
  • 网络contec;CONTAC;CONTAC NT
  1. 他们在我包里发现了许多康泰克药片。这是我准备带给莫斯科的朋友的。

    In my bag they found a lot of Contac pills , which I was taking to a friend in Moscow .

  2. 康泰克、康得等感冒药剂中PPA含量的胶束电动毛细管色谱分析

    Determination of PPA in anti - cold medicines by MECC

  3. 当然可以,我给你拿最好的感冒药“康泰克”。

    I 've caught a cold . I want the cold tablets .

  4. 这时可以带一些康泰克、白加黑。

    By now might bring some well and healthy gram , Bai Jiahei .

  5. 新康泰克、复方氨酚烷胺胶囊过量致儿童精神障碍各1例

    Mental disorders from overdose of compound pseudoephedrine hydrochloride sustained-release capsules or compound paracetamol and amantadine hydrochloride capsules in 1 child respectively

  6. 结合中美史克公司召回康泰克的经验,浅谈企业药品召回管理规范的制定。

    Based on the experience of GSK of their recalling of Contact Capsules , The authors discussed the establishment of recalling Practice of pharmaceutical manufacturers .