
yě wān dòu
  • vetch;bush vetch;tare;wood-vetch
野豌豆 [yě wān dòu]
  • [vetch] 巢菜的通称

野豌豆[yě wān dòu]
  1. 欧洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。

    European vetch much cultivated as forage and cover crops .

  2. 在补播研究中发现火前补播能够大幅度提高野豌豆的出苗率,从而改善植被结构并提高草地产量和饲用价值,从另一个侧面佐证了火能够改变植物群落结构的事实;

    We found the seed before fire can improve the germination rate of vetch greatly , and improve the vegetation structure and increase grassland output and feeding value . On the other hand , we confirmed that fire can change the community structure .

  3. 应用长柔毛野豌豆凝集素(VVL)粘附法,从小鼠脾中分离出对VVL有结合特异性的细胞(VV~+细胞)。

    A cell population which could adhere to Vicia Villosa lectin ( VVL ) was separated from mouse spleen cells .

  4. 青绿饲料为田间收割获得,主要成分为紫云英、野豌豆和苜蓿等。通过切碎按0%,5%,10%,15%,20%和25%添加量替代基础日粮直接饲喂,试验期为50d。

    The chicken fed on the diets containing astragalus sinicus , wild pea and alfalfa in the proportion of 0 % , 5 % , 10 % , 20 % and 25 % replacing basal diets for 50 days .

  5. 青海野豌豆属植物及根瘤菌资源的研究

    Study on the resources of Vicia and its rhizobium in Qinghai

  6. 本文还对野豌豆属染色体进化的有关问题进行了讨论。

    Some questions about the chromosomal evolution of Vicia are also discussed .

  7. 野豌豆属新分类群

    The new testing field New starting point NEW TAXA OF VICIA LINN

  8. 人体长绒毛野豌豆凝集素受体阳性细胞的形态与功能

    Morphology and function of human T cell subsets with Vicia villosa lectin receptor

  9. 内蒙古野豌豆属7种2变种染色体核型研究

    Karyotype Studies on 7 Species and 2 Varieties of Vicia from Nei Mongol

  10. 广布野豌豆裂荚影响因素与裂荚日动态研究

    Studies of factors that influence the daily dynamics of pod dehiscence in Vicia cracca

  11. 温带地区的一种常见的多年生野豌豆属植物,有密集细长的花丛。

    Common perennial climber of temperate regions of Eurasia and North America having dense elongate clusters of flowers .

  12. 野生、半野生和栽培大豆的单核苷酸多态性温带地区的一种常见的多年生野豌豆属植物,有密集细长的花丛。

    Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in G.soja , G.gracilis and G.max ; common perennial climber of temperate regions of Eurasia and North America having dense elongate clusters of flowers .