
  1. 双通道侧向扫描声纳这是一条双向交通街道。

    Dual channel side scan sonar This is a two-way street .

  2. 这是一条双向交通街道。路中双向交通分隔带。

    This is a two-way street .

  3. 地方政府的主要工作是组织和提供地方服务,例如医院,学校,图书馆,公共交通,街道卫生,等等。

    Their main job is the organizing and providing of local services , e.g.hospitals , school , libraries , public transport , street-cleaning , etc.

  4. 提出了一种新型、实用的介于常规公共交通和街道外快速轨道交通之间的大众化公共客运交通方式&地面准快速公共交通系统。

    This paper puts forward one kind of new type and practicable passenger transported traffic mode that is between the normal public traffic and street quick way traffic .

  5. 根据街道自身的功能和在城市所起的作用,把街道分为城市交通性街道、城市生活性街道和其它作用的街道空间等几种类型。

    According to its own function and the role which it plays in the city , city streets can be divided into three types : the streets for city transportation , the city life streets and other street space .

  6. 在交通忙碌的街道上开快车,实在是太危险了。

    It 's too dangerous to drive fast on the busy roads .

  7. 穿过交通繁忙的街道时非常小心;谨慎的回答。

    Was careful when crossing the busy street ; gave a careful answer .

  8. 而且,交通事故使街道变成了危险的地方。

    What is more , traffic accidents have made streets become one of the most dangerous places .

  9. 路口交通灯由街道交通研究所指导规划。

    The planning of the junction is based upon directives set out by The Research Institute for Street Transportation .

  10. 你能想象的到不设交通标识的街道吗?欧洲的七个城市和地区正在做这样的尝试,并取得了不错的效果。

    Are streets without traffic signs conceivable ? Seven cities and regions in Europe are giving it a try & with good results .

  11. 在美国的大城市中,许多人匆匆忙忙地驱车来到交通壅塞的街道上,结果是加入了纡缓的车流;

    In large American cities so many people are in a hurry and drive automobiles that traffic in the congested streets goes into slow motion .

  12. 交通流量大的街道对小孩儿很危险。

    A heavy street is a danger to children .

  13. 马产生了交通阻塞,在街道拉马粪,还有马死后街道上马的尸体。

    They created traffic jams , filled the streets with their droppings and , when they died , their carcasses .