can distinguish the shape of bodies based on the date from the tactile sensor .

  8. KDLS用C语言和人工智能语言ops5~+写成,迄今含有150多条规则。

    KDLS is written with C language and artificial intelligent language ops5 ~ + and now it has about 150 rules .

  9. 智能工具机YH-ITM是一个基于RISC、支持多种人工智能语言和传统C语言的通用智能计算机系统。

    The YH-ITM intelligent tool machine is an RISC-based general-purpose intelligent computer system which supports several AI languages and the traditional C.

  10. 程序用编译型人工智能语言TurboProlog编写,可作为进一步开发有机合成设计专家系统的雏形。

    Both files are written in artificial intelligent compiler language TURBO PROLOG . The program OPS can be used as an embryonic form of expert system for organic synthesis design .

  11. Prolog是当前最有影响力的人工智能语言之一,由于其在智能化方面的明显优势,在信息处理领域得到了高度重视和实际应用。

    Prolog , which is currently one of the most influential AI languages , attracts great attention and is being applied in the information-processing field for its prominence in intellectualization .

  12. 用人工智能语言Turbo-PROLOG(2.0版)在微机上开发了一个面向对象的石油蒸馏外部数据库。

    A turbo-prolog ( ver . 2.0 ) - based , object-oriented external database for petroleum distillation is developed on a PC computer .

  13. 再次,从系统辅助设计功能要求出发,提出将基于规则的知识库嵌入到系统内部,用人工智能语言CLIPS建立零件设计知识库;

    Third , for the purpose of making true of system 's aided design requirement , this thesis brings forward to create part design knowledge base ( KB ) with AI language CLIPS , and integrates the rule based KB into the system ;

  14. 人工智能语言及其应用

    Artificial intelligence languages and Applications

  15. 该专家系统由人工智能语言AMZIProlog和C++混合编程实现,既考虑到传统智能语言的优越性,又兼顾到使用流行的面向对象语言实现友好的人机接口。

    AMZI Prolog and C + + language are applied to build the expert system , which takes the advantages of both traditional intelligent language and OOP language .

  16. 本文在简介制约逻辑的基础上,提出了基于制约逻辑的消解原理,并探讨了基于这一原理的人工智能语言及其机器实现。

    In this Paper , LEL is simply introduced , the resolution method based on LEL is presented , then a new AI language Called LELAIL based on this method and its machine implementation is also explored .

  17. 介绍以面向对象的思想和方法,采用人工智能语言CC++对热力系统换热器进行自上而下的模块化设计,把专家系统合理地运用到计算机辅助设计中。

    By using the concept and methodology of facing the object and using artificial intelligence language C / C + + , to carry out the modular design of the heat exchanger of thermal system from upper part to lower part , and using the expert system reasonably into CAD .

  18. 人工智能程序语言LISP和PROLOG的比较

    The comparison of the artificial intelligence programming languages LISP and Prolog

  19. 人工智能Prolog语言的基本概念

    The basic concept of artificial language Prolog

  20. 本文从理论上和机制上对人工智能程序语言LISP与PROLOG进行了剖析和比较。

    This paper gives some features in common and some differences of the two artificial intelligence programming languages LISP and PROLOG by the theory and by the mechanization .

  21. 在科学院,帕基特诺夫的工作是包括诸如人工智能和语言识别的计算机科学研究。

    At the Academy , Pajitnov 's work involved computer science research like artificial intelligence and speech recognition .

  22. 此外,计算语言学与人工智能、语言/专门语言识别、翻译以及语法检查等领域关系密切。

    Computational linguistics , moreover , is closely related to the fields of artificial intelligence , language / speech recognition , translation , and grammar checking .

  23. 支持人工智能问题求解语言DMS通讯设计

    Communication Designation of DMS Supporting Cooperative AI Problem Solving Language

  24. 一种新人工智能程序设计语言ROOP

    A New Artificial Intelligence Programming Language

  25. 人工智能程序设计语言

    Artificial intelligence programming language

  26. 利用人工智能和算法语言的有机结合,较好地实现了磨矿工艺设计过程的计算机化。

    By combining intelligence and algorithmic language effectively , the computerization of the grinding process design has been completed .

  27. 本体作为一种分类学的研究工具在人工智能、计算机语言以及数据库理论中扮演着越来越重要的作用。

    Ontology plays a more and more important role as a tool of classification in the Artificial Intelligence , Computer Language and the theory of Database .

  28. 近几十年来,本体论被应用到计算机领域,并在人工智能、计算机语言和数据库理论中起到越来越重要的作用。

    In the recent decades , ontology is widely applied in computer science field , and functions a lot in AI , computer language and database theory .

  29. 图式理论已广泛运用于人工智能领域和语言研究方面,如阅读理解、听力理解、完形填空、第二外语教学等。

    The schema theory has been widely applied to artificial intelligence and linguistic studies such as reading and listening comprehension , cloze test , foreign . language teaching and so forth .

  30. 在计算机科学领域,麻省理工学院的教授和研究人员作出的贡献基本控制论,人工智能,计算机语言,机器学习,机器人技术和加密技术。

    In the domain of computer science , MIT faculty and researchers made fundamental contributions to cybernetics , artificial intelligence , computer languages , machine learning , robotics , and cryptography .