
  • 网络Marketing Information Management
  1. 浅谈企业的市场信息管理

    On Enterprises ' Marketing Information Management

  2. 基于Web技术的旅游市场信息管理系统

    A Web based Tourism Market Information Management System

  3. 通过对决策树算法的深入分析,我们围绕着C4.5决策树生成算法建立了一个分类预测系统并实现了与劳动力市场信息管理系统(LMIS)的集成。

    With the thorough analysis on the algorithm of decision tree induction , we established a classification and prediction system based on C4.5 and accomplished the integration with the LMIS system .

  4. 市场信息管理与市场预测系统的总体设计

    Total Design on Market Information Management and Market Forecast

  5. 加强促销;市场信息管理。

    Strengthen the promotion and market information management .

  6. 新型电力需求市场信息管理系统

    New power demand market information management system

  7. 本文提出并实现了一个经济实用的基于计算机网络平台的果品批发交易市场信息管理系统。叙述了系统方案的设计及硬件、软件的具体实施,并介绍了业务处理的几个关键问题。

    The paper introduces one economical network MIS of fruit wholesale market and its software and hardware application .

  8. 在市场信息管理方面,提出了三个第一时间,三个同步理论,这是本文的创新之一。

    As far as the market information management is concerned , the theory called " Three First-Time , Three Synchronizations " is given firstly .

  9. 业务管理、业务职能管理、信息门户管理、安全管理是房地产市场信息管理业务中的重要组成部分。

    Business management , business management functions , information portal management , security management are the important parts of information management business in the real estate market .

  10. 本文主要针对房地产市场信息管理业务进行分析,围绕房地产市场业务开发的一套应用软件系统。

    In this paper , it analyzes the real estate market information management for business , around business development of the real estate market ; it develops a set of application software systems .

  11. 讨论了农产品市场信息管理及预测方法,阐述了农产品市场信息管理与决策支持系统的分析、设计与实现。

    In this paper , the management problems and forecast methods for agricultural produce market are discussed . The design and analysis of a decision support system for agricultural produce market are described .

  12. 本论文研究了在系统的建立过程中,如何应用面向对象技术和数据库技术建立客车制造企业产品和市场信息管理系统,实现数据库管理相关的信息;

    This thesis has a research on how to use the object-orient technology and database technology to establish the passenger car product and market management system during the up-building period , how to realize the database management of correlation information ;

  13. 房地产市场信息管理系统充分发挥了网络资源进行房地产市场信息管理的优势,既经济又方便,提高了房地产市场信息管理的效率和水平。

    The real estate market information management system give full play to the network resources for the real estate market information management advantages , and it is convenient and economical , and it improves efficiency and level of the real estate market information management .

  14. 市场信息资源管理与市场信息系统

    Marketing Information Resources Management in Relation to Marketing Information System

  15. 描述了电力市场综合信息管理平台的若干核心子功能。

    The key functions of integrated information management platform of electricity market are described .

  16. 批发市场信息网络管理系统

    One Network MIS of Fruit wholesale market

  17. 电力市场综合信息管理平台(二)&核心功能的设计与实现

    An Integrated Information Management Platform of Electricity Market Part II : Design and Implementation of Key Functions

  18. 开展抗生素生产过程综合自动化的研究是集生产过程信息、市场信息、管理信息和实验室分析数据等为一体,由计算机进行信息处理,建立有关模型进行优化调控。

    The research on integrated control of antibiotic production process involves manipulating the information about production process , market information , management information and experimental data .

  19. 技术创新不只是一种技术-经济行为,它是由多种创新要素进行复杂的相互作用的结果,这些要素包括:人、技术、资本、原料、市场信息、管理行为,等等。

    Technology innovation is preceded by various factors rather than a kind of technique-economic behavior . These factors include : person , technique , capital , raw material , market information , management behavior , etc.

  20. 对企业市场信息的管理进行了分析和研究,介绍了企业市场信息的来源、收集方法和处理技术,并给出了一个企业市场信息系统的实例。

    The article provides an analysis and research to the management of enterprise market information , introduces the resource , the collecting methods and managing techniques of the enterprise market information and gives us an example of the enterprise market information management system .

  21. 电子商务是基于Internet或局域网、广域网、包括了从销售、市场到商业信息管理的全过程。

    E-commerce is based on the Internet or LAN , WAN , ranging from sales , marketing , business information management to the whole process .

  22. 基于组件的市场交易结算信息管理系统的研究

    Research on Managing System for Market Bargain Information Based on Component

  23. 目标市场信息采集与管理应用系统

    Information acquisition and management-applying system of target market

  24. 文章通过对房地产市场信息透明化管理的分析,提出了土地成本公布的几点疑问以及对土地市场规范发展的影响;

    On the basic of analyzing transparent management of real estate market information , the paper questions the public releasing of land cost in China and discusses its influence on land market standardizing development .

  25. 该文从目标市场信息的采集、管理及应用角度入手,阐述了目标市场信息与管理应用系统的结构组成、信息的类型、软件结构体系及功能模块流程。

    Proceeding from acquisition , management and application of target market information , the paper elaborated the structure form , information type , software structure and function module of target market information and management-applying system .

  26. 建立自己的网站,不仅可以使客户及时了解企业信息并与企业进行交易,而且企业可以根据市场供求信息组织经营管理活动。

    Constructing the Website is not only helping the clients to know enterprise information and make transaction in time , but also can makes business management actions according to the market supply and demand information .

  27. 从市场营销能力、信息管理水平、学习型组织成熟度和知识的存量水平等4个角度,分析了评价企业知识管理绩效水平应考虑的主要因素,建立了关于企业知识管理绩效评价指标体系。

    In this paper , some primary factors of the performance of enterprises KM are analyzed and an index system of KM performance is established by considering some aspects , such as marketing capability , information management , maturity degree of the learning organizations , and knowledge stocks .

  28. 但是,在这一过程中可能存在着两个陷阱&柠檬市场和家族式管理,其对策分别是有效制造和传播正的市场信息与推行科学管理。

    But there are still two traps of lemon market and familial management in the process , and its countermeasures are to make and propagate positive market information effectively and to facilitate scientific management .

  29. 针对电力市场技术支持系统的需求,遵循通用、模块化设计思想,开发了电力市场综合信息管理平台。采用自组织的设计方法,实现了用户、数据和节点的自组织。

    To meet the demands of technique support system for electricity market , a new integrated information management platform for electrical market is developed , which follows the universal and modularized design concept and applies self organization design method to realize the self organization of user , data and node .

  30. 在市场经济大潮中,如何利用先进的计算机网络化管理系统,及时发布企业动态信息,及时接收市场反馈信息,有效管理、处理企业内部各种信息,是任何企业将面临的重要事情。

    In the spring tide of market economy , how to use advanced computer net to manage system , issue enterprise dynamic information , receive market feedback information in time , and manage all kinds of information effectively will be the important thing facing to any enterprise .