
  • 网络market street
  1. 新旧文化在这里并存,充满香薰的寺庙和殖民建筑座落在霓虹市场街道与耀眼的摩天大厦旁。

    Here the old and the new live alongside each other , and incense-filled temples and colonial buildings sit next to neon lit market streets and dazzling skyscrapers .

  2. 市场和街道上挤满了前来做物物交换的人。

    The market-place and street were crowded with those who 'd come to barter

  3. 他还喜欢到市场和街道上闲逛,有一次在伦敦的法灵顿路上捡到一个小提琴,为此他还学了一些课程。

    He also liked to root around in sales and street markets , and picked up a violin in London , on Farringdon Road , for which he took some lessons .

  4. 要了解这个地区,最简单的方式是加进到当地人在市场和街道店铺之间的傍晚散步,和购买一些带有奶茶的街头食品。

    The best way to see the area is to simply join local people on their evening strolls amid the markets and street shops and grab some street food with milk tea .

  5. 城市内部商业市场布局在主要街道上和关城中。

    The City commercial market overall arrangement was at arterial street and in pass city .

  6. 市场上狭窄的街道可能不像往常那么拥挤了,但是那里的大部分工人和商人说,继续进行罢工是一件奢侈的事情,因为他们罢不起工。

    The narrow streets of the marketplace may have been less crowded than usual , but most workers and business owners there said going on strike was a luxury they simply could not afford .