
rén pǐn
  • character;moral quality;looks;moral standing
人品 [rén pǐn]
  • (1) [character]∶人的品质

  • 人品很好

  • (2) [looks]∶模样

人品[rén pǐn]
  1. 最珍贵的是人品,最长寿的是精神,最壮丽的是青春,最美好的是心灵。

    The most precious one is the moral standing , the most long-lived one is the spirit , the most magnificent one is the youth , the brightest one is the soul .

  2. 塑造高尚的人格魅力,要从人品、气质,道德、能力,人文环境诸方面着手,核心是人生观、价值观。

    And they should be from all aspects , such as the moral standing , makings , morality , ability and human environment etc. And the core is our outlook on life and values .

  3. 她竟敢对他的人品加以诋毁。

    She had dared to cast a slur on his character .

  4. 她的人品怎么样?

    What is she like as a person ?

  5. 他的人品和他的管理技巧同样受到人们的喜爱。

    He was popular as much for his personal qualities as for his management skills .

  6. 现在我有充分的时间去了解他的人品。

    I 've a lot of time for him as a person now

  7. 我非常重视一个人的人品。

    I place a high premium on what someone is like as a person

  8. 说到底,这是人品问题。

    In the final analysis , it 's a matter of honesty .

  9. 她看上了他的人品。

    His personality happened to hit her fancy .

  10. 她的人品正中他意。

    Her person happened to hit his fancy .

  11. 人品最为重要。

    Character is of sovereign importance .

  12. 他的人品令大家敬羡。

    His outstanding character is respected by everyone of us .

  13. 一表人才,而且人品极好。

    Handsome to look at and a perfect gentleman .

  14. 她的能力毫无争议,我担心的是她的人品。

    Her ability is not at issue , it 's her character I 'm worried about .

  15. 约瑟夫,他看清了你的人品,知道你笨得象个猪,无知无识。

    He knows your character , joseph , and is well acquainted with your pig-headedness and ignorance .

  16. 爱德华·费拉尔斯得到她们的好评并不是由于他的人品或谈吐特别出众。

    Edward Ferrars was not recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person or address .

  17. 把我考倒了;我也不懂A:你知道为何像Peter这种没人品的人的女朋友的都那么漂亮呢?

    A : Do you know why a jerk like Peter gets all the pretty girls ?

  18. 结果,我们的购物大脑只使用那些已知的事物:视觉线索、被激发的情绪、货比三家,以及便宜货VS宰人品的较量之感。

    As a result , our shopping brain uses only what is knowable : visual clues , triggered emotions , comparisons , and a sense of bargain versus rip-off .

  19. 可是小薇却没有那么好的RP(人品,在网络火星文中指的是运气的意思)她的老板根本看不懂她写的是什么,并把她狠狠地批了一通。

    But she was out of RP ( renpin ), which means luck in online slang-speak : Her boss confused at reading her notes , gave her a real dressing down .

  20. 可是小薇却没有那么好的RP(人品,在网络火星文中指的是运气的意思)——她的老板根本看不懂她写的是什么,并把她狠狠地批了一通。

    But she was out of " RP " ( renpin ) , which means " luck " in online slang-speak : Her boss confused at reading her notes , gave her a real dressing down .

  21. 我觉得他的人品和能力是很重要的!

    I think that his kind and capability is very impotant .

  22. 人们会喜欢,尊重和信任你的人品。

    People will like , respect , and trust your integrity .

  23. 人品开创事业,精品开拓市场

    Run Business with Virtue and Develop Market with High Quality Products

  24. 知识会给你力量,但人品会为你赢得尊重。-

    Knowledge will give you power , but character respect . -

  25. 他的性格软弱,但人品并不坏。

    He had a weak character , but not an evil one .

  26. 画即是人&人品画品关系的再探讨

    Painting Moral Character Rediscussion of Relationship Between Moral Character and Painting Quality

  27. 他的人品与艺品相互影响,彼此生发,林散之魅力人格影响乃至决定了他的艺术品格,而其人格也在对艺术的不懈追求中得到完善和升华。

    His personality and his artistic character influence each other .

  28. 对诗品与人品关系的论述;

    He discusses the relationship of people 's character and poetic character ;

  29. 在孔子看来,政治的说法是以人品的正直为基础的。

    For Confucius , political honesty is based on individual ethical integrity .

  30. 他指出,有人可以证明他的当事人品性良好,因此恳请减轻处罚。

    He pleaded in mitigation that his client had excellent character references .