
  1. 高职交际礼仪教学中应强调的几个问题

    A Few Issues of Amenities Teaching in Higher Vocational College

  2. 浅析图书馆服务工作中的非语言交际礼仪

    The Non-verbal Communication Ceremony and Propriety in Library 's Service

  3. 商业交际礼仪,是商业文化的一个组成部分。

    The etiquette of social intercourses in business is an important part of the commercial civilization .

  4. 试论商业交际礼仪

    On the Communication Etiquette in Business

  5. 跨文化交际中的礼仪问题与英语教学中的人文教育

    Etiquette Issues and Humanistic Education in English Teaching : An Intercultural Perspective

  6. 礼俗色彩称谓是言语交际中受礼仪制度、民俗文化制约而使用的称谓,带有鲜明的礼俗文化色彩,分为尊称称谓、谦称称谓、贬詈称谓、其他礼俗色彩称谓四类。

    Part one , Appellations related to etiquette and custom . This kind of appellations are used in the speech communication with a distinct culture and custom , which are divided into respectful appellations , modest appellations , cursed appellations , and some other appellations .

  7. 交际文化教学包括语言交际、非语言交际、交际习俗与礼仪、社会结构与人际关系、价值观念等内容。

    It includes verbal communication , nonverbal communication , communicative customs and etiquette , social structure and relations among people , idea of value etc.

  8. 第三章为重点部分,介绍了中英文化差异及跨文化交际中应遵循的规则,包括言语交际,非言语交际和社交礼仪中应注意的问题。

    Chapter 3 is a major part , which introduces cross-cultural differences and different communication rules between Chinese and English speakers , including verbal communication , nonverbal communication and social etiquettes .