
yě zhàn jūn
  • field army
野战军 [yě zhàn jūn]
  • [field army] 指能适应在广大地区机动作战的军队

  1. 这是野战军首长拍来的十万火急的电报。

    This is a signal of the urgent urgency from Field Army Headquarters .

  2. 西北野战军八月下旬转入反攻。

    The Northwest Field Army went over to the offensive late in August .

  3. 此数分配于各野战军和各兵团。

    This total is apportioned among our various field armies and armies .

  4. 不论野战军、地方军、民兵,都是如此。

    This applies to field armies , regional troops and people 's militia .

  5. 关于组建地质野战军的一次抽样调查

    An Investigation by Random Sampling about the Organization of ″ The Geologic Field Army ″

  6. 后来,西北野战军改为第一野战军,辖两个兵团;

    Later , the Northwest Field Army was renamed the first field army , comprising2armies ;

  7. 中原野战军改为第二野战军,辖三个兵团;

    The Central Plains Field Army was renamed the Second Field Army , comprising 3 armies ;

  8. 东北野战军改为第四野战军,辖四个兵团。

    And the Northeast Field Army was renamed the Fourth Field Army , comprising 4 armies .

  9. 第二野战军女子大学体育教育面面观

    Different Aspects on the Physical Education of the Women ′ s University Attached to No.2 Field Army

  10. 我们把分散的游击部队组成了野战军,积累了丰富的作战经验。

    We organized the dispersed guerrilla units into field armies and accumulated a wealth of experience in military operations .

  11. 地质队伍野战军直属队伍建设与管理有关问题的探讨

    A Look at Some Problems Relating to the Construction and Management of the So-called Field Army in Geological Circles

  12. 这使得两支野战军发挥有可能轮流充当战役的主力作用。

    This helped make it possible for the field armies to take turns conducting the main effort for the campaign .

  13. 他说,两个野战军联合在一起,就不是增加一倍力量,而是增加好几倍的力量。

    He said that combining the two field armies would multiply their strength not just by two but several times over .

  14. 华东野战军的内线兵团,从十月初起向胶东地区之敌发起攻势作战。

    In early October the Shantung army of the eastern China Field Army started an offensive against the enemy in eastern shantung .

  15. 仗一打开,我们才开始真正形成野战军的格局,编成纵队。

    It was only after the fighting started that we began to form the second field army , consisting of a few columns .

  16. 各野战军所属兵团、军、师的数目,依各大战略区具体情况而定。

    The number of armies , corps and divisions in each field army differed according to the concrete conditions in each big strategic area .

  17. (五)迅速在西满、东满、北满划分军区和军分区,将军队划分为野战军和地方军。

    Promptly delimit military areas and sub-areas in western , eastern and northern Manchuria and divide our forces into field armies and regional troops .

  18. 发言人着重指出:西北野战军的战斗力,比之去年是空前地提高了。

    The spokesman emphatically pointed out : The combat effectiveness of our Northwest Field Army is far higher than at any time last year .

  19. 在这两次重大军事行动中对两支野战军的应用以及在接下来几周里他们的后续行动,就是所谓的大规模战役法。

    Employing these two field armies in these two major operations and their sequels over a period of several weeks was operational art on a grand scale .

  20. (九三)动战的特点之一,是其流动性,不但许可而且要求野战军的大踏步的前进和后退。

    One of the characteristics of mobile warfare is fluidity , which not only permits but requires a field army to advance and to withdraw in great strides .

  21. 对于长期工作在恶劣的作战环境下的野战军来说,脚气严重影响了他们的生活,给他们带来了很多麻烦。

    For the field army who work in harsh operational environment for long time , the Beriberi seriously affected their lives , and gave them a lot of troubles .

  22. 华野和中野的大部分作战行动是进攻性的,但是为了调动敌军,给随后的攻击创造战机,两支野战军也进行了若干防御性作战。

    Most of the major operations the ECFA and CPFA executed were offensive , but both field armies also carried out defensive operations aimed at creating opportunities for subsequent attacks .

  23. 东北野战军在攻占锦州后,就立即向东北方面回师,从黑山、大虎山南北两翼合围廖耀湘兵团。

    After taking Chinchow , the People 's Liberation Army immediately swung back to the northeast and closed in on Liao 's army from the north and south of Heishan and Tahushan .

  24. 华东野战军在打破敌人的重点进攻以后,其主力部队于八月初挺进鲁西南,九月下旬进入豫皖苏地区。

    The eastern China Field Army thrust into southwestern Shantung early in August after smashing a concentrated attack by the enemy , and in late september , the army went into honan-anhwei-kiangsu area .

  25. 良好的经济条件和军事力量的绝对优势,为东北野战军进行战略决战提供了充分的后勤与军事保障;

    The good economic conditions and the absolute preponderance in military force provide the Northeast Field Army with sufficient guarantee in rear service and military affairs to carry out the strategically decisive engagement ;

  26. 我东北野战军在冬季攻势中,冒零下三十度的严寒,歼灭大部敌人,迭克名城,威震全国。

    In its winter offensive our Northeast Field Army braved bitter cold of 30 degrees below zero , annihilated most of the enemy troops , captured one well-known city after another and won resounding fame throughout the country .

  27. 西北野战军在去年作战中,还只能一次最多歼灭敌人两个旅,此次宜川战役,则已能一次歼灭敌人五个旅。

    In last year 's fighting the Northwest Field Army could destroy at most two enemy brigades at a time ; now in the Yichuan campaign it has been able to wipe out five enemy brigades at one time .

  28. 要求中原野战军担负歼灭十四个旅左右(七月已歼两个旅在内),并攻占鄂豫皖三省若干城市。

    The Central Plains Field Army is required to wipe out about 14 brigades ( including the 1 1 / 2 brigades wiped out in July ) and capture a number of cities in the provinces of Hupeh , Honan and Anhwei .

  29. 这种形势,势必牵动蒋军在南线的一部分部署,首先是牵动其豫陕边境对付我陈、谢野战军的部署。

    This situation is bound to affect some of the dispositions of Chiang Kai-shek 's forces on the southern front and , first of all , his dispositions vis - ? vis our field army under Chen Keng and Hsieh Fu-chih on the Honan-Shensi border .